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Trial Of The Crusader Is Making Me Poor!

I'll tell you right off the bat that I'm not much of an economist. I don't play the Auction House, I don't farm for things to sell, and I only do dailies on occasion (usually if I'm determined to raise my reputation with a certain faction). With the guild vault taking care of most of my raiding bills, I don't usually have a whole lot else to spend money on aside from sending gold to an alt every once in awhile, and that's almost always repaid by the time they hit Level 80, themselves.

I've sat, more or less comfortably, around 4000 gold since Wrath of the Lich King launched. That is, until now. Trial of the Crusader, in all of its incarnations, has made me dirt poor!

Just two nights ago, I finally got the main-hand dagger I'd been looking for, Gouge of the Frigid Heart, off of Twin Val'kyr in 25-man. My guild's core group also likes to run 10-man Heroic on their own time, and wouldn't you know it? Nemesis Blade drops off the very same boss. Now, Nemesis Blade is ever-so-slightly better than Gouge of the Frigid Heart, but I'd already gone and spent 7-800 gold on enchanting it with Berserkering and I honestly didn't have the money left to do it again. So, for now, the superior dagger sits in my bank, completely unused.

I have a feeling that I'm not the only one experiencing this, and it strikes me as something of an unintended side effect. With Heroic versions of standard-level loot and three different kinds of Tier gear, it's not impossible to find an immediate upgrade each and every time you run Trial of the Crusader. Don't get me wrong; I can certainly appreciate raid content that I can clear in less than an hour with the right group, but it's really a double-edged sword. Cutting to the heart of the matter, the wealth of equipment combined with the "speediness" of the content has led me to spend far more gold than I'm actually making.

In the past, with dungeons like Naxxramas and Ulduar, gear came at a slow and steady pace, so all of the money I slowly absorbed through the raids themselves and selling drops was able to account for all the upgrades I needed to purchase (and, as only one of two Rogues in my guild, I got new pieces more often than most). They were longer instances, with more trash and bosses to deal with. And then came ToC. The ability to run four separate versions of the instance, with loads of potential upgrades from each and badges raining down upon me from the heavens, I have had to enchant and gem more gear in a short amount of time than I ever have in the past.

In some ways, I'm happy that Icecrown Citadel is returning to a more traditionally-styled raid. It'll provide me with the a little bit of extra time to mend my pockets and rebuild my (admittedly meager) fortune from scratch, but I'm still going to have to overcome the lump of initial upgrades first, assuming that even the first bosses drop loot superior to what I'm wearing now.

Until then, it looks like I'm going to have to stack up on Argent Tournament dailies and hope for the best!

What about you, readers? Do you find yourselves with empty pockets after a few trips into the Coliseum?

Reader Comments (11)

I kind of feel that way. I spent 600g in like 2 hours from gems trying to work out my dps set what with balancing my hit rating. Of course, i still have 3.9k but it saddens me to be on a downward decline. Also, blasted flasks are sucking me dry since i started a weekly ulduar 10 and 25 which adds to my repair which i have to take care of. Dailies dont get me much money so I just farm saronite and Titansteel. My real goal is to get that bloody chopper, however i know it wont happen anytime soon.

October 15, 2009 | Unregistered Commentergrandobsidian

When it comes to gem-cost, all i do is buy them from my honor which i make in Wintergrasp :D

October 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTreizeEU

600G on gems??? How?

Run Wintergrasp a couple of times. Do the weeklies there, spend the honor points...

OR spend Emblems...

OR buy/mine the Alchemical mats and get them Transmuted by a guildie or alt...

Or whine about spending 600G.

October 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPegraath

No money problems here, I try to farm herbs in WG and Sholazar an hour a day and with it I make flasks to put on AH. Still have 6k atm and 10 stacks of flasks ready to sell so that's basicly an other 6k sitting in the bank

October 16, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbarduck

Your doing it wrong. Don't buy gems off AH, use those conquest badges you get while messing around doing the heroic dailys to buy gems and have a guildy cut them. Next your enchanting mats should come pretty easy from the guild if you guys are DEing like we are our GB has about 8 stacks of abys and rows of infinite dust. We sell to guildies at 1/2 of AH prices to keep money in the GB for repairs. I have done my staff/dagger switch so many times it's not funny but I spent maybe a couple hundred gold each time so no big deal.

October 16, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterpauldy

No excuses for lazyness my friend. With sooo many ways to make money these days, it shouldn't be too difficult to take half an hour out of each day to make a couple hundred gold.

BTW you are actually having to spend money on enchants? Being that your guild allows you to use the guild vaults money for repairs, I am suprised that they don't provide the mats.

October 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTogarox

Gotta love that 10.000 honor = 1 gem.
20 emblems = 1 gem.

October 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDr. Jones

I have had my fair share of ToC on my Hunter, but unlike Amatera I do play the AH, I do run dailies during off periods, and I do perform the mindless grind of farming every so often.

It takes a little more time, but considering I raid 3-4 times a week, the rest of the time is spent increasing my finances.

As a result I have amassed a comfortable hoard of gold to ensure that repairs, enchants and gems are possible at any given time.

This is something that is wholly necessary in this game to ensure you're not that poor sap in a main city calling out for a loan or free stuff.

October 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterOmbrenoire

Not all the gems are 10K honor; not all the gems are 20 Emblems either.

And 20 badges is only 5 or so heroics. AN 20 mins max, UK 20 mins, VH 20 mins. VoA 20 mins early in the raiding week at peak time.

October 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPegraath

being i am clothy i dont worry about repair bills i went i am JCer so i dont worry about gems i dont have any epic gems true but i think they are jsut a rip of i am not paying 200g for 4 more spellpower or 5 more hit rating

October 16, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

BTW doing WG even if you compeltyly suck at it and do the weekly you can usualy get 3 gems then post trade LF JC to cut so and so and whispers will flood in tips owcurse apreciated

October 16, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

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