Your Dark Place In The World
Posted by
Bastosa on
Thursday, October 2, 2008 -
57 Comments Tags:
never again,
shadow labyrinth,

Today I want to flip that. I will tell you right now there is an instance I flat out REFUSE to step foot in. Ask anyone in my guild, you can't pay me to go in there. The instance I'm talking about is Slabs (or The Shadow Labyrinth, if you prefer).
There are several reasons I hate this place, but you can pretty much chalk it up to two really bad experiences. For quite a while I skated along running it every so often, no major issues to speak of. Then I had the run that will live in infamy.
I was just killing some time one random afternoon, so I gathered up a group of friends (including DrDark, who now loves Slabs about as much as I do) and decided to knock out a quick instance run. Things started okay, then it happened. We wiped no less that 15 times on Grandmaster Vorpil. Chalk it up to inexperience, flawed strat, or whatever. The point is it was utterly painful! Four hours later we finally made our way to Murmur. Another 8-10 wipes and we just called it. This group was fairly skilled, and stubborn as all hell, but we finally just had to cut our losses and move on with our lives. You can finish Kara in less time!
I was at a bit of a loss for why the run was so bad, but It was at that moment I swore off Slabs, I felt like I didn't really need to put myself through that again...
Alas, probably 4 months later I was starting to get pretty well geared and was working on my TK attunement quests. Guess where it sends me? Heroic Slabs. Oh Joy.
I thought about this for a while, Slabs couldn't be near as bad as I remember right? What the hell, lets do this thing! So we did. I was a much better player, and put together a pretty impressive group.
So in we go, thinks were going smooth until Blackheart the Inciter. Then all hell breaks loose. 6-7 wipes on Blackheart, at least 10 on Vorpil, and 5 on Murmur. I don't know if we were having an off day, but it was another 4 hour run from hell. It was that point I swore to myself, and meant it, no more Slabs, NEVER AGAIN.
This time I've stuck to it, and I never see myself going back. In fact it's become the big joke in the guild whenever Slabs pops up as the heroic daily. "Bast will tank! He loves Slabs!" Har har, my response has become canned "never again."
I'm hoping I'm not the only one who has this strong of feelings against an instance. There is no other instance in the game I mind running, and I rarely wipe in heroics at all, but something about Slabs just sends chills down my spine. Do you guys have any hellish experiences to share, or any instances that you flat refuse to run? I completely understand if you do, trust me.
Reader Comments (57)
i hate kara, yes i said it i really do the only thing i like in kara is the chess event and ns (netherspite)
and what normal instance/heroic instance well there is really not on that i hate but then one i like less then all the others is sv (steamvault)
Slabs is not so bad, its pretty easy with a good group.
Now Auchenai crypts, thats my dark place. I'm never even going back in there. Even with the best peeps on my server we tend 2 wipe. Done it as a healer, tank and dps. Its always the same outcome.
I'm with you on Slab.
The first bunch of it I have no problem with, even on heroic.
But from Vorpil to Murmur, trash included, it's difficult to not wipe because of some things that can't be avoided.
Vorpil always seems to have his adds piled up on his port spot even though we're dragging him like normal.
Trash on the way to Murmur isn't as bad, although the tank is usually too full of himself to say it's his fault for pulling too much trash and blaming it on my sapping one.
Murmur is more difficult because you can't accurately measure his hitbox when you're anticipating the sonic boom.
Ramparts heroic sucks too, Omor the unscarred gets to me since we usually near-wipe with one or 2 players being left who kill him then full wipe since they can't focus on the adds that are left.
And usually when pugging it on Vazruden the tank is just an airhead who in his mind must be thinking if he stands in the fire he gets a huge bonus to avoidance.
The only time I never wipe in groups though is on my shammy or pally healing, pugged healers who are not me just don't do well ever.
My most hellish inst experience is Black Rock Depths.
When we (Mr. Hunter and Mr. Warlock) tried to pug it, it took us 3 hours to get a group.
Then it takes 1-5 minutes to the group to break.
The reason:
1. The healer (a priest) couldn't walk right TO the instance and was probably a bot or a really retarded kid. He just kept falling to the lava and didn't know how to rez.
2. People falling to the lava. One guys falls in, another goes to see, and whoops! joins him.
3. Noob ppl. The healer doesn't heal right, the tank is a dps druid, the dps aggroes Cross and Moon instead of firing at Skull.
