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I Don't Care About Your "Ding"

While there is plenty of serious news and questions coming out of the recent release of Wrath… there is a bit of a tangent I need to discuss.

It is something awful that has cropped up that I have been blissfully sheltered from for the last several months. It is the reemergence of the DING. Let me just say I hate it when people say "ding" after they level, I absolutely despise it.

With Wrath out and everyone leveling again our /g is once again filled with people begging for attention over their virtual accomplishments. There are certainly some dings that are less annoying than others. A pre-wrath ding 70 would get a "grats" from me. Now a "ding 80" will get the same, but that’s about it.

It’s when people ding 47 or 64, or god forbid 12 that really makes me questions peoples sense of accomplishment and need for personal validation by reading a half-hearted “grats.” Personally, I have 5 characters level 60 or higher… now if I said ding every time one of my toons got bathed in yellow light, I would have annoyed my guild mates around 300 times now. With the recent experience nerfs leveling is really not that big of a deal. Sure, enjoy your new abilities, but don’t you don’t need to tell the whole world about it…. or even if you do find a better way to do it.

I really don’t have a problem with people announcing exciting new gear, or a rare crafting recipe, or even a big purchase, at least that stuff is interesting to talk about. But do you really think I care that the number next to you name is one digit higher? Let me just say, I don’t.

With the release of the achievement system every 10 levels is automatically announced anyway, so now there is no need for anyone to say ding anymore... ever.

Please everyone, I implore you, stop saying it. It’s needy and annoying. If you happen to be a member of the Totally Rad Guild, just remember my ability to take away your guild chat privileges is just one click away.

Reader Comments (129)

@stupid kids ruined WoW

My nazi reference is childish? I can see why it's so mature to take away guild chat privileges for saying a "clean" four letter word. If that's one of the guild rules, I'll stay being childish.

@ Penrose

"Everyone bitching about how mean Bastosa is … you *know* you want to raid with them and you would at the drop of a hat."

No...I wouldn't walk across the street to piss in his mouth if his teeth were on fire.

November 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterVexklythor

Damn, did'nt you mother love you enough as a child Bastosa? grow up or shut up

November 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJordan

I'm not sure what the big fuckin deal is....in my experience most ppl say ding to let you know they lvled and thats it, so if that really pisses you off, get over it. Most of the time i'm too busy actually playing the game than staring at /g to even notice, and if i do notice, then i'll throw out a grats, who cares....but on the other hand, the ppl that lvl once but say it like 4 or 5 times just to get some attention kinda piss me off, but like i said i'm usually to busy playin to really notice....with all that being said, theres 2 types of ppl who say ding......figure out who's what before /gkicking or removing /g priveleges......just my opinion

November 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKillboy

as far as the whole ding and grats bullshit, i dl'd 2 addons to make the comments for me, if i ding it announces somethin 1/2 way worth reading and if some1 else dings it says grats (whoever) only so many more lvls togo. and i also agree that for those of us casual players who take multiple days to lvl fuck an a diddy i will DING 72 when i finally get it in about 5 more hrs of played time

November 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTwest

Well Damn!?...it must have been a slow day at the office for this blogg to make it on home page. Opinions are like assholes...everyone has one. Bastosa (and all others in agreement) if the word "DING" annoys you that much then simply respond with a gentle and caring "FUCK YOU!!". This response will let the "DINGER" know that you are not particularly interested in their announcement of a so-called achievement. I, myself, am not particularly interested in the leveling achievements of others unless they went from 1-80 in 48 hours. Now that is an achievement worthy of exclamation in guild chat! Or, “I single-handedly bent Lady Vashi over a rock and pumped her like a three dollar whore and I posted the video on You-Tube,” would be another accomplishment worthy of sharing with your guild mates.

Yes the “DING” gets old pretty quick, but it is nice to let people have their 10 seconds of self-worth.

Horde…enough said!

November 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterOggrillain

Pure unabashed chaos.


November 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterFeralface

@ Hoofhearted

I'll have you know we Europeans made the English language (or more like the English people), so anything you are currently typing is from us! Don't insult your heritage!

November 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBritish Boy

this is my third post, just wanted to say after reading all the comments i still think you're right. they seem to have went from turds to mouth breathers sence i last posted, lets see if this post gets some window lickers.

November 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterOmega

This stuff is great. Keep up the excellent work Bast :) I look forward to raiding with you :D

November 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterShaun

1st off...your an ass and second after reading what you had to say i thought man what an ass and i felt sorry for your guild mates then i read from some of your other guild mates and now i know you are all asshole. and this is the last time www.projectlore.com will be seen on my com. your vid's where not that great anyway and your blogs where only good for a good lol.

