I Don't Care About Your "Ding"
It is something awful that has cropped up that I have been blissfully sheltered from for the last several months. It is the reemergence of the DING. Let me just say I hate it when people say "ding" after they level, I absolutely despise it.
With Wrath out and everyone leveling again our /g is once again filled with people begging for attention over their virtual accomplishments. There are certainly some dings that are less annoying than others. A pre-wrath ding 70 would get a "grats" from me. Now a "ding 80" will get the same, but that’s about it.
It’s when people ding 47 or 64, or god forbid 12 that really makes me questions peoples sense of accomplishment and need for personal validation by reading a half-hearted “grats.” Personally, I have 5 characters level 60 or higher… now if I said ding every time one of my toons got bathed in yellow light, I would have annoyed my guild mates around 300 times now. With the recent experience nerfs leveling is really not that big of a deal. Sure, enjoy your new abilities, but don’t you don’t need to tell the whole world about it…. or even if you do find a better way to do it.
I really don’t have a problem with people announcing exciting new gear, or a rare crafting recipe, or even a big purchase, at least that stuff is interesting to talk about. But do you really think I care that the number next to you name is one digit higher? Let me just say, I don’t.
With the release of the achievement system every 10 levels is automatically announced anyway, so now there is no need for anyone to say ding anymore... ever.
Please everyone, I implore you, stop saying it. It’s needy and annoying. If you happen to be a member of the Totally Rad Guild, just remember my ability to take away your guild chat privileges is just one click away.
Reader Comments (129)
I couldn't agree more. People need to get the hint already. WE DON'T CARE
sorry, but i have to say..
lol, owned! i agree, there are way to many people that need a "grats" same with people that level to 80 in 4 days just to hold it over everyone else head in the guild that they got there first. i belive it is because they dont really accomplish much irl, and they want to be better then people in a game that does not count for anything.
it is the same with first post, or bathroom writeing saying nothing but " so and so was here". i dont think they understand that no one really cares, or mabe they do and that is what makes them feel bad..
I can''t say I totally agree w/ you on that. I mean, sure, if you have 5 alts and your sixth just hit lvl 19, no reason to resound on guild chat, but if it's your main, or possibly your first, it's something to get excited about. Though I do agree with you on the exp cut backs, dings arn't anything to get too excited about. I remember back in the good ol' days before 2.3 when you used to had to have a 3 man team to take down bangeldash (horrible spelling) because he was a nasty elite...then it was custom to "ding" on every lvl because those who were higher than you knew all that you had to go through to get that lvl and those lower than you could look forward to the day they ding that special number and see the grats lined up and feel they've contributed something (or will) to the guild. Then again, I've always been in smaller guilds where you knew everyone on almost a personal level...so that guy who likes to link [old ironjaw] everytime a acheivement conversation pops up likes to yell ding...well, i could see that as annoying. Idk...I just felt like saying something, though I know it's complete jibberjabber...hope I helped clear something up from somone's standpoint of a smaller guild....or made things even more confusing.
Obviously you care enough to write a whole page about it ...
One more bit...sometimes, after a day of low drop rates, getting ganked, and having to wait for respawns thanks to ninjas...sometimes people need a grats when they've overcame not pulling out there hair or that's the way I see it anyway.
lol i love writing ding :D
Wow, way to QQ. It's a small amount of room being filled in your chat box. If you don't like it then don't read it. Also, you obviously must care about it if you write a whole blog about it.
As quoted by Arnold, "Quit acting like a girlyman!"
with all due respect Bastosa, I do agree with you even, but people play this game for different reasons. Some do it for the gratification of gaining levels and feel like announcing it to the guild. Personally, i hate the word ding and all it encompasses, but the fact you threaten your guild with taking away chat privileges over a personal preference of yours is something i do not agree with/
DING!! 74!
I dont agree. Ding when you level. You earned it. In my guild though, u cant ding till 20. :p
Look pal, when I'm off questing alone and there's nobody around and I FINALLY go up a level, I'm happy. I feel compelled to share the happiness with someone...ANYONE! If I'm going up several levels on a regular basis, I'm not going to go announcing it to the world...but when, as a casual player, I only go up a level every few days (on a really good week), I like to celebrate.
...and no, I won't announce when I hit a multiple of 10, but if I can plan it, I will say, "Hey guys, check this out..." a second before I turn in that quest that puts me over the line.
