
Blacksmiths are known for creating powerful weapons, mail armor, and plate armor. They can also make other useful items for enhancing those items such as sharpening stones, weight stones, and shield spikes. Blacksmithing is very useful to mail and plate wearing classes, as well as any class that uses melee weapons. This is one of the most difficult and expensive trade skills to level to 375, and also one of the more difficult ones to make money with. Although there are a few ways to generate income, this should not be the primary objective considered when taking blacksmithing. [tab:Shopping List]

Approximate Materials Required

Rough Stone x 90
Coarse Stone x 20
Copper Bar x 320
Silver Bar x 5
Bronze Bar x 150
Heavy Stone x 180
Gold Bar x 5
Iron Bar x 200
Green Dye x 30
Steel Bar x 380
Solid Stone x 80
Mithril Bar X 270 (+40 for Armorsmith)
Mageweave Cloth x 90
Dense Stone x 20
Core of Earth x 20 (Armorsmith only)
Heart of Fire x 40 (Weaponsmith only)
Thorium Bar x 390
Fel Iron Bar X 145 (+160 for Aldor)
Adamantite Bar x 90
Netherweave Cloth x 45
Primal Water x 70 (Aldor only)
Primal fire x 60 (Aldor only)
Hardened Adamantite Bar x 40 (Scryer only)
Arcane Dust x 160 (Scryer only)
Large Prismatic Shard x 40 (Scryer only)
[tab:Leveling] 1-25 | 25-45 | 45-75 | 75-80 | 80-100 | 100-105 | 105-125 | 125-150 | 150-155 | 155-165 | 165-185 |185-200 |200-210 | 210-215 | 215-235 | 235-250 | 250-260 | 260-270 | 270-295 | 295-300 | 300-305 | 305-320 | 320-325 | 325-330 | 330-335 | 335-340 | 340-350 | 350-360 | 360-375 [tab:Complementary professions]


Almost a necessity to afford the cost of leveling up blacksmithing as a low level character, mining will allow a blacksmith to collect many of the materials needed for plans. Products of mining are also highly sought after by other Blacksmiths, Engineers, and Jewelcrafters.


Picking up enchanting along with blacksmithing will allow one character to make uncommon, rare, or epic items which may not sell well on the auction house and disenchant them into something that will make him more money than vendoring the item. Also, any time an enchanter finds an upgrade to a soulbound item, he can disenchant it, again for a larger profit than an NPC would give him. Additionally, this will allow the blacksmith to make his own enchanting rods from raw materials. [tab:Money] While some recipes are restricted to blacksmiths only, such as Master Axesmith, Hammersmith, and Swordsmith products, blacksmiths can create some useful pieces of armor and weapons for others as well. Raiding blacksmiths should be able to pick up some great epic recipes for BoE items that are very good money makers. Other than those, enchanters will continuously need new rods while leveling up, so there is usually demand for those items. Blacksmiths can create sets of BoE gear with high amounts of resistance to certain schools of magic. These are used by raiding guilds in some encounters. If you can find a guild who needs these, you can craft them for profit. In addition, shield spikes, weightstones, sharpening stones, and weapon chains are also great ways to make money, especially since weightstones and sharpening stones are consumables used often by raiders. [tab:END]

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Seventy Number Two

Warlock 2I have finally leveled my second character to 70! Xenophontos is everyone's favorite type of character to kill, a Gnome Warlock. This ding wasn't as exciting as Juggynaut, but I got to re-experience buying my final skills and a slow flying mount. Right after that, I dropped mining, sent all my ore to another character, and picked up Tailoring. I must say our Tailoring Guide is great for power leveling it up. I do need more Netherweave Cloth in order to max it, though. For now, I have begun working on Xeno's Frozen Shadoweave set in order to look like every other warlock out there. After I finish that, I'll finish collecting enough leather and then I'm going to level up Leatherworking, since our guild seems to have a shortage. Plus, drums are awesome. I have so much work to do now that I've finished leveling!

