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One Kill, One Phoenix Mount

The Totally Rad Guild\'s Collection of Rare MountsA lot has been going on lately. There has been an influx of activity in game, and a lot of the focus on a couple of in game events, namely Hallow's End and the Scourge Invasion. With the increased interest in WoW, though, there has been a rebirth of raiding for our guild.

The Totally Rad Guild has been working on downing Kael for a long, long time. Since Monday, in fact. With only one or two raid members having actually been involved in a Kael fight prior to Monday, we threw together a run to get a couple of attempts under our belt (and a few more Tier 5 shoulder tokens) before a serious attempt at killing the blood elf prince last night.

After getting second on the DPS charts while wearing a my lucky hat, we headed to Kael'thas with a purpose. So, With each successive attempt, we made significant progress, spirits remained high for the most part, and there were only a couple of deaths during our successful kill. We finished the entire fight in about ten minutes, and killed Kael before he got off his second gravity lapse. Although I've never seen the fight before, I feel like either our raid gained significant skill in the past week since we first downed Vashj, or the nerfs to raid bosses were extremely harsh.

I had serious doubts about our ability to execute the strategy, and I think the decreased health and melee damage along with a nearly universal increase of DPS helped our raiders learn the fights much faster than previously possible. Add in the fact that there are a million write ups on how to kill the guy, and it's no wonder we got him down on the second night of attempts. However, you'll notice that the screen shot above (click for detail) is not of a dead Kael. It's our favorite fire mage, Dannydarko, on his shiny new phoenix mount, with a few jealous guildies alongside.

That's right. The Ashes of Al'ar dropped on our very. first. Kael'thas kill.

Difficult to believe? Yes. Did trade chat explode when he arrived in Shatt? Yes. Is Danny going to get more tells than he thought possible? Yes. Has Nameless been farming Kael for months hoping for the drop? Yes. Is this the end of the question and answer portion of my post? Maybe.

Now, you might notice the Firey Warhorse towards the bottom left. That's Callihan on the other shiny new mount from last night. After all of the excitement and screenshots, I wanted to head to Kara to get an Arcanite Ripper before Tenris left town, so we decided to do a full clear. One Kill, One Midnight Mount, which Callihan won. We blazed through the rest of Kara, our off tank got both the Plate Chest and the Shield from Nightbane, and the Ring of a Thousand Marks dropped off of Prince for our rogue, seen above on the Albino Drake. All in all, an unbeliveable night for loot. We tried going to SM with Danny for the Headless Horseman mount, but it appeared that his Mount Juju ran out with the Daily Quest reset.

Reader Comments (29)

I my god it was harsh work and grinding rune cloth for the drake but i got it... (the clue is the home citys and the talbuks)

and i got 4600g and no riding skill... darnn...

and btw if some1's headin for the drake or just want a hell lot of runecloth, go grind at Exdpedition Armory in Hellfire, just bellow Honor Hold... the knights drop 3 each kill.... good stuff

November 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterThoMage

My guild (Obsidium on Frostmane) just finished the "For the Horde" Achievement , slaying the faction leaders in the 4 capital citys.

So now we have 40 Black War Bears .. and over inflated egos .


we had the most trouble with king magni bronzebeard in ironforge .. he has some evil abilitys that ripped us apart the first few attempts .. and allies constantly trying to save him , it is almost impossible .. almost

heh it ended up being the dertermination to raid at 7am server time when allies were mainly asleep .. combined with the immense concentration required to tank a lvl80+ boss.

but despite that .. the phoenix mount kicks everythings ass :(

November 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEnvane

Gratz, though they upped the droprate on those mounts BTW. All of the really low ones were upped.

November 2, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterrockeroad

I found it quite amazing at the absolute hating going on in all the chats on TRG and Danny for having the mount, Being a TRG member myself, I got into the fray. Now, I may be known as a shy, quiet and reserved person, but getting into a good e-peen battle is always fun. When guilds complain that a 'noob' guild shouldn't be able to get the mount on their first drop, I responded with, "Well, you guys didnt get Illidan down before the nerf, does that make you noobs?" With no response, I felt the battle was mine. As yes, I am drinking whiskey.

TRG Token Drunk Bear, Feralface.

November 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterFeralface

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