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Quest History in Patch 3.3

There is a major API call available in patch 3.3 that has gone under the radar of major WoW blogs. From the PTR patch notes:

You can now query for a list of completed quests with "QueryQuestsCompleted()" then wait for the "QUEST_QUERY_COMPLETE" event, and call "getQuestsCompleted(<luatable>)".

Currently there is no way to tell what quests you have completed unless you use an addon to track that data for you, and if you ever reinstall or move computers that data is lost. Addons like QuestHelper contain a huge database of quests and quest data, but without a way to tell which quests you have completed, they can only use your quest log to recommend paths for completing quests. With this data, addons can suggest quests to pick up, direct players to quest hubs, and more. Imagine opening your world map and seeing where all the quest-givers are and what they can offer. With the new built-in quest tracker in patch 3.3, this could be the saving grace of quest tracking addons.

In addition, this is an awesome addition for players like myself who are trying to complete The Seeker and  The Loremaster. Tracking down quests that start from dropped items or trying to figure out where you left off in a long chain is a pain. Addons utilizing this API call will be a huge boon to players.

How do you hope addons will use this function?

Reader Comments (12)

I just hope Blizz puts it in the game without addons needed. That way, you will not need to reinstall it every patch.

And to all of the firsters out there, YOU'VE BEEN BLOCKED!!!

October 15, 2009 | Unregistered Commenter4Khazmodan

While I thought the "It's Over 9000" achievement was hilarious, what grabbed my attention the most was that little line concerning quest tracking. This cannot come soon enough, as it will be such a godsend for players wanting Loremaster and other quest-related information.

October 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlayea

3RD!!!!!! take taht

October 15, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

It's about time. I still need 27 more quests for Kalimdor, 9 more in Nagrand, 6 more in Blade's Edge Mountains, and 23 in Icecrown... but I did get the Seeker title.... I can't wait!!!

October 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSpikolie

I liked the way that the quests were broken down by zones for Outland and Northrend, but missing 27 quests for Kalimdor would be frustrating in the extreme, and too vague to follow up.

I guess they didn't bother counting the quests available to each faction and then available to particular classes in the Old World as they knew it would be changing for Cata.

My main is only a couple of hundred away from Seeker, but tracking down those last quests in the Old World will be a nightmare.

October 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPegraath

6th! BOOYAA!

October 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDaemonbane

On a random note... is Itza's previous post not able to be viewed by others? It comes up blank for me whenever I try to load it.

October 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEventime

I must say, this is a very welcome change, though I know it will be only for addons for a while before blizz actually uses it for a in game gimp version of an addon (much like they did with in game VoIP and teamspeak/vent, and what they had for the quest tracker during a recent PTR before they pulled it last minute compared to its questhelper counterpart)... something basic that eliminates the "need" for such addons/out of game programs yet not as good as the addons making the addons still a better option but not "required".

The two addon's that I can see using this change to its potential are QuestHistory (of course), and Mobmap... both these addon's currently keep track of what you have completed or in mobmaps case not completed, yet both are very limited to the fact of the changing computers, clean install, or old alt that you played long before you got the addon makes it not know what has(or hasn't) been done yet since it currently can only know from what has been completed since you installed the addon on your current computer.

Looking forward to these two addons being much more functional expecialy mobmap since thats the one that tells you what quests you still have for that zone rather then what you have already done.

October 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEgma


Thanks for the report, its now fixed. It had to do with our new macro category messing up the url.

October 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHeartbourne

I am very happy about this change. However, it is a tad bittersweet as I finally obtained both Seeker and Loremaster last week.

Oh well. This is like the time I explored ALL of azeroth and outlands before acheivements came out. I just like an explored map.

October 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRiss

Patch 3.3 is just getting better and better. ^^

I'm only about 100 quests (in total across old world and Outland) off Loremaster. I know where to get them for the Eastern Kingdoms and the 3 or so for Blades Edge Mountains, but no idea for the 50 or so left to go in Kalimdor.

Once it gets integrated with Mobmap I'll get that addon, seeing as it's far too late to get it as I stand atm.

October 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDyra

I'm sorry, I don't seem to understand how to use this information. Where would you type: "QueryQuestsCompleted()" ? And, are there any other instructions you need to place before it? I guess that you assume that your readers already understand something about LUA. I, unfortunately, do not understand all I know about it. Anyway, I would love to take advantage of this information, I just need more of it :) Please, let me know how to call this information up in-game.

February 18, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterXanderian

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