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Enchanters can enhance weapons and armor to become more potent and useful to their owners. These enchants can increase base stats, the effectiveness of spells , or even things like a player's run speed. In order to enchant items, an enchanter needs materials which come from disenchanting uncommon or higher quality items, breaking down the item into usable dusts, essences, and shards. An enchanter can also craft oils for weapons which can temporarily increase spell damage, healing, or mp5. This is an expensive trade skill to level up, especially while leveling a first character, but is also useful due to self only ring enchants and the ability to disenchant one's own soulbound items for more money than vendoring. [tab:Shopping List]

Approximate Materials Required

Strange Dust x 180
Soul Dust x 90
Vision Dust x 170
Dream Dust x 300
Illusion Dust x 146
Arcane Dust x 645
Lesser Magic Essence x 15
Greater Magic Essence x 25
Lesser Astral Essence x 15
Greater Astral Essence x 2
Lesser Mystic Essence x 25
Greater Mystic Essence x 2
Lesser Nether Essence x 15
Greater Nether Essence x 25
Greater Eternal Essence x 8
Greater Planar Essence x 96
Small Brilliant Shard x 4
Large Brilliant Shard x 8
Large Prismatic Shards x 128
Shadowgem x 1
Iridescent Pearl x 1
Black Pearl x 1
Golden Pearl x 1
Purple Lotus x 40
Crystal Vial x 20
Nightmare Vine x 10
Imbued Vial x 10
Copper Rod x 1
Silver Rod x 1
Golden Rod x 1
Truesilver Rod x 1
Arcanite Rod x 1
Fel Iron Rod x 1
Adamantite Rod x 1
Primal Might x 1
[tab:Leveling] It is possible to reach up to 60 skill with disenchanting. This is by far the cheapest way to get these skill points, since materials will be acquired while leveling. 1-2 | 2-75 | 75-85 | 85-100 | 100-101 | 101-105 | 105-120 | 120-130 | 130-150 | 150-151 | 151-160 |160-165 |165-180 | 180-200 | 200-201 | 201-205 | 205-225 | 225-235 | 235-245 | 245-250 | 250-270 | 270-290 | 290-291 | 291-300 |300-301 |301-305 | 305-315 | 315-325 | 325-335 | 335-340 |340-345 |345-350 | 350-351 |351-360 |360-370 | 370-375 [tab:Complementary professions]


A common pairing profession for enchanters is tailoring. Since it has no real gathering profession required to collect materials, many tailors choose to pick up enchanting as another crafting profession. Enchanting is also useful to tailors since it is possible to disenchant products from tailoring for a lower net cost of raising the skill. This is generally an expensive pair of professions to have, since leveling either requires a large amount of materials.


Using a gathering profession to offset the cost of leveling up a crafting profession is not uncommon. Since enchanting has no associated gathering profession, taking mining will allow an enchanter to sell ore and bars for profit in order to afford materials for enchants. Additionally, creating bars for a blacksmith to turn into a rod will save the enchanter some level of investment.


Similar to taking mining, herbalism will allow the enchanter to sell herbs in order to make money for enchanting materials. A few herbs are used in the different oil recipes, also. [tab:Money] It is possible to find cheap items on the Auction House to disenchant, selling the materials gained for a profit. This requires either an addon which can give you the approximate value when disenchanted (such as Enchantrix), or a good knowledge of the price of materials and disenchanting probabilities. Similarly, limited items from vendors can be disenchanted for a profit. For example, if your faction has control of Halaa, purchase [The Sharp Cookie] and disenchant it for cheap materials. Otherwise, some of the most commonly desired enchants are Bracers - Assault, Brawn, Fortitude Spellpower, Superior Healing, Boots - Boar's Speed, Cat's Swiftness, Dexterity, Fortitude, Surefooted; Chest - Exceptional Stats, Major Resilience; Gloves - Major Healing, Major Spellpower, Major Strength, Spell Strike, Superior Agility; Weapon - Executioner, Major Agility, Major Healing, Major Spellpower, Mongoose, Savagery, Soulfrost. If you manage to get your hands on any of the rare drops, keep an eye on the trade channel for people looking for that enchant and advertise it as well. Finally, wizard oil and mana oil have constant demand from raiders as well. [tab:END]

