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The Creepy Lore Of Forsaken Apothecaries

Plaguebringer TillinghastMaybe they’re just bitter about being killed by the plague. Or they could still be holding a grudge against the Lich King and his Scourge legions. Perhaps they just love torturing people with their creepy, oozing concoctions. Whatever it is, apothecaries and all the messed up lore surrounding them gives me the chills. Now, I’ll cheer on my Horde comrades any day, but these witch doctor guys only seem to remain allegiant out of convenience.

Within the first few levels of rolling a Horde character, toons are tasked with completing numerous quests for these macabre NPCs. As a Forsaken starting out in the eerie green haze of Tirisfal Glades, you’ll be asked to turn a captured mountaineer into a ghoul, cause the flesh to rot off a Scarlet Zealot, and, of course, contribute to the spread of a new plague. How’s that for payback to those nasty humans who condemned you to undead life? And that’s all just in the starting area. At least if you roll undead, you have some good motivation for causing all this mayhem – revenge.

What about the rest of us unsuspecting Horde toons? Many of us aren’t even aware of the Dark Lady’s ulterior motives to wipe out all civilization. But when members of the Royal Apothecary Society are offering sweet gear in exchange for our deeds, it’s not hard to lure us into poisoning the occasional captured human. Or two.

Even when the reward is quite satisfying, I can’t help but feel tainted. So it’s not hard to see why I wasn’t sad to leave my old home of the Undercity and put some distance between my rogue blood elf, Locomomo, and Master Apothecary Faranell’s dungeon of bubbling vials and experiments gone awry. I dinged level 58 and got the hell out of there. But lo and behold, the Forsaken have brought their grudges with them to Outland, and then again to Northrend. Where will the madness end?

Creating another new plagueThese Royal Apothecary dingbats still weird me out. But I guess it’s the greedy, sneaky rogue in me that just can’t help but complete even the darkest of quests in exchange for upgraded gear. I’m in Howling Fjord, and working toward earning a nice Featherweight Claymore simply by contributing to a new plague specifically targeting the giant vrykuls.  I’m also helping Plaguebringer Tillinghast create a new and more sinister plague that will infect humanoids and creatures alike. I can’t wait to see how that one turns out. At least “Hacksaw” Jenny seems to understand. All this plague business has ruined her prospects for finding bones suitable for her own questionable uses. So she’s asked me to go collect some from reanimated skeletons on Shield Hill, and is paying me handsomely for it.

This is the last time I'll work with these hooligans. Honest.

Reader Comments (19)

Interseting post, I also find some of the forsaken lore, and architecture slightly disturbing, especialy in Undercity where theres a giant organ speewing ooze (which you can bathe in), and half assembled abomminations hanging from the ceiling. Really un-necessary Bliz.

February 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterShme

I'll do anything for new gear!

February 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJuggynaut

is this a new blogger i see?

February 25, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterchurchill

Every time I do an instance with my friends of the Forsaken, I always do get that sneaking suspicion that if I stay turned away for too long, there will be a dagger in my back.

They're all sneaky buggers.

February 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSean

*Warning spoiler*
*Warning spoiler*
*Warning spoiler*
*Warning spoiler*

after what the apothecaries did to bolivar i have hated them ever since we could have killed the lich king then they had to come and screw it all up dammit!!!

February 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMicah

I'm not sure that Sylvanas has any ulterior motives to destroy civilization. Some of her less scrupulous followers might, but Sylvanas herself just wants to find peace for her people.

February 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWalls


The Apothecaries aren't really working for sylvannus which is shown when the grand Apothecary and that dreadlord whos name escapes me rebel against the horde, seize understudy and attempt to unleash their new plague upon the scourge, At the expense of the combined Horde and Alliance militaries...AND BOLVAR! /cry
still can't get over that
I may be a Blood Elf paladin but i still cringe when i see such a great paladin fall
(and before anyone says BE's arent realll paladins they just steal the light, look up the new lore ever since sunwell we are blessed by the naaru)

February 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCrusade

They are creepy but they give some of the most intresting quests in the game and the dialog is priceless! my favorie is the Apocathary in venomspite, i think the chain is "The Forsaken Blight and You: How Not to Die", the giver wants green emerald tears and he says "i dont know the whole story, but apparently when green dragons are about to die, they cry alot. Who knew?" thats priceless. pity many ppl dont read the quests anymore there are some real gems in there.

