Entries in patch 3. (1)
Quest History in Patch 3.3
There is a major API call available in patch 3.3 that has gone under the radar of major WoW blogs. From the PTR patch notes:
You can now query for a list of completed quests with "QueryQuestsCompleted()" then wait for the "QUEST_QUERY_COMPLETE" event, and call "getQuestsCompleted(<luatable>)".
Currently there is no way to tell what quests you have completed unless you use an addon to track that data for you, and if you ever reinstall or move computers that data is lost. Addons like QuestHelper contain a huge database of quests and quest data, but without a way to tell which quests you have completed, they can only use your quest log to recommend paths for completing quests. With this data, addons can suggest quests to pick up, direct players to quest hubs, and more. Imagine opening your world map and seeing where all the quest-givers are and what they can offer. With the new built-in quest tracker in patch 3.3, this could be the saving grace of quest tracking addons.
In addition, this is an awesome addition for players like myself who are trying to complete The Seeker and The Loremaster. Tracking down quests that start from dropped items or trying to figure out where you left off in a long chain is a pain. Addons utilizing this API call will be a huge boon to players.
How do you hope addons will use this function?