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Female Toons: Are You Girls Or Guys In RL?

This toon also happens to be a RL girl.

Have you ever wondered how many of the female toons that you see in game are actually controlled by a girl player? Considering how many comments on Project Lore I’ve seen about guys trying (oftentimes without much luck) to get their girlfriends or wives to play WoW, my guess would be the percentage isn't too high.

I’ve noticed that most girl gamers, including myself, prefer to roll girl characters. That's true for RPGs, fighting games, adventure games and especially in WoW, where you really bond with your toon and stick with them for a long time. But guys? I’ve always thought that it's strange, but I've known plenty who could roll either way. Especially when it comes to the female toons that look good (generally not female orcs).

Being a Horde player and a lover of all things cute, my current character is a female blood elf (the cutest feature of all - when she runs, her ears wiggle!). And since I also am a big fan of the interactive side of WoW, I tend to team up with friends for much more than just running dungeons or raids. We'll set up a time to log on for quests, exploration, achievements, leveling professions, and generally running amuck, too. My most frequent partner in crime is another female blood elf played by none other than my husband.

So I’m always curious – when we /flirt, /hug, /kiss, /love, /lick or /em (insert provocative thing here) – how many other players out there are seriously unsure about what’s going on? For all they know, it could be two RL guys who are both cross-playing girl toons. Who would guess that it’s actually a husband and wife team just spreading the love? Maybe others don’t even think much about it. But when I see a girl toon, I‘m always wondering – is it a girl in RL, or a guy? If my girl toon /dances with them, and the RL player is a guy, do they think I’m flirting with them? Maybe we’re not meant to know who the RL person is – that adds a whole new level of mysticism to the game.

So, what’s been your experience? Do most girls really play only female toons, as I’ve noticed? How many guys out there roll either way? And do you ever wonder about toons' RL identities, or am I the only one?

Reader Comments (136)

I play for fem character only if I need money :)
(I'am a guy)

March 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLaninja

I just assume everyone is male until I hear their voices on vent. I don't take any /emotes seriously since it is just a game.

Though I have met some people in game that appear to have fallen in love with a toon in game.....that gets to weird for me.

March 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDan

I'm a girl and all my toons are female, not because they're cute (Most of my toons are Tauren) but because it's feels weird playing a bloke when I'm not one.

When I got my boyfriend to play with me he decided to play a female tauren too, but because he thought the male ones looked stupid. In fact the only thing he plays which are male are trolls. Weirdo.

Only sometimes do I get the, "omg r u rilly a gurl?" when I'm playing

...I don't reply to those.

March 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJenjen

I am a guy and I play a girl just because I like the way they attack better and thats the only reason why. I have seen alot of people automatically thinking im a girl.

March 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTalcoya

Female here and I only play female toons. Most peeps do assume I'm male until corrected via vent or I tell them.
I know a few guys who only play female characters with female names. It gets weird because when we used to play all the time and chatting on vent, I always called them by the girl names. Weird. lol

March 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSicari

I recustomized my male tauren druid to a female tauren druid when the option became available!

Tauren... Female...'nuff said right?

March 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCoreantes

Female here. All female toons. Is it worth blogging over? Hardly.

A lot of the guys I know with female toons only role as such because either a) The male race for said character is fugly (Night Elves) or b) The females just straight up look better in most armor.

Normally I just assume the gender of the person IRL is whatever their toon is. But it doesn't matter. :\

March 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMyooze

ppl also assume Im male... just not enough ladies playing I guess...

I dont play male toons but have a lot of male friends that play female toons as alts.

March 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCrys

I strive to treat everyone rather gender neutral when I don't know their RL gender - not trying to find out either way, nor assume anything.

The major thing that I've come across both in myself and others is the tendency to treat the person differently after finding out. Hence I've started to try and not treat anyone differently because of gender, but instead because of relation overall; e.g. how long I've been playing with the person in question or what we've done together and, probably most important of them all, how they treat me and other people.

So, that's the lesson kids. By all means, be curious, but when getting the answer don't let it could your mind and make you treat them differently... it's still the same personality and it's still the same actions taken by the person. That's to say unless the person has been flat out lying about their gender in the first place, then you're free to treat them as you wish (preferably more towards the bad direction, in my opinion).

That's my rather long and drawn out domment about it all.

PS. I mainly play female toons, but keep away from the overly pretty race and appearance combinations. Undead females, often with a flaw of some kind, though my main Undead Priest doesn't have any most of my female characters just doesn't fit the typical character that a girl/woman would pick. I never hide that I'm a man though, but then again I never blast it out over the speaker system either - it's up the the people to ask me if they insist in knowing.

March 9, 2009 | Unregistered Commentertinyphreak


[...] cloud your mind [...]

[...] drawn out comment [...]

March 9, 2009 | Unregistered Commentertinyphreak

I play mostly female toons since i like the female models much better. I mean come on male human /shiver. The only males i play are my undead priest and my night elf druid.

BTW i am male even though a lot of people think i am female because of the way i talk in Gchat. The big thing is just be honest about who you are because lying just causes stupid drama.

March 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRobinwolf

I'm, myself, am a guy, I usually roll male characters. Though the odd time I'll roll a female depending on the race. Most of my Blood Elves are females, most of my humans are females, everything else is male.