I also did that with WotLK: CE. I said, "Want to see something cool?" Then activated my collector's edition pet which sent the achievement to the guild. This was before 10pm PST on a pacific server, so it instantly made everyone mad. It was fun. :)
um...ok well idk about you guys but did you ever think maybe they are new to game and thought "wow i made it to lv 12" thats big for some people, but even then no matter what lv as long as you lv ten i think its an accomplishment and i will always say gratz no matter what and if you disagree with me and hate it keep it to your self and ignore it theres no reason that some one shouldn't say ding when they reach a lv just deal! if you don't care then why make it big deal, just go with it.
ps: don't want to sound meen but its my opinion and I'm entitled to it.
wow, enough to make me not want to be in The Totally Rad Guild...get over yourself already.
I personally love it when people say Ding.
It shows they got to their next level and they are now on their way to the next, getting even closer to 80...and everyone in my Guild says Gratz even if it is a level 10 Alt that just dinged.
72 Ret Pally, Durotan (US)
Never been a person to mention anything when leveling except when hit the end level 70 or now would be 80. I usually say grats to someone who levels in my instance group if I hear it. Now gear, recipes, etc can lead into some better discussions and comments to go along with the grind.
I must say I dont agree. If it is somone's first toon and they ding every 5 levels or so I dont mind congratulating them on their new acomplishment. Or if somone dings 60, 70 or 80 it is an accomplishment and I will congradulatie them. BUT thoes who have alts and Ding constently as they level really annoy me. Especialy the ones (new or not) that EXPECT congratulations upon leveling. Its a get over yourself sort of thing. I'm currently in a guild thats leveling to 80 with 40 or so regulars so we dont get it too often. I congratulate people when they ding and forget about it. Whenever I ding I dont expect a congratulations, poeple are busy but i always thank people that do. But its simply my opinoin, do with it as you will. ^_^
Hehe, I knew I would be stirring the hornets nest with this one... :)
haha Bastosa. I can empathize, but I have to say, I think reading the comments was more entertaining than the article :P
hahahah Frosty is the bestest pet in the world!
Most of the time I am so immersed in the game, I don't read the chat panel, so I personally am no affected by this new plague. I do feel for you, bro. and do solemnly swear not to abuse announcing my dinging. (dungs?)
I do love the new emote /ding
Steve Bastosa rules with an Iron Hoof.
And seriously, I mute anyone that says ding in /gchat. No one cares. Didn't we actually make that a guild rule Bast? What if people did the equivalent of this IRL. If my co-workers shouted out Sale! everytime they made one, I would probably shoot someon by the end of the day. Its bad enough that I have to see every stupid achievement in guild chat now. I could care less if some nub shaman fully explored Westfall. (*cough* Juggy) Whats worse is the people that say grats evertime someone gets one of these "acheivements". Lets end the cycle here, and just stop saying Grats all together. From now on I propose anytime someone anounces a WoW related acheivement in gchat, we respond with a great big "Fuck You!"
Mctucker, if you read this again, you can turn off those announcements. I forget where exactly it is, but I saw it on mmo-champion a while back in the forums. It is somewhere under the interface options.
oh yeah guys i dinged 74 last night! Isn't that soooo cool. I love saying the word "ding." It's awesome.
When I hit 80 I will shout from the mountain tops of Icecrown, 'DING 80!"
Get over it. It's a game. Some people play it because they like gaining levels, and who cares if they want to share every single one with somebody, or a guild.
ding is nothing. what really gets me, and i think it must just be some dumb ass european thing, but people "round these parts" tend to say "gz". feckin G-Z. what the fack is that?! i find it insulting. if you can't be arsed to at LEAST write "grats", you might as well not say anything. it's like writing lol when you really aren't laughing out loud.
that and y for yes. y is for why and even then you should only be taking the piss out of people who say "y". or "gz".
god i hate everyone. idiots.
That's stupid, just because someone says, 'ding!' doesn't mean they are saying they've just earned a REALLY tough level. They're just saying they leveled. They are not begging for attention. They are not trying to be annoying. They are simply saying they leveled. If you are seriously saying you'll take away someones guild chat privileges just because someone says 'Ding!' at level 12, I'm glad I'm not in your guild.
Loosen up.