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How Much Wrath is Too Much Wrath?

I’ve been trying to keep a healthy perspective on this thing. Sure, I called in sick on Friday, and sure I logged more hours this weekend than I probably did the past 3 weeks combined, but I’m having fun and fully expected to invest a lot of time during these initial few days.

With everyone racing to level cap, it is very interesting to see how far various members of my guild are approaching it. There are some that are playing about the same as they did before, there are actually some that are playing less (waiting for things to settle down) but what I am noticing most is those that are playing more, much more.

There is the guy I know who went 40 hours without sleeping, there is the one that did 3 levels in one sitting (and hasn’t logged since), and even the guy that took 2 weeks vacation to dedicate all day everyday to getting up to the cap.

Now I’m not here to judge, like I said I have logged more than my fair share of hours over the last few days, but sometimes I just have to wonder. Where is the line for all of this?

I hear people calling each other noobs for not leveling fast enough, or on the other side calling them nerds for playing too much. I cannot say what the proper balance is, but it is certain that there are strong opinions all around.

What does it take to be the world first 80, or be the first to clear all the PVE content? Are we so competitive that we push our selves to the brink to beat that other guild, the others of your class, or even your friends? I know that this will all be very short term, and soon all will be back to normal, but in the mean time it’s a great time to learn a little about your friends and guildies.

What about you? Are you feeling the pressure to level like a madman, or are you appalled by what you see going on around you?

I wish I had a way to wrap this all up into a moral or a strong opinion either way… let’s just say I have found the last few days very interesting. Now back to leveling.

Reader Comments (42)

I really don't understand how people level so fast. I'm going as fast as I can without skipping content, and I'm only level 74 (nearly 75). To be fair though, I only got the expansion on Saturday (stupid Amazon).

Darkmoon Faire EU
Blood Elf Mage

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPunjab

There is a bit of fun in leveling quick. It does show skill and knowledge of the game. So, as a fair and honest gamer I salute u Elite's who have made the level cap.

As for myself. I also took some time off, and may have upped my play time a bit, but after a week of playing i will probably get back to a normal schedule that has meetings with me & the pillow (and my wife now that she isn't rolling her eyes at me for using PTO for a day off to play a game).

Last night I did 2 hours of questing all alone and have to say just how much I enjoy seeing the XP bar. I was also able to run and instance and that was my night. I am enjoying the content and really like what they have added to the game. No need to really rush unless I am missing too many raids. Just going to sit back and enjoy what my hard earned money is giving me. A chance to play with friends, complete achievements and pawn some horde. ALLIANCE FTW!!!

Kudo's Bliz!! Enjoy my $$.

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterNylow

lvl 75?!?! i got my game tuesday (preorder) and is still only lvl 72 eventough im doingm everything i can to get to lvl 80 as fast as possible

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJondare

Dude I Gota Say That World Of Warcraft is one heck of an game but i cant just understand these player's i mean c'mon where the rush , why level so fast , why make your self the best , why ? There is no Point in that i personaly enjoy Project Lore Video's of the game and i have to add that a lot of player's think that not only on leveling and the "best" but in raiding . Killfun's that's what they are. World Of Warcraft is one heck of a game and it's about fun no for "Who's the best" , but that's my opinion ... man i talk to much ... well back to having fun with my deathknight :P

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDeathguard

Got the game on friday, and right now I'm 74. I just quested and ran UK, Nexus, Nerub and Old Kingdom once , for the content and the achievement. Instancing is prolly faster XP then questing, especially if there's a lot of competition on certain quests.

Have I played more then I used to ? Well, yes, since all I did before were the dailies and perhaps a raid and daily heroic / normal.

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLasher

I haven't even installed the expansion yet. I'm waiting for my wife to reach 68 at least so that we can brave the icy shores of Northrend together.

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterFen

There is no such thing as "too much Wrath".