February 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterVacant

The forsaken really are a weird bunch, and those apothecaries are the only real "evil" characters in the horde(apart from maybe some rebellion orcs) but they really have some funny quests up their sleeve. Enless you're going for Loremaster,you don't really have to do their quest though.Enless maybe to see Wrathgate.(venomspite)
Sucks they killed Saurfang the Younger though, no more cleaving hero and bolvar, atleast he was better than Varian Wrynn

February 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterReyson

I just don't understand how this is going to end well for the Horde. Assume that they beat the Alliance, they cant be having undead running around trying to kill things. The Taurns are all about life and nature and the forsaken are all about killing it. Also The Orcs are trying to make peace with the humans but that seems impossible when you bring zombies to the bargaining table. The alliance has no such division in its ranks. All i am saying is I cant see a true horde victory as long as they are allied with the undead.

February 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTecMage

As long as their quests grant me gold and experience, I really don't mind being a tremendous creep and helping out the Forsaken. For the horde.

February 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGene

I LOVE being undead. Eating corpses for health, will of the forsaken, and shadow resistance aside - we're just disturbing all around.

February 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKrowtz

iIfind it funny that a rogue would want to let alone be able to use Featherweight Claymore since its a 2hand wep.
I think maybe project lore should get bloggers that actually know abou the game.

February 25, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterzolbin


i'm sorry but i don't feel sorry in the slightest for bolvar, what about Saurfang?! call yourselves horde? you should be ashamed of yourselves...paladin..pfft.

but yeh, i hate the apothecaries too, creepy sons of...

February 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMagealitious

@Walls Indeed, I certainly hope that Sylvanas simply wants to take out the Scourge, which is something I believe most Horde would be entirely for. But I've heard whispers that she may have something darker in the works for all civilization. Let us all hope that the apothecaries don't have it their way.

@Gene For the Horde!

@zolbin Actually, that would be quite silly of me to try to yield a 2-handed, wouldn't it! I linked to the wrong weapon as my choice from that quest. Though the Featherweight Claymore is quite nice, the Fullered Coldsteel Dagger would suit me much better :)

February 26, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterpixiestixy

I won't do anything for new gear, but I will do anything for interesting lore.

February 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenteriTZKooPA

this is is intresting apothecary are not the only thing standing in peace between aliance and horde thrall and the king of storm wind phiscly and muterly hate each other we see that very clearly when they assult under city and allmost come to blows but the bitch mage stops them and ports back to stormwind i was so mad she did that if you havent done the veteran of wrath gate you dont know what your missing in my opion best qeust in the game avryone must do it the coolest ever the things the king said just realy get to you the passion he showed the words he said made me hate the horde even more by the end of his speech i was ready to rip their beating hearts out and than in a single monent that SOB of a mage took it all away oh and BTW that above are not spoilers infect on WOW.com you cna catch the clip their may be peace between the Blood elfs and night elfs and the tourens the blood and night elf were once on the same side they can be once again tourens and nightelfs are all about peace its just a matter time before they relize they after the same thing i dont know much about the trolls the the possibility of peace between the horde the forsakens was shattered when when they ambushed us the orcs and humans both try to make piece but i think its lost cuase the orcs were born of blood their all about war look at ttheir gear full of spikes and such its like a butterfly turning back in to a catapilleras for the humans its the human nature to hate hold grudges not being able to let anything gothe 2 of them are like 2 magnets avrytime to try to push them togather they push back and away from each other

February 26, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterelion

Wow, that has got to be the longest sentence EVER! I mean, when i read that, I get the image of a person just rambling on in high speed, with me not understanding a word :P


February 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHaua

at elion- don't forget that the draenei dislike the orcs because thbey killed their people on draenor and the blood elves because they highjacked the full exodar(tempest keep). not to mention people can't tell them apart from eredar.

i love doing quests for the apothecaries:P i mean come on waht other quests have you find bat crap?

February 27, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterdalinus

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