I Don't Care About Your "Ding"
It is something awful that has cropped up that I have been blissfully sheltered from for the last several months. It is the reemergence of the DING. Let me just say I hate it when people say "ding" after they level, I absolutely despise it.
With Wrath out and everyone leveling again our /g is once again filled with people begging for attention over their virtual accomplishments. There are certainly some dings that are less annoying than others. A pre-wrath ding 70 would get a "grats" from me. Now a "ding 80" will get the same, but that’s about it.
It’s when people ding 47 or 64, or god forbid 12 that really makes me questions peoples sense of accomplishment and need for personal validation by reading a half-hearted “grats.” Personally, I have 5 characters level 60 or higher… now if I said ding every time one of my toons got bathed in yellow light, I would have annoyed my guild mates around 300 times now. With the recent experience nerfs leveling is really not that big of a deal. Sure, enjoy your new abilities, but don’t you don’t need to tell the whole world about it…. or even if you do find a better way to do it.
I really don’t have a problem with people announcing exciting new gear, or a rare crafting recipe, or even a big purchase, at least that stuff is interesting to talk about. But do you really think I care that the number next to you name is one digit higher? Let me just say, I don’t.
With the release of the achievement system every 10 levels is automatically announced anyway, so now there is no need for anyone to say ding anymore... ever.
Please everyone, I implore you, stop saying it. It’s needy and annoying. If you happen to be a member of the Totally Rad Guild, just remember my ability to take away your guild chat privileges is just one click away.
Reader Comments (129)
Hehe, sorry Bast :P I just assumed that's how Warcraft people were supposed to talk. I'll save all my self-pat-on-the-backs till 80 :)
I can live with guildies or RL friends saying ding, but for the random people in gen chat...NO ONE CARES
Ding I've hit lv 255... oops. Lol
I had to do that.
lvl 402 tailoring
My friends DK everytime he levels he goes DING level 68 and then this little face ^_^..Whats does that mean?
It means he wishes he were an anime character or something. "Is that a good idea? Ohhhhhhhh?"
I dont see realy anything wrong whit that, there more non sense that goes on in the Trade chat that i would love too get rid of, im Alliance. Then just a "Ding" and "Gratz".
I find the trade chat drives me nuts too start off whit, you got something too Auction put in the AH and shut up about it, if we want it we will buy it from there and if we dont it mean you asking too mutch for it. And the Enchant,ect Spam that goes on.
Come on your gona let a little "Ding" bother ya.
I feel if you gona make a Blog make a good one at least, complain about the Trade chat i know that the most annoying thing i see in all
I think that if it's your main toon than sure "DING" all you want but if its an alt and you scream Ding at lvl 2 or 34 its really kinda pointless. So i only ding on alts that reach lvl 60 or 70.
Ahhh yea DING
rofl, there are some real turds that came out for this post. i got a way to solve it, just ignore anyone who ever says ding. problem solved
Im level 72 so i forgot too say it all that time figured i would do it for lost time i guess
I think I figured it out. If you're not at the level cap, ding does not bother you. If you are, you fucking hate it to no end. I think... :P
To all the people who say this post makes you not want in the Totally Rad Guild, GOOD. We don't want you. Ding is the most annoying thing to type in guild chat and serves no purpose. Act like you've leveled before. If people realize you've leveled and congratulate you, then good. Enjoy your moment in the sun. But for fuck's sake, I dont give a shit that you've leveled from 55 to 56. The achievement system will let us know when you achieved a milestone level.
My $.02
But it is funny to see people curse at you for saying DING.
It would be better if you cursed at the person who yelled Ding in Guild Chat. lol
Agreed! Don't care about your progress. .... Like seriously I dont give a fuck.
Robinwolf GM of the Knights of Radshire the feeder guild for TRG. Just to let you know we encourage people to say ding and anything else they find fun.
Guilds are supose to support their players and contribute to the players fun level not sit around making up stick up the butt rules and writting articles alienating half of their guild.
"That’s stupid, just because someone says, ‘ding!’ doesn’t mean they are saying they’ve just earned a REALLY tough level. They’re just saying they leveled. They are not begging for attention. They are not trying to be annoying. They are simply saying they leveled. If you are seriously saying you’ll take away someones guild chat privileges just because someone says ‘Ding!’ at level 12, I’m glad I’m not in your guild.
Loosen up."
Honestly.. ding is the LEAST annoying of things WoW players say. Saying you don't care about anybodies virtual accomplishments is kind of a big reach, considering everything in WoW is virtual. You kind of have to take into account that a lot of players don't have the best social lives, so yeah, they would like attention. I don't think there's anything wrong with that at all! I'm reforming a guild this month, and I'm always stoked when somebody in my guild levels up, if they're happy, I'm happy and that's what a guild is all about. If you don't care about their accomplishments, you don't really deserve a guild. Go enjoy your daily/rep grinding alone.
"just remember my ability to take away your guild chat privileges is just one click away."
Just read this part.... you're one hell of an awful guild officer.
@Robinwolf. We are also glad you arent in the main guild.
@Skiddy - Just from reading your quote, you're one hell of an idiot.
@Robby, props.
@ Feral, fuck off :)
<<Glad he's in robbys guild.
the whole DING and Gratz orginaly comes from Everguest 2 where when you gained level sond was clear ding
and in Zul'Gurub Bloodlord Mandokir gains level when he kills players and says: DING! and some random troll yells: GRATS!
Note, in TRG they have the rank "Canadian" for people who they don't like. You say something Talonni doesn't like,... canadian... (you're muted in guild). If you like that, 3 cheers for you Bastosa!
maybe if u guys cry about it some more