After taking my sweet time to level (I'm only at 77 right now), I can honestly say that this expansion has been more exciting and captivating, lore and storyline-wise, than both Vanilla and BC combined.

The truth about Muradin? The battle between Bolvar and Arthas? The Battle for the Undercity? Amazing stuff.

Sure, it may be short. Yes, the top guilds may have already completed all the content, but storywise it's incredibly rich and detailed.

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPeter

I Tried to level my druid but on my server there was Way to Much Camping for Quest Objectives So i decided to Roll a Dk till Stuff Calms Down! Now im a Proud Owner Of a LvL 67 Dk and I must Say They are a Grinding Machine!

Keep Up The Great Work PL

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCardyn

to Punjab -

I myself was wondering how it was being done. I had a rough idea, but didn't take it a step further and once I read on what was done to level so quickly I feel a little silly.

At the moment I can't say how I feel about it as there is some debate on who should/shouldn't get Kudo's for world first lvl 80. Regardless I do give them props for learning the mechanic and just grinding it out. Below is what I have learned. Feel free to make your own judgement. (Google Athene's)

Mob Tagging - group up with friends and "power level a character". Best with a great healer and plenty of DPS to go around. Remember when attacking if someone is not in your group attacks the same target they get no XP/Loot. Now apply it. Be seperate from the group and get a bunch of things to attack you. Now that you have damaged them you get the XP for the kill (albeit not 100%, but you get all of it non the less) the more damage you do the more XP you get from the kills. Sadly your friends don't get any XP, but look how quickly your XP bar fills up. Hopefully that made a bit of sense.

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterNylow

I got the game on the friday after it came out. Unfortunately, the 2k queue lines have really driven me away, so I'm only lvl 71

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDeathadder

Yea.. i dont understand that either
After a few days lvling i just had it enough, i just dont care if anyone call me noob for lvling slow, its just why call me noob if i am enjoying the game and you are not?
What's the rush? Eventually everyone will be lvl 80 and they will pwn you and then all that rush is wasted
Have some fun with you friends irl or in wow just dont push yourself so far.
The game was made to have fun and not to "no-life" rushing yourself to the level cap or clearing all the PvE content.

Lurosa lvl 74 priest
Trollbane - EU server

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDvotar

I just made a DK so I don't have to hear all the 70+ people complaining about these 80s and stuff...But When you get to the Outlands on a DK The Outlands is really an Outland..

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGrant

Best part of this thread so far:

"After taking my sweet time to level (I’m only at 77 right now),"

It highlights how different we all are. I have one toon at 71 and another almost at 72.

BTW, I'm not judging at all. One persons "casual" is another persons "hardcore", and I'm ok with both! =)

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDrstealth

My mate just hit 80 last night, he barely got any sleep for the entire weekend.. but at least it isn't interfering much with his school! i think the competition is suck but fun at the same time :) i embrace, and intend to take part in it at dreamhack winter 08!

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDarthozzan

Circumstances had me out of town Thursday of release to Sunday night late... so I only got to install the xpac Monday after work.

However, after reading some blogs when I could during that time, I changed from being one who wanted to lvl as fast as possible to not really caring how fast I level. If the end game content isn't something you really have to work hard to do, what's the rush in lvling to 80 ASAP? I'm going to take my time!

As a semi serious raider in a semi serious guild, I really hope we have some challenges in the future. The first two instance I went in were cake walks. Very cool instances, with great graphics, but our group was taking down double mobs and no trouble on the bosses.

Chamuco lvl 70 Shaman, Resto
Mallorne lvl 70 Druid, Balanced
Frazzit lvl 70 Warrior, Prot

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterFrazz

So, I have spent a little time in Northrend - druid still 70, have leveled my shammy from 60-62 and three DKs to 59.

Too crowded, wayy too many DKs - constant /t 'will you heal for us?' only to find out there is a group of 4 DKs that want to run an instance. The times I have tried it, it is clear that most DKs have never understood aggro management or played a tank class (prot tank) where they were responsible to keep aggro.

