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Mo' Money, Mo' Problems: Maximizing Quest Reward Income

Vendor Plate For Gold!Many players have been griping that the gear they have seen on their first five levels towards 80 have not been good enough. Generally speaking, these players are decked out with Tier 5/Season 3 gear, or better. Heck, one of my characters has a combination of heroic/Karazhan/Season 2 and their set is still going strong.

Blizzard Poster Bornakk even addressed the lack of upgrades by stating that those with concerns should "keep leveling and keep instancing, you'll find upgrades soon enough. :)" The flip side to this discussion is that this is exactly the opposite situation from The Burning Crusade's release. After TBC went live, people who had been raiding for the previous two years realized that their gear was being replaced by early quest rewards and instances. Mind you, these players had the best gear available in the game, making them feel that all their hard work was pointless.

The reversal of fortunes is not perfect, but I feel it is a much better way to go than the itemization from The Burning Crusade. However, it remains to be seen if Blizzard made the end-game stuff difficult enough to force players to upgrade. While TwentyFifthNovember has now beaten all of Wrath, the hardest way possible, they are the best of the best. Many other guilds are now tackling endgame heroics with their Sunwell gear, and blowing them away. Hopefully they have upgrades available to them, and need them to complete the end-game raids. It remains to be seen.

While I have been complaining the majority of this post, that isn't my only point. Many of you out there are in the same boat as me, seeing quest reward after quest reward being wasted because you can't use it. In the interest of helping with your personal economy, I have another gold creating tip for you. If the quest reward isn't a solid upgrade then buy the plate or weapon reward and just vendor it.

As tanks know, plate gear costs way more to repair, but on the flip side, sells much higher than Cloth or Leather. The Auctioneer Suite used to be able to tell you exactly how much things would vendor for on mouseover, but the last version I grabbed does not have the updated information. It will likely be updated soon, if it hasn't been already in an alpha release.

So for the players out there complaining about not getting upgrades, perhaps this is Blizzard's way of handing you 1000 gold for the Cold Weather Flying fee. Seriously, if you do 300 quests with item rewards on your way to 80, average 4 gold per vendor, you'll bank 1200 gold. Remember, the harder it is, the better it sells.

Reader Comments (31)

True. I entered Northrend totally broke and am now at level 74 (and a half) with all quests done in Howling Fjord and Borean Tundra. This has cashed in enough for new skills, four epic ground mounts, my second netherdrake and the 750 gold bear. And the money just keep coming in so in 2,5 more levels I will have no problem buying the cold weather flying skill.

I love this.

November 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterManovan

thts how i got my gold for the cold weather flying woot woot.

November 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJonnycakes

Well I'm still decked out in my tier 4 gear and a tier 6 helm and so far the only I've updated is my chants and a trinket. I'm a little disappointed in the gear so far.

November 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTwistedlux

seems to me that whatever blizz try and do there are always moaners lucky for us blizz dont get fed and say go fucking do it yourself unlike myself who would lol

November 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAnanun

I haven't had a problem making gold. My issue will be getting my epic flier. I was hoping to get enough gold by the time I hit 77 to get both Cold Weather Flying and my Epic but I don't see that happening. I just hit 75 last night and had around 2k gold, and spent about 500g on skills seeing as how it was my first time back to town in 5 levels, I had several skills that needed to be upgraded or purchased for the first time.

November 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDan

And when it comes to weapons you're selling, more dps = more gold. Also, pick weapons to sell over armor. But I'm assuming most people already know this stuff :P

November 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterShaun

I was mostly kara/heroic geared coming into Northrend, with a couple higher level items like brutal gloves. So far at level 72 I've replaced a couple different things. The greens I've gotten have been more like side-grades for me, switching out some of my slightly higher stat gear for stuff with better hit rating at the loss of maybe a total of 5 stat points. Got some blue dps plate shoulders from a boss in nexus which are really sweet.

Point is I'm glad there isn't such a huge equipment gap like there was in BC. Gives you a chance to enjoy your epic gear a little longer before switching to greens/blues :-D. I think that for those who just kept leveling with no downtime at 70 they are finding this gear to be a nice upgrade.

November 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEventime

i've decided to not even waste time looking at the quest rewards, because none of them are upgrades and im rocking ZA/Kara gear. just focusing on hitting 80 and then working on raiding gear.

November 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterHenry

Riding-375 = Cold Weather Flying, then...?

Is that why Blizzard (apparently) dropped Epic Flying to 4000G, with patch 3.x...?