November 21, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterbill gates

you dont honestly think that they care if one person stops watching there shows, that is like someone calling up walmart and saying i will never buy your product again. they say they care, but do you acually think they do?

November 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterOmega

haha, i have watch there Show's and didnt see anything great about them realy, most of them suck anyways, so they can have there Guild realy. I Ran whit better guild then this one, like Underscore,Vision, Edge Top Raiding guild that Make TRG look like Noobs realy.

But im not Blaming the Guild , But too let you know As guildy they have the ability too basicly make this guild look like a Pug group with 2 Click buddy.

You have too remember it's not the Officer that make the guild. It's everyone else that does, Officer are usaly just a small handfull, and hopefuly there not asshole like Bastosa if i was a the GM i would remove his Privilage, Remeber this Site was created too help New player in this game, What kind of message are you saying now too new player, stating this kind of comment. The way i see it , New player are going too be too scared or wont wana play.

So if this site is about helping new player get Bastosa off this Blog because he is not helping at all, instead putting people down because there proud or happy about leveling.

So Juggy if you read this bro i would kinda talk too you officer about posting stuff like this because that make TRG look very bad.

I do have my own guild as well and i support this because it make the guild stronger and make a more fun enviroment.

November 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBurceMage

Hey hey i just noticed you Ranked 6 now in Wow Armory what happen bud. Nice Work Juggy

November 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBurcemage

Wow, overreact much guys? ☺

While I wrote this with the intention of being controversial, I certainly did not expect people to take it as personally as they did. Please try and think just a little bit before you start calling me, in a few cases, incredibly offensive names.

A little civil discourse goes a long way.

Despite the use of hyperbole, I figured most of you would understand my point. While I do get annoyed by people dinging, I never have, nor do I plan to punish anyone over it. k?

This blog is simply meant for me to talk about what is on my mind, and hopefully do it in an entertaining and somewhat compelling way (I try anyway). It is not news, and is not meant to be anyone’s opinion other than my own. This post was meant to be fun, any anyone that knows me from my guild knows it was not a threat (perhaps just a poor choice of venue for an inside joke).

Of course Juggy read this before it was posted, and obviously he didn’t change my guild rank over it! Please have a little common since and take this with a grain of salt. This game (and this blog) is supposed to be fun!

(reapplies flame retardant)

November 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBastosa

It is aboslutely amazing how many people flame Bast without knowing him. He is a good guy and is probably the most non-confrontational person in the guild. Anyone who has made an attempt to group with us in the guild know we are a bunch of peeps that like to joke around and progress in the WoW realm. Simply coming on here and making broad general statements about someone you dont know shows your intelligence and lack thereof.

To the people who say they run guilds and flamed Bast for this blog and stated they will not be watching this cast anymore: Sorry we are not as uber-1337 as you. Start your own show and display to all us noobs how its done. Then we will bow to your awesomeness and pray that we can be as good of wow-players as you.

And to people who commented on the wow-armory ranks in our guild: We have like 13 different ranks. There really is no officers in the guild. Only ones who can invite and who can't. Juggy is the only one who can demote or kick, so he is the end-all be-all on decisions.

TRG is a fun guild and I am glad to be a part of it.

Oh, and I am an uptight asshole who demeans people on a daily basis. Especially McTucker. He's a douche.

November 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterFeralface

@ Bruce Mage, the comments you made make you look like a douche bag. but sadly you did not post the name of your guild. I will tell you one thing, everyone has the right to express there say, weather you like it or not. the fact that you seem to think that everyone should run there guild the same as you, is possable the dumbest idea i have ever heard. aparently i am not the only one that thinks your a pig, as you clearly stated going through three guilds and now you have your own. so please in the future leave your selfglorified comments for people who acually care what you think.

November 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterOmega

long live the legendary Steve Bastosa!

November 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterOmega

Yea but you know before posting a blog like this you should chose your word, i would of never done this too my guild, and my guild is Hangin With My Gnomies. I was GM of this guild and because i could not put as much time as i gave the guild GM too one of my officers. I do appreciate the comment Bastosa that you posted and that make you look a lot better in my mind, maybe you should of posted that earlier but never the less it's good you did.

For Omega for the other guild i have never been whit the guild them self i know the GM and officer of the guild, i have Real life friend that are in these guild too let you know. Hangin whit my gnomies was my first guild i join and i was ask too join other guilds and refused them as well because i like my guild and would not abbadone my friends that are in this guild. We where 3 ppl that built this guild from scratch. Im very proud of the guild. My point is when it come too a point someone says that there gona resctrict chat too a persone because he says DING is just insane and should not be done like that.

Why as a game it becomes soo serious, i play this game because i enjoy too play and come on this site because i liked the ppl playing the instance and thought there where pretty nice. but after a blog like this you kinda tell yourself well is it a act because it's going too be on video for everyone too watch.