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Mage Mages play key roles in groups as a high DPS class. They are able to cast powerful spells on their enemies, conjuring balls of flame, ice, or arcane energy. Other than doing a lot of damage, mages provide allies with intellect buffs, portals to cities, and conjured food and water. Mages are also very good at getting themselves out of sticky situations with the use of a short range teleport and many abilities to snare and root enemies.

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Paladins are a versatile hybrid class that are able to fill a number of roles including tanking, healing, and DPS. They rely heavily on melee attacks that are complimented with holy damage. They use a system of seals and judgments to buff themselves and debuff their opponents. They are also able to cast a number of useful group buffs including a number of blessings and auras. They are essentially holy warriors that can wear plate in the end-game and are one of the best support classes in the game.

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Engineers create a number of useful and fun items that are among the most powerful in the game. Not only can engineers craft guns, ammo, and scopes, but also they can make some of the best head pieces in the game, items that teleport the user, Goblin Jumper Cables (and the XL version) which can resurrect people, repair bots, and even flying mounts. Most items created by engineering are only useful to engineers, however. [tab:Shopping List]

Approximate Materials Required

Rough Stone x 90
Course Stone x 80
Heavy Stone x 75
Solid Stone x 90
Dense Stone x 50
Wooden Stock x 10
Weak Flux x 30
Heavy Leather x 50
Wool Cloth x 10
Mageweave Cloth x 10
Runecloth x 35
Copper Bar x 55
Silver Bar x 10
Bronze Bar x 55
Iron Bar x 20
Coal x 5
Steel Bar x 5
Mithril Bar x 130
Thorium Bar x 340
Fel Iron Bar x 255
Felsteel Bar x 10
Khorium Bar x 70
Hardened Adamantite Bar x 45
Mote of Fire x 12
Mote of Earth x 24
Heavy Knothide Leather x 20
Deep Peridot x 10
Small Prismatic Shard x 10
Dawnstone x 30
Netherweave Cloth x 25
[tab:Leveling] 1-40 | 40-50 | 50-51 | 51-65 | 65-75 | 75-95 | 95-105 | 105-120 | 120-125 | 125-145 | 145-150 |150-175 |175-176 | 176-190 | 190-195 | 195-205 | 205-210 | 210-225 | 225-235 | 235-245 | 245-250 | 250-260 | 260-290 | 290-300 |300-310 |310-320 | 320-335 | 335-350 | 350-355 | 355-360 |360-375 |360-375 | 360-375 [tab:Complementary professions]


Mining supplies many of the raw materials needed to craft items with engineering. For this reason, it is an excellent pairing profession for Engineers especially on a first character while leveling up.


A few schematics use leather, but not nearly as many as metal from mining. However, if an engineer has a mining alt, leatherworking can be useful to supply the leather necessary for crafting those items.


Again, only truly viable if the engineer has either a lot of money or an alt with mining, jewelcrafting will allow one to create some very useful jewelry, and at higher levels, gems for socketing equipment. [tab:Money] Since most engineering items require engineering to use, it may be difficult to make money with the skill. However, there are still a few options for picking up a few coins. Guns and ammunition are some of the best sellers for engineers. There are some very good gun schematics, and crafted shot is better than common ammo available from vendors, which makes both desirable, especially to hunters. Scopes are also the only available enhancement for ranged weapons, so they also sell well to hunters. There are also some quests that need items that only engineers can make. Some such items are Bronze Tube (Alliance), Deadly Blunderbuss (Horde), Gyrochronatom, Advanced Target Dummy, Mithril Casing, and Hi-Explosive Bomb. Lastly, some other fun items that players like to purchase are Goblin Rocket Boots, or non-combat pets like the Mechanical Squirrel Box. One extremely useful and profitable item for Engineers to create is a Mote Extractor, which can be used in the Outlands in conjunction with a pair of goggles to farm many Primal Air, Water, Shadow, and Mana in a relatively short amount of time. The goggles will make the clouds visible on the minimap, which will make farming go much faster. [tab:END]

