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Female Toons: Are You Girls Or Guys In RL?

This toon also happens to be a RL girl.

Have you ever wondered how many of the female toons that you see in game are actually controlled by a girl player? Considering how many comments on Project Lore I’ve seen about guys trying (oftentimes without much luck) to get their girlfriends or wives to play WoW, my guess would be the percentage isn't too high.

I’ve noticed that most girl gamers, including myself, prefer to roll girl characters. That's true for RPGs, fighting games, adventure games and especially in WoW, where you really bond with your toon and stick with them for a long time. But guys? I’ve always thought that it's strange, but I've known plenty who could roll either way. Especially when it comes to the female toons that look good (generally not female orcs).

Being a Horde player and a lover of all things cute, my current character is a female blood elf (the cutest feature of all - when she runs, her ears wiggle!). And since I also am a big fan of the interactive side of WoW, I tend to team up with friends for much more than just running dungeons or raids. We'll set up a time to log on for quests, exploration, achievements, leveling professions, and generally running amuck, too. My most frequent partner in crime is another female blood elf played by none other than my husband.

So I’m always curious – when we /flirt, /hug, /kiss, /love, /lick or /em (insert provocative thing here) – how many other players out there are seriously unsure about what’s going on? For all they know, it could be two RL guys who are both cross-playing girl toons. Who would guess that it’s actually a husband and wife team just spreading the love? Maybe others don’t even think much about it. But when I see a girl toon, I‘m always wondering – is it a girl in RL, or a guy? If my girl toon /dances with them, and the RL player is a guy, do they think I’m flirting with them? Maybe we’re not meant to know who the RL person is – that adds a whole new level of mysticism to the game.

So, what’s been your experience? Do most girls really play only female toons, as I’ve noticed? How many guys out there roll either way? And do you ever wonder about toons' RL identities, or am I the only one?

Reader Comments (136)

Pfft, I know some Girl chars who play Guy Chars.

And yes I recustomized 1 of my guy chars into a gril. My Priest.

March 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNextgener

I am a woman and i play girl toons cause i feel more comfortable playing a female. I have like one guy toon that i rolled but i don't even play him. I have several girl friends that play and they all play females as well, and about 8 active female members in my guild that play female toons as well.

On occasion we get new guildies and PUGs that give us that whole "GIRL = guy in real life" line and we do have some guys that play girl toons in our guild but i think its all personal perferance in the long run. I personally like playing a girl and being open about being a girl to show up guys that think girls cant play. I think deep down all girls feel this way. I also think more girls play than we know about too they just aren't as vocal as some of us.

March 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEdyion

My main is a male, but my alts are females (I'm a guy IRL)
When I made my Warlock I decided that this character that I will play the most would be my "link" to my RL self...
All my alts (dk included) are females, only exception being my only horde character Mojomaster, a Troll shaman that hasn't gotten past lvl10 since I only made him to scout ahead, so I could decide my path when I went to fish for Old Crafty in Org...
I think it's everyones right to choose what they want to be, that's the whole point of RPG IMHO :D

March 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSlyfanitor

I am girl and I play both. My main is female blood elf and I have a special love for male trolls, but really I'm fine with playing either.

March 9, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbrandywine

I'm an old-school RPG'er and DM, so its actually all about the character and how they fit their role. I have a grumpy old male Human mage with silver hair and a penchant for wearing pointy purple hats, and a female Dranei priest who likes to float... Whatever I feel fits that character, goes. I'm controlling the character, but I don't feel its my own personality.

I guess that's the main difference: for some people, their WoW character is a personal avatar, a digital representation of themselves, like in SecondLife etc. For me, its just a digital character I'm bringing life to.

March 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWML

1: Don't care about the RL player gender. I've stopped responding that I'm a girl finally. XD
2: Emotes are used for silliness, thanking someone, or hating on someone.
3: No, most girls don't only play Female toons. I'll only play male Trolls or Forsaken. I got for the aesthetics . I have a friend that pretty much only play male characters, though her main is female simply because she lvled it with her Boyfriend.
4: I call people by their character's gender and most don't care anymore. Unless I hear them on vent, don't care one witt.

March 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHatell

im a dude
I roll both, male night elf
and female draenei(go sick of looking at a nasty male one)

March 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDayrius

I am a male and on occasion will role a female toon. I don't put much thought into it, other than I'm ready for a change of scenery. My current main just so happens to be a female Blood Elf rogue. I rolled her because the BElf chics look a lot like my wife, I even named her after the pet name I have for my wife. Unfortunately the wife hates video games in general and loathes the time that WoW takes from her cuddle time. I guess it's my way of subconsciously introducing my wife into the World of Warcraft, knowing that she will never play the game. As far as who is what in RL, I really never think about it. I see the toons for what they are in the game. The moment I log on, all concern about the real world is gone and I immerse myself into the game. I really don't have any problem with chics playing guys or guys playing chics and I'm not desperate or socially inept enough to actually ask someone in-game what gender they are.