But thanks Bastosa for the reply and i do appreciate that you are not like that but in the future blog like this would not reflect good on a Guild officer or Guild them self.

Now i dont understand why im a douche bag because you have ppl in here that called this guild worst name and Bastosa worst names. Like you said i said my opinion and im aloud too it just like Bastosa did.

So who is the douche bag now Omega.

I have nothing against TRG but a reply like this sooner would of been better for everyone in my own mind.

Im not the best Raider myself i just said that i ran whit these guild and there hardcore raider im saying that you dont threat ppl like that just because there glad that they Ding a level that was my point.

No harm no Foul, im not even on your server guys so it dont bother me.

Was just stating my opinion just like Omega said.

November 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBurcemage

Tounge-in-cheak humor is bad for teh interwebs.

November 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterFeralface

haha, nice one FeralFace

November 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBurcemage

to my dear friend Brucemage, yes to express your say is great,; but do not flame someone for what they say just because you dont think it is right. that fact that he didnt like it when people said " ding" and you are the one who had a melt down here, so it still makes you look like a douche. you could have said simply i dont agree with it, and left it at that. i personaly dont think bast should have had to apolgise, but sadly that is how life is one person makes a big stink; and politics starts. it makes your guild look bad, because for your aparent claim of not sweating the small stuff; you sure as hell blow up on this one. i would never want to be in the same room as you if religion came up or politics, in guild chat. good lord, you would probley track me down and kill me in the night. i am defending bast's ability to have an say, the comments that you made about the show were out of line, but hmm i dont seem to see any apoligy from you. imagine that.

November 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterOmega

Ignoring the whole other side of the debate that's crossed up, I just want to comment the only part of 'ding' I dislike is the word itself.

The word dates back to EverQuest (the original, not EQ2 like some claim). Every time I hear people say ding, I think of that game and the pain of levelling in it. And I dislike anything that makes me think of that game.

November 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterFobok

For too long in the TRG we've been victimized by Steve Bastosa and been too scared to speak up. Well, I for one refuse to carry this burden inside any longer. The Totally Rad Guild is a cesspool; it is a breeding ground of hate, pederasty, elitism, and poor table manners.

I levelled through Burning Crusade as a Feral druid, but collected a few pieces of caster gear along the way. As a proud member of the Bastosa Youth, it was expected of me that I respec Resto to utilize my "off-set" the day I reached 70 (but as was understood under no circumstances was I to announce such an event in guild chat for fear of being sent to the TRG labor camps in Silithus or Winterspring).

However, I announced in /g that I was experimenting with Balance instead of Resto. Fuhrer Bastosa exploded. He demoted me to the Nigerian rank in the guild which is incapable of speaking in guild chat, levelling, entering an instance, or even logging into WoW at all. He forced me to steal Project Lore fan identities and post moronic comments under their online aliases on this very website. For five long years I was brutally flogged, waterboarded, and denied shotgun privileges on munchies runs. To this day I am unable to lift my off-hand above the bank counters in Shattrath or Dalaran and employ a young Filipino boy to do such tasks for me at great expense to my already meager income, now diminished by my crippled daily quest earning capacity.

Twice I attempted escape, but was caught before tasting the sweet freedom of the general channel. Once I tried to end my own life by leaping from the top of the spire above G'eras only to be bubbled mere feet from release off this cruel mortal coil by none other than S. Marcus Bastosa.

The world must know! We cannot abide these atrocities another day. Grand Wizard Bastosa is impossible to appease. His lust for dead babies and the blood of newborn kittens is insatiable, and his taste for deflowering freshly recruited guild members is infamous.

I fear it is too late to stop him. I only hope he and the rest of the TRG can be contained.

November 22, 2008 | Unregistered Commentervindev

Brilliant, Vindev. Brilliant.

November 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterFeralface

Haha, fuck I love flame wars.

Bast never said that he would take away your guildchat privileges for saying ding, you people read that he COULD do it and therefore it meant to you that he would and he is clearly a giant ass and all that is wrong with this world.

I do happen to hate ding and everything about it (I just left a guild because it was promoted and there was 100 level 20 or below toons which resulted in a clusterfuck of Dinging and Gratz) how ever it is important to some people (lesser people, but still people I guess). I think a good compromise is say every 5th you can say ding but are not obligated to. This is the achievements getting announced on guildchat should be a good compromise. Thats my opinion anyways.

@Vindev, you just made my day

@Bastosa - Sorry you're going through all this shit because people misinterpreted something you said, can't take a joke and feel that calling you names lie "asshole and hitler"

@Feralface - Your comments made the whole thing better

November 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSnaggly

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