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ZOMG, More Ulduar Information

SolidSamm Is About As Tall As A StepI know my good buddy Bastosa already covered WoW-Europe's preview of Ulduar, but I can't contain myself.  Forget about the fact that my toon is a bit further behind his raiding accomplishments, this is new content we are talking about here!  Unlike my controversial post on Dual Spec yesterday (that it is a band-aid feature), I am pretty sure everyone is incredibly excited to learn more about the Titans and Old Gods as we battle through new encounters.

Feature list:

  • Fourteen boss encounters.  Eleven of these will have a "hard" mode for players who want more of a challenge - and extra, high item level loot.

  • The area is split up into two sections, an entryway and then the dungeon.  Via the preview, an army lead by the first boss guards the rest of the dungeon.  The fight will involve vehicular combat, and yes, the vehicles will scale with gear.  The initial skirmish will be one of the eleven encounters with a hard mode.

  • Confirmed bosses include Flame Leviathan, Freya, Thorim, Hodir, and The Iron Council.

  • Yogg-Saron, the second known living Old God, is alluded to being the final boss.

You may have noticed that there is no mention of Freya, Thorim, Hodir, or The Iron Council in the preview post.  That information came out thanks to a post on the official North American realms detailing the planned testing of v3.1 and the raid.  Blizzard will be changing up their testing from here on out, possibly in an attempt to stop World First Kills from happening shortly after the content goes live.  Patch v3.1 will be tested in chunks (the above bosses being the first batch) that are only available during a strict timeframe.  Adding to that, the North American and European playerbases will be given different content to test at different times.  Furthermore, the territories may not even be allowed to test some content at all.

With over a baker's dozen worth of encounters, immense scope and scale, Old God and Titan lore, possibly an Old God itself and stories based on Norse mythology, Ulduar seems like a can't miss.  Here is to hoping that the fights come out as fun and distinct as the first one sounds.  One question did immediately pop into my head after reading the preview, "Why are we fighting against Thorim and Hodir after we have done so much for them?"  Ideas?

Also, Voltron reference...awesome!

Reader Comments (25)

Man thanks koopa sounds awesome :)

February 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMuradun

Am I the only one that isn't totally "jazzed" by the new content?

February 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPauldy

Woohoo cant wait : ) great post btw

February 18, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterzoova

I am guessing we will be fighting Hodir and Thorim because, like Loken they have been corrupted by Yogg-Saron.

February 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFuegogrande

I think the fight with Thorim especially will be more of a redemption of him, and not a killing of him. It would kind of make me feel guilty considering its your fault he's there in the first place if you had to kill him.

February 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKiayateo

so is this where Heroic hogger is to be found?

February 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHenry

I believe you have to fight them since they are in fact guarding whatever it is they're guarding,
whether you've helped them or not they're there to protect something from whoever may try to get in.

At least that's the notion I got from the initial preview.

Hopefully there will be quests that have class specific gear like AQ,
in the quest description listing particular lore involving answers to those question.

February 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNtieoen

"I believe you have to fight them since they are in fact guarding whatever it is they’re guarding,
whether you’ve helped them or not they’re there to protect something from whoever may try to get in"

I see that possible since, from what I understand, this section of Ulduar is a prison of sorts for an old God (Old God of Death, possibly Yogg-Saron)

February 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFuegogrande

This sounds great ;) and to answer the question with killing Thorim and Hodir.. well.. i dont know.. but i'd be sure to have my shoulder enchants before i went in there :)

February 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGerandor

Well I have an idea about Thorim and ill say spoiler just incase anyone hasnt done that quest line

At the end of it when Thorim is fighitng Loken it didnt look like Loken killed him infact i think Loken said something about how he would serve the master now

so maybe Yogg-Saron is controling Thorim and making us fight him

dont know about Hodir possibly the same

February 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCrusade

Voltron? Do you mean Flame Leviathan? If so what, besides it being a giant robot, makes it a Voltron reference?

