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Female Toons: Are You Girls Or Guys In RL?

This toon also happens to be a RL girl.

Have you ever wondered how many of the female toons that you see in game are actually controlled by a girl player? Considering how many comments on Project Lore I’ve seen about guys trying (oftentimes without much luck) to get their girlfriends or wives to play WoW, my guess would be the percentage isn't too high.

I’ve noticed that most girl gamers, including myself, prefer to roll girl characters. That's true for RPGs, fighting games, adventure games and especially in WoW, where you really bond with your toon and stick with them for a long time. But guys? I’ve always thought that it's strange, but I've known plenty who could roll either way. Especially when it comes to the female toons that look good (generally not female orcs).

Being a Horde player and a lover of all things cute, my current character is a female blood elf (the cutest feature of all - when she runs, her ears wiggle!). And since I also am a big fan of the interactive side of WoW, I tend to team up with friends for much more than just running dungeons or raids. We'll set up a time to log on for quests, exploration, achievements, leveling professions, and generally running amuck, too. My most frequent partner in crime is another female blood elf played by none other than my husband.

So I’m always curious – when we /flirt, /hug, /kiss, /love, /lick or /em (insert provocative thing here) – how many other players out there are seriously unsure about what’s going on? For all they know, it could be two RL guys who are both cross-playing girl toons. Who would guess that it’s actually a husband and wife team just spreading the love? Maybe others don’t even think much about it. But when I see a girl toon, I‘m always wondering – is it a girl in RL, or a guy? If my girl toon /dances with them, and the RL player is a guy, do they think I’m flirting with them? Maybe we’re not meant to know who the RL person is – that adds a whole new level of mysticism to the game.

So, what’s been your experience? Do most girls really play only female toons, as I’ve noticed? How many guys out there roll either way? And do you ever wonder about toons' RL identities, or am I the only one?

Reader Comments (136)

Oh and as an added note i only play guy toons its just a little weird to play a girl idk but good post!

March 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNalamin

My ex-rolls a female Draenaei(sp??)
she used to roll a female blood elf.

I tend to roll male characters as horde ones look badass (trolls, orcs, taurens, undead, the female counterparts look odd).

My ex has also ganked me. :(

But I've kicked her ass more so, even got my [Make Love, Not Warcraft!] achievement on her when she was attacking Camp Taurajo.

It's quite a sad little thing we have going. :(

March 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSean

I play both male and female characters, it depends on what race and class the toon is goin to be.

When it comes to stumbling apon another toon i will treat them for what race the toon is, now that doesnt mean i will /flirt or /kiss them but refer to them as female.

I have a few fellow guildies who are male but have rolled female toons, i still refer to them in guild as "her".

It makes no difference to me if the players male or female, it's how they play and who they play.

my two cents anyway.

March 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPhos

I play a 80 DPS warrior . I am female . I play with my son and grandson (I was 64yr on my last birthday) and I love this game ..I have had player asked me if I am a female . They are alway surprised that not only am I a girl but a grandmother .. The guild I am in Can't quit you on Baelgun gave me a special title of Guild Mom .

March 10, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterkatabrie

I have tended to play mostly male characters, as I am a guy, but I recently made a draenei female as Juggynaut put it male draenei are the ugliest in the game. People occasionally pester me, but i just point them off to other RL guys who have females.

March 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSecretive

Im a bloke but have alot of females but i only use females for casters it just seems better

March 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterStu

I'm a guy and my main is a female human warrior. It was my first toon in WOW and I picked a girl just to be different. I think she looks pretty cool too.

Stormlizzy - Twisiting Nether

March 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEd

I'm a girl and I play female characters just because I like playing my own sex. I love trying out all classes and professions and so far the only race I haven't rolled is Dwarves. I prefer Draenei because I love the lore, and the character design. Though now I kind of want to roll a male Draenei because apparently they get no love.

No one's ever asked me if I'm really a girl, or given me stuff for being a girl, or harassed my female toons. So the gender issue is just not a big deal for me. People can play whatever sex they want (although staring at my toon's ass seems weird. I'd rather be staring at my mini map.)

