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How Much Wrath is Too Much Wrath?

I’ve been trying to keep a healthy perspective on this thing. Sure, I called in sick on Friday, and sure I logged more hours this weekend than I probably did the past 3 weeks combined, but I’m having fun and fully expected to invest a lot of time during these initial few days.

With everyone racing to level cap, it is very interesting to see how far various members of my guild are approaching it. There are some that are playing about the same as they did before, there are actually some that are playing less (waiting for things to settle down) but what I am noticing most is those that are playing more, much more.

There is the guy I know who went 40 hours without sleeping, there is the one that did 3 levels in one sitting (and hasn’t logged since), and even the guy that took 2 weeks vacation to dedicate all day everyday to getting up to the cap.

Now I’m not here to judge, like I said I have logged more than my fair share of hours over the last few days, but sometimes I just have to wonder. Where is the line for all of this?

I hear people calling each other noobs for not leveling fast enough, or on the other side calling them nerds for playing too much. I cannot say what the proper balance is, but it is certain that there are strong opinions all around.

What does it take to be the world first 80, or be the first to clear all the PVE content? Are we so competitive that we push our selves to the brink to beat that other guild, the others of your class, or even your friends? I know that this will all be very short term, and soon all will be back to normal, but in the mean time it’s a great time to learn a little about your friends and guildies.

What about you? Are you feeling the pressure to level like a madman, or are you appalled by what you see going on around you?

I wish I had a way to wrap this all up into a moral or a strong opinion either way… let’s just say I have found the last few days very interesting. Now back to leveling.

Reader Comments (42)

I bought Wrath the morning of the day it released and hit 55 the following night. Well actually it was very very late at night, 3am, morning if you will. Then I made my DK and leveled to 65 in two days. I'm quite impressed with myself. I still have a lot more progress to make though. But I can't fucking wait tillI can get to the end-game. I miss the end game :(

(I come from the shitty land of blizzlike private servers)

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterShaun

personaly im at 78 with my DK :)
and im still enjoying the quests and Instances so far.
hopefully i can start naxx this weekend.

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterWaz

@ Fen:

My Girlfriend and I did the same thing, except she was adamant that we got her to 70 by release day (turns out game was two days late anyway but hey)

@Everyone else:

I'm enjoying levelling slowly, but I can understand how some people would want to get all the way to 80 asap. (Although I do feel a bit sorry for those who get there and are like 'LFG Hero- oh...'). I'm only level 71 on my main, got another 70 waiting in the wings and a 63 also. But today i just thought 'Sod it, I'm going to take a break and explore some shizz from blizz' So i did. Took a wrong turn, got merked by a group of hungry worgs... but hey.

Thrakki, Orc Warrior, Darkspear (EU)

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterThrakki

I'm a big storyline person myself. After all that was the big thing that drew me to WoW in the first place. It's also one of the appeals to WotLK. I have to say I'm impressed!

Take it slow or fast.. I say its a personal preference. However I cant stress this enough people. "Eeverything in moderation EVEN warcraft!"

When you live your life thru a Game there's something amiss. Play the game. Hell have fun with it. Dont make it your only source of fun!

We.. my Husband and I have been loyal members of Dragon's Bane on the Arygos server. We've seen alot in the game what little we play it. We enjoy the in-game family we have in Dragon's Bane. Ya and some are close real-time friends too. We love em to peices, but real-time comes first.

Life ain't worth livin if You're not havin fun livin it!

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLadoshai

i think lvlng your toon to 80 in the shortest time is a waste, takes out the fun of the game, doing quests, even questing with people ya don't know, could make more friends to quest with or do instances later on

Im enjoying all the new content, and im not in a rush to get to 80

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered Commentercharlie

I agree who cares about first this and frist that im enjoying all the new game content at my own place im currently 75 and im having a great time. On my server (Windrunner) 1 particular guilld (Forlorn Legacy) has 5 maybe more by now lvl 80 toons by saturday night and was able to comple 25 man naxx by monday evening..think there could be some cheating there but oh well while everyone is rushing through im actually enjoying the game that i have been waiting for in a healthy fashion

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered Commenternosajdrofloc

Im currently 79 and a half and I do like to keep my competitive head on being in the server best guild and racing with the upcomers to get Naxx firsts.