500-1000 people queues. near constant lag otherwise.

I rolled fresh on a new server and have a lvl 20 char.

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterpenrose

I've been playing since the original game came out in 2004 (and was even part of that beta)...and I'm at level 48. I'm the poster boy for "casual gamer".

I'll go at my own pace and enjoy doing so. I find no pleasure in trying to rush through the game.

...but I do find pleasure in showing off my polar bear mount and having someone ask me where I got it at least once every five minutes.

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPatrickD

I've gained 20 lvls since the 3.0 content patch went live, but that has less to do with racing to 80 and more to do with getting a second healer for my guild.

Marchell, lvl 52 Holy Priest.

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMarchell

I have not even reached 50 in a year of playing but i have selected a main and i am going to stick with it. But i am rushing to level because i want to feel even the first expansion BC I crave something new. But as a 70 if you missed leveling (IDK WHY YOU WOULD!) you should probably take your time Bastosa.

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterUlose

I'll start my new char (from lvl 1). To be honest i don't care how fast or how slow it goes. Its just a game so i want to enjoy it as much as I can. At this moment all i want is to get to lvl 55 and do a DK. After that, Blizzard could release the next 15 WoWs, i still don't care. No one is paying anyone for first kills or first lvl 80. I've hear a rumor that the Paladin Anethe had his char lvl-ed back to 70 after reaching 79 in 1 day.
And after you get all the stuff you need, what do you do? Stay in Dalaran and show off?
It would be great by blizzard to close all raids/dungeons in the first week or so, or remove the loot from all bosses. It's just a game. What do you get if you are THE FIRST?

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterIronhoof

I've got my shammie to 72. LOVE the game and am getting my full $69.99+tax worth of this game. Really enjoy it. I'm not sure how other people are leveling so fast, because I quest like a mofo!

I'm really enjoying myself. Most of my guildlies are around 75 at the highest, but most of them are on a steady track to 72.

I burned myself out last weekend, and am actually having a lot of fun with my death knight! This dude is pretty awesome! Seeing as my next toon to roll out was a tank, this will be perfect!

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterHenry

I don't really care who hits what first. (although the announcements of who has instantly makes me hate them) I'm just looking forward to having my first ever level 70 character in the nexr few days. Even though I have Wrath installed i'm still going to enjoy pretending that two weeks ago that would have been important and then get started on 80. (although at the time it took to get to level 70, I fully expect the next expansion to be out by the time i hit 80)

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKalcifer

I play usually a total of a couple hours a day (b/t classes and at night combined), have made a dk up to lvl 62 so far, and have my main pally 1 bar away from hitting 72. I'd like to think I enjoy taking my time through the content, so much so in fact that I'm trying not to raise my rested exp that much. For those who are getting close to 80, grats to you. In my guild we're not too big but were easily clearing kara, and doing mags/gruuls grouped up with other guilds, and the avg level for us high end people is about 72. We know we'll get there eventually, so I'm not too worried :-).

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEventime

Too Much Wrath would be you lose your job , your wife and kids because you can't stop playing. Anything less than that is ok..

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTreborSL

Hey guys.. I am planing on enjoying the game and lvliing at my pace.. I have 6 70's to lvl and I want to experience each area on all of them so I get different views.. And as for achieving realm firsts for my toons not going to happen... I live in australia and play on Gilnease, did not get to play WotLKuntil 6 hours after the Americans and had already seen 5 realm first achievements before I logged to get my copy of Wotlk at the midnight release the close gaming store did... My lock is currently 72 and I have just started my hunter and pally... I also just had to roll the DK... I know everyone felt the same too...

Also for all those who are power lvling... I know that a guy got banned from WoW on the first day of WotLk becuase he reached 80... Two guesses how he managed that one... 3 or more days I understand but less than 24 hours.... Very silly of him...

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterClaw of Diana

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