I'm leaning towards rolling only male characters but sometimes a female character will mix things up a bit.

March 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLuntiX


You've kind of ruined your point about not treating someone differently because of their gender by assuming all women want to play are pretty characters

March 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJenjen

well.. i'm playing on a RP-server (Steamweddel cartel) and i'm a guy.. and i do only have male toons.. not that there is anything wrong in playing a female toon on RP-server when you are a guy..

but It feels wrong when i'm playing a female toon...

March 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRawelo

i think this post just shows exactly what guys and girls think about whether their toon is male of female. As for guys, it seems pretty apparent that it doesn't really matter whether our toon is male or female. We're gonna do the same thing with each character (play the game, kill stuff, get loot and make gold). Being a guy myself and also an alt-aholic (sp?) i like to diversify with each alt, trying out new professions, new looks and sure a female toon. From what i've noticed guys don't really tend to really bond with their toon like most girl gamers i've come across. While i'll have too many different characters, most girl gamers wonder how i can play a female dreani mage one day and the next i'm back on my male nightelf druid. To me i just like the ability to try new characters and aspects of the game.

March 9, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterkiley

oh and with the percentage of girl gamers growing but still VASTLY outnumbered by guys i tend to just naturally assume all toons i see are guys.

March 9, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterkiley


1. That's not in any way related to treating the actual person differently, so the point with your comment is rather mute.

2. However, you did point me to the possibility of making a slight error in communicating my own comment since English is my second language and all.

That said, after looking over my comment, maybe I should have switched it over a little, making it say "character that a girl/woman in general would pick".

Also, you have to take in regard that everyone that writes will write from their own experience, and that's not any less true in my case. Most girls I know, and it's more than I need to safely make a general statement on it, will make pretty characters (whether they're male or female).

March 9, 2009 | Unregistered Commentertinyphreak

I (me guy) play male characters and could only ever see myself playing male toons. My wife (her girl) also plays her same gender. She has a Dwarf Hunter, Human Mage, Dwarf Priest, and NE Warrior and I couldn't see her ever playing a male toon. It just seems to wierd otherwise.

I do kid her that only girls play Dwarf females because there is not the eye candy for the boys like there is for human, NE, Blood Elf female toons. You don't see many Dwarf or Gnome females dancing naked on tables so I think that strengthens my point ;)

March 9, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterslog

I play a girl toon because i dont want to be starring at a guys ass all day. :(

March 9, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterlawlurbad

I am a male who mostly plays male toons. While I pick race based their specific benefits, gender is an aesthetic choice. I'm in a guild that uses a vent, so there's not much opportunity for people to misrepresent themselves. Most of the women I know roll female toons exlusively.

March 9, 2009 | Unregistered Commenter@C_Rust

Well, I'm a guy and my main is a female Draenei priest. The reasoning behind this goes all the way back to Wizardry I. Every time I played that game I made the melee-types male and magic-types female. That was a rule I followed (when possible) through all RPGs I've played since.

So, when starting WoW, I didn't give it much thought and rolled female for my priest and mage. It wasn't until Marchell was in her 40s that I came to the realization that a dude playing a female character might be a bit.... odd. I dropped the 20ish mage but decided that 40 (especially for a priest) was too much work to abandon.

So, I've kept my female priest and ground her up to 75. Surprisingly enough, I've found that the gender you play is less of an issue the higher you are. I don't think I've heard one "are you a grrl?" question in Northerend, something that happened (rarely) in the "classic" WoW areas.

main: Marchell, Enchanting/Tailoring lvl 75 Holy Priest, Echo Isles.

March 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMark

I play both. Some characters looks awsome as males in armor and some look better as females. Thats the only reason.

I used to find it funny though when me and my fiance (she plays a female) would just be mucking around and flirting doing /kiss and /lick etc and people would stop and say "damn thats hot!!" in /say lol

March 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLazareth

I'm male, I have a female tauren druid. The reason isn't really what you'd expect: I was on the PTR a long time ago, attempted to play a premade druid (who was always female) and I got attached to the character. I remade her on the live realms, and now she's my main. Nobody really notices, I'm always shape-shifted anyway. I kind of like the unique-ness of female tauren, since they're much less common than male characters. The only downside is that female taurens seem to be the buggiest model, I couldn't enter wintergrasp to defend the fortress unless I flew in myself, the door apparently wouldn't fit me even while shape-shifted or shrunk.

A couple of the people in my guild actually play female toons as well, when I know they're male. Each of us had fun poked at us at some point, but we're past that.

It's all personal preference, it seems.

March 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWorldtree

Im a guy, and I tend to go either way, depending on my mood when I create the character. I also tend to get into the Role-Playing aspects of WoW alot, so sometimes when I make a toon for use in RP it ends up being female.

I will say that I leave most decisions for creating a new character until I'm actually at the creation screen. The one time I had a fully conceived notion in my head it was for a dranei priestess who I wanted to use for roleplay. I ended up killing her off because she was getting in the way of leveling my main (which is a male).

March 9, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterb4k4

I am a guy, playing only girl chars. When I play this game for hours, the last thing I want to see is a mans behind, eewww.

Female chars are great eye-candy, its a major reason why I like this game. :-)

March 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLee Andrew

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