Call me a nerd but its what I enjoy:)

Xanthe - Khadgar EU

November 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterXanthe

you know what they say. in wow
"evreyone that has achived less than u is a noob and evreyone that has achived more than u is a nolifer..."
imo going 40 h or untill 80 whitout sleep is just stupid.why pepole invest so much energy in this. u don't see anyone working for a good purpose 40 h in a row or untill the job is done. but for a freaking game they will die. nice world .([de]evolving fast)

November 19, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterseth

The proper balance is according to me, have sleep, go to school, eat decently, spend time with yer friends and if you have time left, go play WoW.
I'm the kind of player that gets bored if I play WoW for to long :P I can play it for 2-3 hours and then I just have to stop.

November 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterFergandor

Ya know, I cannot see how people are getting to 80 so fast. I use Titan panel and it's been pretty reliable as far as telling me how long until I level. At most, each level is taking me 10-15 hours of "decent" (4-8 hours per day at most) game play. Yet, the day after release, it seems I was seeing people around 78-79 and then finally 80.

The other thing is WHY?? The lore and the world is just so beautifully done that it's a shame to rush through it. I seriously spent 10 minutes in Dalaran yesterday just looking at Rhonin. I was in awe to see him, given that I've been following his story in the War of the Ancients trilogy and the books that followed.

The way I saw it happening was "YAY! I've hit 80! Finally!.......great, now I gotta wait for the rest of the world to catch up so I can actually do stuff."

Durotan US

November 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCharles

Got to outlands for the first time a few days after wotlk launched, and my runs in ramparts and BF been with all DK's and the occasional pally or hunter.

Its pretty annoying, making me wish i had hit 70 before wotlk because I have not experienced it the way i wanted to. hopefully itl die down soon Xb


Forums would be great... please? seeing as though most posts on these awesome blogs are rants that would spark great conversations that are meant for forums. :)

November 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDavid

I have learned from a friend who has done this himself. He has almost reached level 80 but managed to get about level 73 in 15 minutes. All they did was collect 25 quests in SMV and waited to turn them in when litchking came out. Before litchking came out he had bought many of the quest items to turn in Northrend quests instantly.

November 19, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterkelwinn

i am level 79 almost to 80 3 bars left i did not rush i got it intsalled it. it seems to me that leveling is just so easy it is like pick up a quest do it come back and get the next 1. i wil probally get to 80 by tommorow and work on my dk. i think you also have to be prepared 79 fury warrior stormreaver PROJECTLORE!! AWSOME

November 19, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterjustin

I can only play on the weekend, so it I unfortunately am only lvl 71 and then i gotta go on vacation 4 the next week. and i wont b able 2 play(no PC connection in the Bahamas for me) so i dont no, i got 2 70s and i wanna get my DK 2 80 also, so im not sure... will have to decide how 2 play. But i will b one of those people that will be playing this friday from when i get home, after dinner till i am "supposed" 2 get up the next day.

November 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEthan

I basically spent all my free time leveling for the first 5 ish days, and I will say it paid off with a level 80. Totally worth it.

November 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterIllithian

I love the fact that people are always (seeming to) ask questions about zones that they've rushed through -- like "Where's X prof. trainer...? How do I get to Y...?" -- in zones I'm taking my time to fully explore...

Given the choice, I'd take all the Exploration Achievements going, over being even GUILD-FIRST to 80...

I have more time than most to devote to playing WoW, but the mass hysteria of getting to L80 (even on a DK...) has killed any desire to even login as one of my pre-L20 alt's... even makes me wonder what the big deal was, about getting WotLK on (in my case, before) release day...?

As has been said on earlier posts... getting to L80 is no fun if you can't do the 10-, 25- or 40-man raid content until THAT many have GOT that far on the SAME server...

All said & done -- each to their own... enjoy your wait while others catch you up & allow you to go Raiding at L80, that you sweated blood to get to, so you could... go... Raiding... oh, you can't - there's only one L80 - YOU... /me points & LOLz...

November 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJeff

I got WotLK on the day of the release and hit 71 just yesterday. Ok, I should add that i'm a resto-druid and not respeccing. I am only running instances!

Good or not? No clue, but for now I enjoy leveling my char through instancing and boosting a fellow friend's druid to all the way up to 70 at least....

I play for fun, so I recon it will still take me another week or two at least to get somewhere around 75!

November 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEhrkashin

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