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Fond Memories of The Burning Crusade

Young Bastosa\'s first look at the dark portal.With Wrath upon us I thought I would take a moment to look back at all the great times I had with the burning crusade. Sure it may seem silly to wax philosophical about a video game… but I must admit I had some absolutely great times playing it.

With WoW, I was a little late for the party; I never played “classic” WoW… so my burning crusade memories are my WoW memories. It seems long ago I first rolled my Draenei Paladin, found my self crashed on some rock, and didn’t have the foggiest idea what a talent point was. As a long time gamer I quickly picked up the mechanics, vanquished the evil on Bloodmyst Isle, and most importantly found a guild that I could truly enjoy the game with.

It was about this point that I realized there is a whole WORLD outside those little islands I had grown accustomed to. I’ll still never forget the first time I set foot in Stormwind and realized truly how many people there were playing right along side me.

I continued to enjoy the game leveling, grouping with whoever was nearby from time to time, and generally enjoying the whole questing scene. Then around level 45 or so I really discovered what this game was about. I hooked up with a few guildies around the same level and started leveling and instancing together. I installed ventrilo and got to know the people on the other end of those characters. Suddenly my guild was more that a chat room, it was a group of people that I could experience this wide world with. I continued to level, learned about tanking, healing, and DPS and next thing I knew I was level 70!

I know its cliché, but this is where the game starts. I started running heroics, collecting badges and generally gearing up as well as I could. It was about this time I first heard about this “Karazhan” place, and began to understand what raiding is all about.

I waited outside of Kara for hours and my guild slowly but surely progressed through the content. Finally after a few nights a spot opened up and I made sure I never lost out on a raid slot again. Seeing Kara for the first time was truly amazing. Before long we mastered that place, our raids progressed, and soon it was time to take on the High King. It was the impossible feat, being in a “casual” guild or a “fan” guild we weren't meant to raid, and many people made a point of letting us know we couldn’t do it. But we did, and I must say seeing that ogre king die, and putting on the T4 shoulders he dropped is my fondest WoW memory to date.

Now I sit back reflecting on all the raids I've led from Moroes to the Illidari Council and can’t help but realize how thoroughly I enjoyed all this content. The bar is set high for Wrath, but if I enjoy half as much as I did TBC I’ve have many hours of great times in front of me.

Reader Comments (34)


I, not being 70 yet, wish i could have experienced all of TBC before Wrath... o well itl still be fun!

November 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDavid

I remember these days when ppl still did BWL...
good times good times...

November 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPromitheus

with u david i got to 70 the day before wrath came out

November 13, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterdeldin

I just started playing again after 2 years off.. so Burning Crusade is still new to me. Although I did roll my new toon on Executus so I could get in the low level guild or TRG once I hit 45. Although I may be late to the bandwagon as everyone is going to be doing new content while i'm still dinging around with the BC stuff... Still a lot of fun though...

November 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMoose

I totally agree with David. I've spent a year listening to how cool Kara is and how awesome ZA is and now that i'm finally in a position (nearly) to do this stuff, i just know that it's going to be difficult. I'm already having aggro with certain guild members cos they want to get to level 80 as fast as possible but i have waited ages to enjoy outland so i'm going to damn well enjoy it. Anyway does anyone else think that the later outland instances are going to become empty in the same way that Scholomance and Stratholme are? I couldn't do those instances cos it's impossible to get a group for it so is that what's going to happen to the burning crusade stuff?

November 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKalcifer

I was a late adopter all around. I started playing WoW when they first started offering the free downloadable 14 day trial EXACTLY 2 years ago. My trial was cut kind of short because of a family wedding in San Fran. I was already hooked by then anyway and knew I would subscribe. Then, that holiday season BC was released. I was, of course, interested but by this time I was supporting 3 WoW habits and viewed $150.00 as a bit extreme. So I waited until after the first wave and purchased copies for $15.00 each again online. As it happens, my 'lock is just now high enough to experience the Outlands. So, not that I'm not super excited about the Lich King content, but I still have most of the BC content to explore. I enjoy experiencing the lore and world rather than just barreling my way through it on my way to the new plateau. Not that I am not salivating over the system Alienware is giving to the first player worldwide to hit 80. So I think with this expansion I will follow the same path I did with BC and take my time.

As a side note: Will the band now become Level 80 Tauren Chieftain Elite now?

November 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBeignet

i can remember beign a hunter befour it was cool, and being a pally bafour it was cool , way way way befour BC. when geting to 40 was a huge thing, lol within the games first year lol

November 13, 2008 | Unregistered Commentercjus

Personally, I have been playing this game for far to long on far to many servers. I have had my "vanilla" wow memories, such as the old MC runs, into AQ and beyond. Then, BC came out, and I wasn't completely excited when it came out. Granted, I've had my BC moments, but for some reason, WotLK really had me psyched up, and now that I have gotten into it, I have found it quite fun.

Vanilla wow was fun, BC was okay, and I think WotLK has quite a bar set so far, and it seems to be meeting it.

Hope you all have, and continue to enjoy, from those that played beta wow, to those that just got leveled up before wrath came out.

November 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterNick


At BlizzCon this year, they did call themselves the Level 80 Elite Tauren Chieftains. I think that's a change that'll stay.

I'm really enjoying WotLK. I played a little bit in Vanilla WoW and enjoyed BC but Wrath has also gotten me really excited. I've played a couple of instances and played the DK and I'm finding that this expansion is meeting my expectations and even exceeding them. They were really high to begin with so I'm quite impressed.

November 14, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRob

My god.

You just spelled out MY entire experiance.

Except the mine was a War, and I started on Trial.

November 14, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterNextgener

My experience was similiar, except I was into the 25 man raiding experience. When I started wow, I was a gnome mage with no idea how to play. I left the starting area at level 4 and proceeded to try killing level 6 boars and die nearly every time. Then I basically made alts for 2 weeks because I wanted to try them all out. I settled on a Draenei priest and proceeded to level a Blood Elf rogue, both to 70, and enjoyed the endgame content from a dps and healer perspective. It was very difficult to choose who my main was, but I've decided to level my rogue first, because he will be faster. Getting to 80 first in my guild is definetly bragging rights that I want to have, and it looks like I'll have them.

The content I experienced from TK: The Eye to Sunwell Plateau was absolutely fantastic and the endgame level of difficulty was amazing. I thoroughly enjoyed The Burning Crusade.

November 15, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterIllithian

i started to play wow a few weeks before BC and i have never made it high enough to enjoy outlands. i got a draeni shammy to 48 but switched to horde about 5 months ago. my now lvl 51 hunter is almost at 55 so i can make my dk. so my BC will be fused with wotlk and i believe that it will be a great experience riding into outlands on my acherus deathcharger

November 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAthelias

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