Entries in the undying (1)

The Trials of The Undying

Achievements are many things, they are fun ways to pass time, they are ways to show off some accomplishments, but there are just a few that seem to carry a little bigger meaning. These achievements are truly achievements, and they are not easy. Tonight I will start my 3rd week of working on such an achievement: The Undying. And let me tell you, it is unlike anything I’ve worked toward in this game before. For those of you that are unfamiliar with the achievement it reads like this: “Within one raid lockout period, defeat every boss in Naxxramas on Normal Difficulty without allowing any raid member to die during any of the boss encounters.” Or in other words, it demands absolute perfection from every member of the raid. As we learned the hard way, even the tiniest misstep will end the entire attempt. First time we tried this we had zero deaths up until Kel’Thuzad where a Soul Weaver knocked back a death knight into a void zone just as it went off. It was heart breaking. The worst part about this achievement is that as the run goes on the more stressful it becomes, and if you happen to be the unlucky one to take the first dirt nap you really feel that you let down your friends. I’m sure it is not a good feeling (fortunately I do not know this firsthand). All of this is why I say that going for the Undying is unlike anything else in the game. It's tough, it's emotional, and its unforgiving. Luck plays very little role as you must play well for the entire run. For all its stress, I think it is great. If you see someone with the title, you know you are looking at a strong player, and likely one that was not carried by his friends. I plan to continue work until I have earned this one, and a true “grats” to any of you that have already done it.

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