February 18, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterltgalloway

maybe Thorim and Hodir will be like Akama in BT being that they will help you later on in the instance after you beat them.

February 18, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterkevin

The Voltron reference made me lol, but it makes me wonder if we will be fighting a ginat mech...don't know how I fill about that one however.

While the entrance fight seems fun, I hope blizzard adds some more traditional methods of fight with the vehichle system, not dragons specifically, but the horseback fight in GH was really fun and I would like to see something like that in a raid.
I was also wondering why would we be fighting Thorum and Hordir, or even Freya (since from what I've been told you help her out in SB). Hopefully it's not a repeat of the same boss scematic we've seen so many times such as you have to kill the boss to save him or they go mad or somehting. Killing Kerestraza after she took me on that awesome ride in Borean seemed so wrong and to this day I try to avoid nexxus for that reason....here's to hoping I am not forced to kill one of my favorite wow lore characters b/c they went loopy. :D

February 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterVoldenmist

i can't bloody wait for it to come out :D even tho i only not done a lot of raiding only got 2 thnigs from naxx :( i wanna try and do a lot more so am geared and can go streight away :D the info on first battle with the army and flame levithan alone made me wanna go there streight away sounds immense :D

and about fighting hordir and all them could be 2 reasons etheir Yogg-Saron has like corupted them and stuff or they are there to make sure Yogg-Saron isn't released into the world. there only reasons i can see

February 18, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterteeters

i for one hate vehicle battles, i can see the point in them for those raiding since pre tbc, but i never got to raid pre wotlk since i simply started out on wow to late, so my only encounter with early raids has been a slow fight with a lvl 80 druid and me downing onyxia, the rest i haven't even seen with my char yet. So for me i'd like some more opportunities to actually use it in a place where my skills are stressed.

And picking from 5 maybe 6 abilities while in a vehicle and just figuring out the right rotations doesn't seem that interesting to me.

And really, thats what it will be like, just like the Aces high quest in coldara, once you figure out what the rotation is you can do it with your eyes closed, hard modes, or not.

February 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSardit

Uh, can't you say that about any boss battle really? It's hardest when you first encounter it but after you know the rotation it's just rinse and repeat. I would assume that there will be the same level of difficulty in vehicle battles as in normal battles once you have the strategy down.

February 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEventime

I was wondering, is that army of stone giants beneath HoL the army we will be fighting on vehicles before we actually enter the Ulduar Raid? Just a thought.

February 18, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterthedpsking

This makes me want to get to 80 so much faster so I can do Ulduar upon release, but first I need gear >8(

If only I was a paladin or Warrior where gear was easier to get than for my Death Knight...

February 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLuntiX


If you had bothered to read the Ulduar preview article, you would know why.

February 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlayea

I'm hoping Ulduar isn't easy. As for the 1st fight with vehicles, I didn't level my toon all the way to 80 and gear him out so that i gotta get in a tank or what ever and face-roll on my keyboard. Like someone said, once u do it once u know what to hit, there fore you can't fuck up....but if your fighting with your toon you have to make decisions that can turn the tide of a boss encounter or screw it, basicly im saying vehicles are tard-proof.

As for the "hard-mode" lawl. Hard-Mode is just Blizzards way of saying Achievement. And because 11 of 14 boss have "achiv-mode" just tells you that the bosses are gonna be a joke. I hope I'm totally wrong, only time will tell.

The guild im in is not hardcore, but we do like progression, in TBC we always had something to go to next once we finished a raid and farmed a while. I want content...$15 a month and all the raiding I got was 2 new dragons and a rehash of Naxx? On my server 90% of guilds have done 10man Naxx and 70% have done the 25-man.....and Ulduar is prob a good month or two...maybe 3 away. If Ulduar doesn't come through this might be my last expansion. That's my two cents of opinions.