It was hell. We went like this for a week, about 10 wipes, and GOD knows how many miss spent hours. This is where we just decided to skip this shit, and level on.
The problem was there were a lot of good quests in BRD. We did manage to get about 1/10 of the instance once, and the Hammer-quest gave me 10k exp.
The only time the run was succesful was when our lvl 70 friend decided to boost us halfway, then leaving.
Black Rock Depths is on of those longest instances (about 5 hours if you don't wipe).
Not really too bothered with any instances... only one i dont like is ST.. i was around lvl 49 when i did it the first time.. i thought "hey theres a group for it in LFM, lets just give it a go".. went in there.. after about 3 hours, a few wipes, and no good drops, i had a feeling i would never go there again - however i was wrong. the very next lvl, my warlock quest (as im a warlock :D) took me there again... i know ST might not be all that bad for some people, but bloody hell, im never taking any alts through there!
I got a couple that i won't touch again.
1.Walling Caverns- I have run this place so many times and wonder why i do it each time. It is too long, that along with players who don't know their class yet makes my life stressful.
2.Gnomer- .....No!
3.ST- agree with Gerandor lol.
4.Underbog- I dunno why i hate this place so much....but i do.
The bane of my WoW existence my characters existence and quite possibly of anybody who has ever set foot in that bug hole from hell.
The Temple of Ahn Qiraj...
When you first get there it's not that bad. You go through the trash pretty easily and get to the first and easiest boss in the instance. Receive some free epics(which were more epic then epic back then) and everybody is happy. But low and behold the epics in AQ40 sucked major bumballs compared to Blackwing Lair and the like and were a real improvement(aside from the odd piece here and there).
But we got a free cool bug mount out of it and it was a fun new experience right?
WRONG! Anybody who has ever faced princess Huhuran will tell you it is the single most annoying fight in the history of the world, of warcraft. Spending weeks getting Nature Resistance gear for 15+ raiders that was barely available in game at the time and spending more weeks wiping on her really was torture.
Ow and getting 40 people to do everything correctly on the Bug Trio and Twins wasn't a picnic either. But that's a story for another nightmare.
Hah, I ended up in a group where we 3 manned heroic murmur, that was fun! As far as my most despised places would go...
1: Durnholde. Thrall is an impatient jerk face!
2: Mana Tombs- From tank and healer perspective I hate this place
3: Magisters Terrace- This is more of a love/hate relationship. I remember doing this when it first came out and vexallus made my life miserable! He is not too bad anymore but that third boss can really suck. It is too CC dependant.
My worst fear is not an instance but a zone you see i HATED duskwood it was a combination of the creepy music and dark atmosphere it chilled my very bones
eventually i turned the music off and duskwood wasn't so nasty but i still wont step inside that place for love or money if i need to get in deadwind pass i'm taking the long way through blasted land. oh and bast lets hope when the guys do slabs lyle doesn't have a cold or else someones going for a little trip
I'm surprised so many of you dislike MgT. That is one of my favorites. Sure there are some huge pulls, but I like the challenge of it.
I'm also blown away at those of you that dislike Kara! I think its one of the best instances in the game, and I've done it more times than I can count.
I'll get on board with Mana Tombs though... not a big fan of that place either.
My guild still runs Slabs every so often to get more people keyed to Kara or do the occasional Herioc (we're bored waiting for the x-pack). We can usually do this instance in about 3 hours, breezing through Blackheart and Murmur. I hate the whole mind control scene since he just loves firing me off at the squishies (cloth wearers) that I can one-shot with ease. Fun all around... not.
It is Vorpil that I HATE!!!!!
Most of out 3 hours is spent trying to down this... this... GAH!! Our final strategy that seems to work quite well is to have a fury specced tank on him at that point.
But I hate Slabs with a passion. My guildies know this and now don't even bother asking me if I want to go. No loss, I don't want the Sonic Spear.
Aside from that I would have to say that the Moroes fight in Kara is the other thing I hate. I'm usually the hunter on the freezing trap dance. I'm BM, not survival, so you can tell how well my traps work.
Aside from those, my instance fights have been rather clean and simple. Lucky me ^_^
Heroic Arcatraz. No other instance has that many random debuffs. The invisible succubi before Wrath-Scryer and Dalliah always seem to come in 2's (or even worse - 3s) and it causes a wipe. Always.
