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A Wrathful Weekend

Why Bother With Bowls?

Photograph by L. Simon.

Like many of you, I am taking my time in getting to level 80. I did not create an elaborate flowchart of areas to tackle, research the best grinding spots or enlist a friendly Priest, Paladin, Shaman and Warrior for their buffs. Last night I got a few of my guildmates to slow down and enjoy some of the content they have skipped over, bringing two level 75 players into Utgarde Keep with my newly-found old friend.

This weekend, well that was an entirely different story. With my girlfriend busy with visiting friends, I had Friday night, Saturday and most of Sunday to do with what I pleased. Naturally, I took the extra free time to tear into Northrend, although not as focused as some people. As of launch, I was still uncertain who I was going to level, my Rogue or my Priest. In the end I surprised myself and rolled a Death Knight. An enjoyable experience thus far, but it wasn't long before I jumped back to my Rogue to see Northrend.

By mid-Saturday, General Chat was full of people looking for healers for various things. Being the good samaritan that I am, I logged in and began SolidSagart's journey into Northrend. After performing the first few quests outside Valiance Keep, I realized that my professions were woefully under skilled. Not wanting to pass up dozens of skinning opportunities or trot by numerous herb nodes, I had to head back to Stormwind and went about the tedious task of skinning low level mobs and picking pointless flowers. Say what you will about my choice in professions, she is simply my gathering girl.

After logging a reasonable 20+ hours across the three characters, I feel I got a bit done. The DK is now up to level 68, SolidSamm is a bubble shy of 71 (he was the most neglected character) and SolidSagart has her professions up to snuff and is a hair shy of finally hitting 70. She started the weekend out as 67, with little rested. If only her professions were leveled beforehand, I would have been able to get her past 70, possibly even jumping ahead of the rogue.

While my WoW avatars progressed a decent amount, other parts of my life were pushed aside. As you can see in the image above, my kitchen is an absolute mess of dishes, plates and glasses. I even saved numerous articles of kitchenware from washing by abandoning them, opting to eat right out of pots and pans like any good college student would – just over my computer instead of the sink. On the brighter side of things, my ferrets, fish, snails, crayfish, and plants all made it through the weekend. They would like to thank boat rides, flights and queues for their continued existence.

What'd you accomplish?  Perhaps more importantly, what didn't you accomplish?

Reader Comments (27)

Nothing-.- was gona the whole weekend so din't get to play any wrath-.-

but now that I have played it a little I can surly say: Barbie: wrath of the bitch queen is the best game I ever played!

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMontavus

I dinged 69! woot! Over one year and countless changes about what character i liked and what race i liked and then changing to horde, i can finally see the magic 70 approaching. That and becoming a grand master miner which just sounds cool, (esp when answering the phone, 'Hello Grand Master Miner Speaking, How can i Help you?)

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKalcifer

That bathroom reno looks the same today as it did Friday night. But my Druid? Now there's where you'll see some noticable improvements.
I switched to Moonkin... grabbed a bunch of great quest gear from the Tundra, and now I'm heading East across the frozen wastes (lvl 72).
My herbalism is up-to-date (410ish) but I've yet to spend any time with Alchemy (still 375).
I still do some daily's in BC (half the cash, but nice xp and more rep towards Revered).

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJeff

Argh, as soon as finals are over next week, there'll be no stopping me from playing Wrath.

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSpudnik

I promised to wait for my friend before heading into Northrend.. his copy was late >.< ended up lvling a Death knight, and today i started lvling my main again..

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGerandor

still at 72 on my shammie. got to 58 on my death knight. LOVING the DK..and my kitchen looks just like yours!

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterHenry

My kitchen is absolutely spotless. (Dishwashers are well worth the price. Look into it.)

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPatrickD

There is a dishwasher in the lower left of the pic. The problem is I didn't want to waste the time loading it...That'd be like ignoring 30,000 XP!

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenteriTZKooPA

i have taken 4 days free for work so i could play 2 days later ding lvl 80 bad timing

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterpriest

I'm still frikkin' waiting to receive my copy of wotlk! For some crazy reason I ordered from amazon with the super-saver delivery and it's taking aaaaaaages. Every time I get home I rush to the letterbox, only to be disappointed again and again ... the suspense is literally killing me! Lets hope it arrives tomorrow eh?

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterboooo

I played woltk for a long time but i share my account with my little brother so I don't get that much time in, although it might be a good thing cuz i might play too much if he didn't play. I just gotta wait ti'll my paper is due next week then i can play a little more but then i get finals and christmas break after that :(. I'll take my time with this and P.S I always wash my dishes.