March 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterShoogs

I'm a female. Most of my characters are female (purely a visual preference thing), but I do have males too. My husband has about equal amounts of either sex. However, I mostly don't think about what the sex of the person playing another character is. It just makes no difference to me, because I really don't feel that gender has anything to do with how the person is going to perform in a group. And in the end, that's all that matters to me when I team up with random unknown characters/people.

March 9, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterelfennau

My main is a dreanei priest, male, i have 3 alts who are all females, human ne and a blood elf, i also have 2 male alts. Hardly play those though. Strangely i find that they can pull a lot a crap in instances that would not be accepted from males, Leave the pet on agressive and cause wipes, the /em, something silly / flirty and no one flames me. Shame on you guys ! Treat my girl toons the same you treat my male toons.

btw, i'm a guy :P

I started the female toons mainly because they were pretty to look at, and i decided to test group behaviour against toons a bit. It seems girls get away with loads more crap then male toons do

March 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSardit

Of the 5 characters I have above level 60, 3 of them are male, 2 of them are female. So I suppose I am fairly neutral on this issue. I guess I just try and pick what makes most sense for the race/class combination I pick.

I have friends in my guild that are all of the above combinations. Guys playing girls, girls playing guys, girls playing girls, and guys playing guys.

I do find it interesting that people in game (that I don't know) do tend to treat me a little different when I am on my female toons.

March 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBastosa

I use to play male & female in other games but decided to stick with male in WoW (I'm also male in RL)

All the people I know in RL who play WoW are RL female and are playing female in the game.

I use /flirt a lot in the game, it makes people laugh, it's just an in game thing. My male toon is flirting with your female toon it doesn't go further then that! ^^

March 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMister Edgar

I'm a guy and I made my first main toon a female BElf warlock primarily because it was the best looking character I made that day. Since then, all of my alts have been males (taurens to be exact). For me, it's just how I feel on that day I guess.

March 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBladenkirst

I refuse to play anything but Female unless I'm a Tauren, I think most/all the male models in the gay look horrid.

March 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKrow

I'm male and i use to play only male toons, but i noticed that the gm of the guild i was in had 4 70's all female and i asked him about finally and he said if he was gonna have to spend a lot of time with toons might has well be looking at a female then i started making female toons and i just like them better i like their animations better my newest main is my 80 be rouge and she is a girl. I still like my guy toons too but i don't know just like the female toons better. and i never have had an issue with someone thinking I'm female. All guildies and people i play with know there is a guy controlling that cute rouge

March 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMaribellis

P.S. Of all the female players I have met I have never seen one with a male toon, strange.

March 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMaribellis

I play a girl because as another poster said above night elf males look stupid and a druid with bulky armor! No thank you *shakes head*

March 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKayaanai

I have one of each, amazing how many lonely dudes are out there vying your virtual affection.

March 9, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterpauldy

I only play hot girl toons loll.
But I'm a girl so that's not so weird :-)

March 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKathy

When I started my first alliance alt,
I made all the characters I have on that realm female, despite not being so.
At around about level 10 I was invited to join what I thought was a ridiculous guild,
I was intrigued, and joined, this was by far the most retarded guild I've ever seen,
and on my main realm, there are some pretty bad ones.

What struck me so much about this guild is nobody seemed to be truly female - except the gleader who is genuinely the nicest person in the world - of warcraft -
because all they talked about was being female,
which clued me in to them not really being Women of Warcraft.

March 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNtieoen

I'm a guy but my current main is a female gnome deathknight, I think my guild picked up that I'm a guy by how I wrote before I got on vent, but I play female toons mostly because they are pretty. It gets a little wierd when the IRL females start talking with me about which hairstyles we find cuter on gnomes.

March 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMooshake

I play girl toons because basically all the male toons are either fat, ugly, or gay looking. *cough* Belf.

March 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterIllithian

Most of my toons are male, but I do have one NE female and a BE male.

March 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHank

I'm male IRL but I always play as female characters. I guess if I'm going to sink a lot of time in a game I'd rather be looking at a female avatar.

March 9, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterkaworu

at first i had a hard time realzing that guys do play female toons ( why ill never understand). i rember this one time i was running a lowbie guildee with a female guild member when she suggested using voice chat. i hertalyed agreed it would improve communaction. when i hear her voice it is that of a 50 year old southern man that makes me think of a pedohille for whatever reason i dont know it just does. lets say the rest of the instance was akward for me

March 9, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterhanintodd

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