The other reason I hate that place is the infernals at the end. Yeah, they're easy. But there's always ONE person that wants to be special and then dies from the meteor. It's always the healer. You wouldn't believe how many times we've kited the infernal over to that stray person only to have them say in chat "OMG I'M GETTING SPELL PUSHBACK!!!" then run away. And die.
Basically - If I haven't raided with a healer or tank, they don't make it into my heroics runs. Plain and simple. has been my savior for getting rid of bad players too.
I'm sure Slabs is terrible, however i wouldn't know because i'm stuck on a stupid mage holding the key to the place....thats right Talon King Ikiss, i can't count how many times our guild has wiped on him. The journey to him isn't usually a problem with a good group who knows what they're doing, but when we get to Ikiss, its like a hellish frenzy dodging those arcane explosions and still trying to get him down. Besides Ikiss i would say we've had some bad luck with Shirrak in Crypts too, that stupid debuff he has makes him so darn difficult.
My dark place in WoW is Scholomance. Yes it is an older place. Pre BC but every time i have run that place. If it be in the past doing it for gear or running it for the pally quest it has been just the hardest thing ever.
Any pallies that want that mount trust me it is the hardest thing you are going to do with that toon GL to all of you.
Theres only 1 Instance that i generally try to avoid at all costs (when im on my warlock, doesn't matter with my druid) and thats Sethekk Halls...
For the sheer reasons that its a casters absolute nightmare, and even more so a Warlocks worst nightmare.
Spell Reflects, Fear Immunity.. and theres one other thing but my memory fails me -.- but all those together just makes it the crappest place to go for a lock.
There isn't an instance I dislike for the challenge they represent. However I cringe whenever someone asks me to help them finish their mount quest in Dire Maul. Not for the instance itself, but for the fact that DM is out in the middle of nowhere! It usually takes me longer to get there than it does to do the instance!
There are 3 Instances that come to mind
H SH- Bad group fun time but still bad memories
H SV- couldnt get past damn trash for some reason
H SL- hell i wont even do regular its just bad.
there is 1 mob i realy hate
NB(night bane)
seems like people cant understand him and keep standing to long in the fire, melee dpsers standing at his back or front dont thinking about a 1hit from swipe or tail swipe
and ofc its always the same thing that makes 50%^of the people die nb fears tank nb gets with his back to the ranged group BAAANG!!! tail swipe all healers dead wipe etc SIGH!
Bastosa its not that i hate it its that HMGT HATES ME! Srsly would you not go insane after 150 runs or so not even seeing the item you wanted? I mean its liek its not in my loot table or something.
I hear you , man. Keep in mind you are talking to someone who has killed the brewboss over 400 times in the past 2 weeks and only seen the damn Kodo drop twice.
I actually had a friend who had the same issue with the tank trinket, ran the thing daily for months on end. Personally it drops for me all the time, got it on my 3rd run. I've let it go to off-spec more times than I can count. ;)
I myself have a prot pally and share the hate of Slabs that you due Bastosa. Heroic Mummur is one of the hardest fights as a prot pally because of no charge or intercept to cover that ground between us and mummur after sonic boom ensuring that our entire party is going to take 2k splash dmg from Mummurs arcane bubbles.
However contrary to some peoples posts on here i happen to love heroic mgt and usually can clear it in 40 mins. AOE everything to hell.
Omnefarious - prot pally Ursin
is it just me or i find HOGGER as a pain in the boot. lol
I hate gnomer and maunderon (however you spell that thing) i just kakakacacarrriiinnngggjajaja everytime i hear those two instances.
I will never ever ever ever again do a VC or Gnomer run, too many deaths, too much wasted time
Even with bad PuGs and numerous wipes, I've never really found any instance to be such a pain as to never want to go in there again. I do dislike instances that lose their appeal after numerous runs through them. Zul'Farrak is one such instance. Yes, its a lower level instance, but when I was running it, it lost my interest after the second time through. The same goes for the Hellfire instances. The boss fights lose their luster and the scenery gets boring. This is the reason I love Kara, as it has wonderful scenery and the boss fights never seem to lose their interest.
As for a general location, Arathi Highlands, Tanaris, and the Badlands are places I could go without having to step foot into again. Nothing in those places (with the exception of the Caverns of Time in Tanaris) holds my interest long enough to want to stay there.
I dislike the RFK and RFD instances, to me they seem like they are there just to add more content, i like the better looking and storyline places such as karazhan and ZG