February 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMark

My thoughts: I think the bosses that were supposed to be the 'good guys' wen't in for some reason and got corrupted by Yogg-saron etc etc.. Then we find them there and they attack us :)

February 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSimon

Mark clearified my statement for me. Even though a boss once you have the strat down is just rinse and repeat, putting in vehicles makes it even easier. Those vehicles will have perhaps 5 different buttons.. So there are at most 5 skills to use. I'm a priest healer myeself, and tbh i like my toon far better then the vehicles. Take for instance the occulus instance, you end it on the dragons. The first two times its cool but really as a healer its the saddest fight ever. all you do is shoot the boss and heal the tank. Basically spamming the same two things over and over. If i wanted to spam, i would have rolled a paladin or shaman....

Vehicles in my opinion are just a trick from blizzard so they can finally make true on their *new* filosofy, bring the player & not the class. Heck, if their are a bunch of vehicles especially designed for that specific boss then they can tune the difficulty perfectely, There won't be any classes overpowered in the fight. In my opinion the only reason vehicles are put in place is the constant failure blizzard has shown us in the last years in evening out the playing field between classes in both the pve and pvp area. This way they won't run into priests using the five second rule and getting some mana back all of a sudden making the fight to easy. Or with hunters beating everyone in the dps charts

February 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSardit


Though I will agree that bringing in vehicles may be a little lame, it is a change of pace. I am also a holy priest and I know that we have a great deal of abilities that we always have to be ready to use. We don't just spam an ability which is something I've always enjoyed. However, if you really think that Blizzard has been constantly failing for the last year on this game, I need to ask you this, why are you still playing? Obviously this failure bothers you. Wouldn't you want to find a game that wouldn't be maintained by a bunch people who constantly fail? I do like their philosophy about bringing the character and not the class and I think it has actually helped increase the number of instances I've been able to run successfully. Play styles between the classes are still very different (I've got a druid, priest, DK, warlock and warrior, played many different specs from each as well as played my brother's pally tank) making each class different and fun assuming I enjoy their play style (some just aren't for me).

That being said, I do expect that Ulduar will be an awesome instance. I can't wait to try it out. I believe they will make it quite a bit harder. I thought I read somewhere that it would be difficult like Sunwell was when it first came out. That may just be rumor or me not remembering properly but that would be something for people to work at and take some time to get through. Who knows but I'll keep preparing myself for the new content.

February 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRob


I don't really consider blizzard failing, however reading the official forums the majority seems to think so. ( and tbh after just being ganked for half an hour straight on by a rogue that didn't even bother to vanish but just stood at my corpse over and over again, i do feel the holy spec of priest might need somewhat of a boost pvp wise )

But those moments of utter frustration apart i actually enjoy this game. I love going to instances and heal undergeared groups through it. I really enjoy healing in raids being on top of my game and in utter concentration for hours straight on.
To me, the vehicles are just a cheap way to cope out in *fixing* classes. They are changing mana management because priests, who have done the same thing for ages, all of a sudden have to much mana in a fight. Using vehicles is just a fix for things like that in my book.
Blizzard messing with time old systems that weren't meant to scale to level 80 in the way they eventually did.

And i'm really affraid that the vehicles will not have the same diversity that my character already has. Sure its nice to play a different role once and again. But i'm quite happy with my current role in all honesty.

And on a side note, i've tried tons of games, some i actually found more enjoyable one loads of areas then wow is. Unfortunately, those were all games with small playerbases, maintained on private small hardware wich failed a lot more then the commercial stuff blizzard uses. Next to that, i still have to come across a game that has the extensive lore and questlines that world of warcraft shows me.

February 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSardit

I hope to get in on the Ulduar action, but right now I'm only getting into 10/25 Naxx if a pug is looking for a healer. (And, with one exception, every single pug has been epic fail.) I can't even get into a Malygos 10/25 pug because of "must know fight / be experienced". Well how the heck do you think you get that in the first place, you morons?!

*sigh* So yeah, I'm not getting my hopes up.

February 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlayea

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