Kirith 73 rogue Brother: Saggot 71 warrior
Blade's Edge Dragonblight

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCypher671

well i rolled a dk as i got bored of my main (a lvl 56 warrior) and im loving the class i think ill be getting my dk to 80 first as he is highest at 60 just 20 more lvls

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterharry

My Accomplishments in Wrath ..I Made a Death Knight . I Got my Hunter to 73 , gorilla to 72 ,moth to 71 , and cat to 71. Deleted Death Knight and rebuilt him to test out another build.

I would have done more but I am sick so staying on the computer for long periods of time and concentrating are too hard at the moment.

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTreborSL

I havent accomplished too much besides getting my DK to 60 and my pally 4 bubbles shy of 71.


November 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGrant

Argh... Haven't... Stopped... Playing...

Funny thing is i haven't spent too much time playin Lich content, since the expected (and much larger than expected) influx of DKs on my server I've managed to get into instance after instance on my mage, without having a healer too, which is always a laugh. So he's been the main focus for the last few days.

Of course i DID take my warrior up to 71 beforehand :)

Northrend looks awesome but I need to wait for the spawn rates to drop a bit before i continue to quest, first aid isnt quite cutting it.

Anyhoo, got time off work until my surgery so I'm sure i'll get to see more of it :D

Thrakki, Orc Warrior, Darkspear (EU)

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterThrakki

get a laptop and a questing partner and load the dishes while you play thats what i do i have been useing my laptop everywhere; at work, at the dinner table, while i pee, while i poop,(and yes i do talk on vent while doing these hehe but they'll never know) when i go to the movies, when i go out to eat, when im at the park, and i have refused to drive my self anywhere unless i have to cause thats missing play time, and yes i have the go anywhere connection through sprint hehe the only place i dont get a connection is in the backwoods country or a cave or if a wildman steals my computer but i have insurance on that so that doesnt really stop either

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterryan

Northrend is an awesome place, started doin quests in the area where the Nexus is at. Been checking out the new Engineering items i can make on my rogue, and there's alot awesome stuff im lookin forward on making. Got my rogue almost at 72. Alot of the quests are easy, some are a little harder, like going to a place halfway across the Tundra to gather items. Made Death Knight when i got the expansion, have to say its an awesome class to play

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered Commentercharlie

well over the week end and monday i got wrath of saturday played my warrior lvl 70 for like 3 bars, got bored then rolled DK levled it to 69 monday night then went back to my warr to 5 man kara (FUN :D)

November 19, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterjamie

Well i haven't done anything. My videocard got busted so now i'm waiting for over a week now to get my damn videocard back. I'm especially bummed because i was planning to go play on retail after months and months of private servers. So now i'm just waiting untill my card gets replaced or repaired, and then i guess i'll go buy some months worth of WoW and level fast to 55 and make a DK (I know...very original...but after seeing Zand's ''Ten Days of Knight'', i can't wait to make a DK and pwn the crap out of the Scarlet Crusade.

So now i'll just watch some older episodes of Project Lore, while hoping that my precious videocard is back into my comp soon so i can abuse it for many more hours, playing WoW.

November 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterFarsythe

So far i made a DK with my mate cause he decided to re-roll DK and i said we'll do the starting stuff 2getha, but thats still at 58, i'll get round to it later.

But my warlock is at 75 atm, just under half way to 76. I'm on a tight schedule cause i've got to hit 80 for monday because we've got a Naxx raid scheduled and i wanna be there for the guild first :D

Archcorrupt - Human Warlock - Tarren Mill (EU)

November 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMartyn

iam lvl 78 alrdy sitting all weekend and after school and playing, playing and enjoying the experience...

November 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterThoMage

Only got my priest to 71. He's now half way to 72. Slow leveling process right now (girlfriend takes a lot of time but she's worth it).

Got my DK to level 61. Now that's a fun class to play. Haven't touched my warrior since Wrath came out.

I'll probably level my priest to 80 first followed by my DK. After that, I can't decide if I'm going to want to play my warrior or hunter. I guess I'll figure that out later...

November 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRob

Well, two of my friends from the college i went to came down for the midnight release and we all had both Thursday and Friday off from our jobs, so we played about 18-19 hours a day from Thursday - Sunday. Two of us started DeathKnights and the other guy went with a shaman who he had at 60 before release. We leveled them all up together. Before they left we were all 71 and now I am half way through 73. I predict i will be 80 sometime next week.

I am really looking forward to getting 77 and being able to fly around again.

November 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterStrikir

The biggest thing that I accomplish is all the fun that I had with this xpac. A well worth experience, even though I logged in more hours than I should of :P

November 19, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterjvcool

FIANLLY IM LV 70! now for 80

November 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBrian

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