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The Priest Class is one of the most rewarding classes in World of Warcraft. As a primary healer class, they are the medic in the field of battle, rushing to allies' sides to heal them in the heat of battle. In instances and raids, they become a vital piece to a functioning group, for without heals others have no chance at survival against Azeroth's powerful bosses. Besides healing, priests can deal shadow damage and become a dark figure with rather good DPS capabilities.

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Herbalists are able to pick herbs which are the main component of most Alchemy recipes. Upon learning Apprentice Herbalism, a character is able to use Find Herbs to view nearby herb nodes on the minimap. In the Outlands, characters with sufficient herbalism can use the skill to "skin" certain enemies, such as bog lords, which can come in handy sometimes. Motes of Life can also be found while picking herbs, as well. [tab:Leveling] Pick every herb you see. More herbs means more chances at skill ups, money, rare herbs, and motes. 1-50 | 50-70 | 70-100 | 100-115 | 115-125 | 125-160 | 160-185 | 185-205 | 205-230 | 230-250 |250-270 |270-300 | 300-330 | 330-350 | 350-375

[tab:Complementary professions]


Since the main use of herbs is in Alchemy, it is the most useful crafting profession to take with Herbalism.


On a first character, Skinning and Herbalism is a good pair for making money, since all of the materials can be sold. Skinning is also ideal because it doesn't have a tracking skill (except for hunters) so Find Herbs can be active at all times.


Not ideal for farming since two tracking skills cannot be active at the same time, Mining and Herbalism has the potential to make loads of money as well. However, all of the ore and herbs will take up a lot of bag space.


Mana and Wizard oils take herbs for creation, and selling off any extra herbs is a good way to fund the leveling process of enchanting, as well. [tab:Money] There are many useful herbs that can be sold for hefty sums. Felweed is always in demand because it is used in many potions. Terocone is easy to find in Terokkar Forest and is one of the more expensive herbs. Nightmare Vine is also a very high value herb. It can be found only in Shadowmoon Valley and sometimes gives Nightmare Seed, which is extremely useful. Ancient Lichen is found in Auchindoun and Coilfang Reservoir, and also sells very well. Killing and using herbalism on the Bog Lords and Giants in Zangarmarsh is also a great way to farm for Primal Life, which are used in many different recipes and can sell for a good amount of gold. This will also yield a lot of Unidentified Plant Parts and Bog Lord Tendril, which have some demand on the AH, but can also just be vendored for a good amount of money. A great way to finding herbs is to use an addon that keeps track of spawn locations for herbs, such as Gatherer or Cartographer. [tab:END]

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Kara Love!

Well it finally happened. After a few uneventful trips into Karazhan I got the drop day. We actually had a ton of world drop Epics including my new, yes I know they're for druids, feet Zierhut's Lost Treads. Also I was able to land Malchazeen for my PvP dagger spec... very nice! Oh and Maiden dropped these little bad boys, Bracers of Maliciousness. So it was a good day :) Oh yeah and this off of Chess... Mithril Chain of Heroism... too many Epics in one run? No on your life!!! - Dr Dark

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Leveling A Mage... Again...

Mage Armor Yes. I am leveling a mage... again. Why you ask. Well I suppose it's a few different reasons. 1. My guild split up and that sucked. 2. 'Old' content is still fun. 3. I can do it better the second time around. This time I'll actually pick a quicker path and use addons to help me. For the first 30 levels or so of my first character, I had no idea about addons. None. Now they are so essential to game play, especially in end-game encounters, that I can't believe I did 30 levels without them. So go get some addons and level up a new toon. You now you want to

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