November 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJeff

I must say, the gear in Northrend isn't too shabby for those fresh out the gate at 70, like my Death Knight. Of course, my rogue hasn't found many upgrades, but I think that was the point, so that the hardcore raiders wouldn't lose all of their equipment in 3 levels like in the past.

Judging by what they give you, the quests scale appropriately and don't get ultra-hard when you're halfway done the zone. Although some of the "group" quests are very easy, as the elite mobs just seem to have more health than the rest of their pack.

So far I'm impressed with the expansion (that cutscene blew me away honestly) and I can't wait to see the rest of it. Rock on Project Lore, we need to see some of the mid-level instances now.

November 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMg Crikey

i agree with eventime, i hit 70 the night before WotLK came out, and i am really having fun and enjoying all the new gear, for me it is all a nice upgrade, and it all looks awesome!

November 21, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterdramadude

Being an enchanter, all of these non-upgrade stuff are easy money. I'm in S2 gear and was full epic, but changed my boots and belt for something better. Personally, i find that great. I can still enjoy my hard-earned gear and stil have mats from nothing, and newly 70 can enjoy easy earned gear.

November 21, 2008 | Unregistered Commenteranzariel

I had crafted/za/kara gear, a piece of t4 and vanir's as weapons. Right now I'm 75 and I changed all except the chest and vanir's .

November 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLasher

Yea, I had piece of Kara gear the rest Merc. Glad. and (good) crafted blues on my feral druid and have replaced almost everything except my wrists.

November 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKyll

i made a promise to myself changing all my gear soon as possible simply to get the best Wotlk experience... so for me it was a downgrade wich felt really good! ;) try it!

November 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterThoMage

DING! 80 last night lol and i just DE all my quest rewards also i do accept donations of for gold for my epic flyer =D

November 22, 2008 | Unregistered Commenternick

im only lvl 75 and ive been doing all the quest and vendering pretty much everything and im sitting on about 2500g right now so i lol at all you who doesnt have enough money to get cold weather flying

November 22, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterryan

I'm sorry, what?!

"Remember, the harder it is, the better it sells."

Thanks for the tip. That bought me a lot. ;)

November 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRoi

I have not trained up since I have been in northrend. I went from 2k gold coming into Northrend and have gotten my epic flying skill and mount. I will most likely have cold weather flying sometime through 77 only need like 500. Im not training until I get all the mount stuff out of the way lol and I have had no problems as of lvl 77. If your going for something dont be concerned about training up its not that big of a deal...For a ret pally anyway :)

November 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKyle M

Also by the way on my server Shandris. Frostweave is going about 40-45g right now stack of 20 the lowest was 20-25g so it helped that I sold every stack of frostweave for 20-45g.

November 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKyle M

i loved that my gear only got replaced by blue items, from instances and some quests

November 23, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterskowl

I think it's a good change. NEW players will be doing Wrath stuff as end game, not Burning Crusade stuff. Just like the original instances, BC instances will be abandoned.. and you won't find people willing to run them 5 times. Pushing the end game items to later is better then over powering PCs by giving good gear early on, the power push won't be there for a character that goes 50-70 in a few weeks for the first time (unlike BC... the moment you step into outlands, everything you loot is better then what you left azeroth with if you didn't do any instancing.)

November 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterUrza

I have a question.
When running a Dungeon, everyone want too Roll on Shards correct. I dont understand why, Because if you have a skinner in the group do we Roll on the Leather he get, Do we Roll on herb, Do we Roll on Ore. In my mind i see DE as same as a Skinner,Herbelism,Minner . We had too level up too get there too be able too DE High Items. Where the Expansion is out, Herb,Leather and Ore from Wotlk Sell well in the AH just as well as Dream Shard. So i ask why cant a enchanter keep the shards he DE. If the rest of the group doesnt want the BoP equipment we should have the right too keep the Matt just like the other proffesion whit out having the hasle of Rolling for Shards, We need does matt as mutch as the other one too level are proffesion up, but no we have too actualy Roll on them now, and now that we need Dream shards too actualy buy too learn new Enchants whit are dream shard it doesnt make sense too me. But we work on are proffesion too be able too DE, we should have the same right too keep are matts just like the Skinner,Herberlisim and Minner does. Just my Opinion.
If someone could explain that too me i would love your opinion on it thanks you very mutch

November 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBurcemage

The reason you don't roll for skin and minerals is because not everyone needs those, but everyone needs shards to get enchants. Also, everyone passes on the item, so it can be disenchanted, else everyone would just greed ( which would be more of a waste ), so everyone gets a chance to be rewarded for their " sacrifice ".

This is the explanation in my head :P

November 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLasher

hit level 80 few days ago sitting around 2k walking in with about 500

November 23, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterdeak

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