And FWIW, everyone I know in real life who plays WoW are female, and in stunning role-reversal, my boyfriend hates how much time I spend on WoW. Go figure.

March 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMirabai

I'm a female and I play female toons. When I make an alt is it automatically female ... picking a male toon has just never crossed my mind.

I find most ppl assume i'm male because I play a Prot Warrior and apparently girls don't tank. People are pretty surprised when they join our guild and learn that the two main tanks for 25 man Naxx are both girls (love hearing the shock in thier voices when they hear us on vent for the first time).

But I honestly don't even pay attention to what gender someones toon is. It's not important .. it's just asthetic and has no baring on how well they play.

March 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNajata

Wow apparently I'm the odd women out so to say. My main is a male NE Druid and my alts are about half and half (although my 70s waiting to be lvled tend to be male). I dont really know why i choose the male NE but the game for me is about questing and playing with friends not really worrying about what my characters look like all the time. Being a feral Druid means I spend most of the time in animal form anyway. As for determining the gender of players, I never make any assumptions until I hear the player's voice in vent. :P

March 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCyan

Doesn't really matter what gender u play.. my main is a male orc warlock, and got 2 70+ alts, a male belf DK (i know.. xD) and a female tauren druid. My raid leader is a girl IRL and plays a female belf pally :)

March 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSimon

I've alway chosen my sex by what race and class I make for example Blood Elf Paladin = Male, Blood Elf Warlock = Female, Tauren Druid = Female. I don't play female characters because I think its cool, or to run around org. with no clothes on like one of my friends but because I can't see a guy being that race and class. (I'm a guy)

March 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFelith

I'm a girl, and play all female chars but just becuase i feel weird sitting behidn a male char. i always assume every player is a guy until im corrected, theres just so many more guys then girls playing. but oddly enough i know more girls in wow then i know guys >.<

i never tell people in random parties that i'm a girl unless they seem really cool and are making it to my friends list, but the few times i have i get free stuff, free runs, whatever i want. some people take it way too far that a girl's playing. but if it's a friend, they don't care that i'm a girl, i'm just another person playing.

March 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSilver

I just LOVE the female draenei, troll and UD.
But through that i am a guy IRL. I just think there fighting style and running style is owning.

March 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDharrion

I'm a girl and I play both male and female toons. My main is a human female pally, but I have several male toons that I like just as well. I usually assume that the person behind the toon is the same sex as what they play until told otherwise or I hear their voice on vent. Not that I care either way, I pretty much treat everyone the same. If they're nice, I'm nice. If not, I can roll that way, too...LOL

My daughter plays and her toons are female, I guess she just prefers them to the males. Her hubby rolls both, especially when the male is very large like the Tauiren. He says he can't see around them so he'll roll female for the smaller size.

I do get people who are shocked that I'm a girl in RL, especially when they find out my age and that my daughter and son-in-law also play...LOL.

March 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWrongway

Let me tell you a story or a Blood Elf Priestess while she was adventuring on the realm of Bone Crusher.

It all started out cuz the guy that controlled her wanted to play with his in-laws and really didnt like any of the male horde avatars so he chose a female. When he got her to level 10 he got her into a guild and began running instances and being in groups just to heal.

The priest made quiet an impact on her guild and was quickly promoted through the ranks. She caught the eye of one of the guild's officers, a level 70 Tauren Druid (at that time TBC was the main expansion and Wrath was in the distant future nobody knew about). The Druid began to run her through many instances without asking for anything in return except to be friends.

They where always talking whenever the druid was on and one day when they were running through BFD the druid asked if she had a myspace. She said yes an gave him one of her dud myspaces and in return she got his. They finally knew what each other looked like but one of them was lieing. They continued to flirt with each other up until she was level 40 and her old friends on Crushridge wanted her back.

She in turn went and transfered over to CR and began a whole knew life. This time she couldnt have her way with the guys in the guild since they all knew who was controling her.

Now the priest gradually got to level 50 and met a few new people on the way, they all happened to be ensared in the lie she concocted for that poor druid. She meet another 70 Tauren but this time a Warrior. She meet him while doing quests to kill the furblogs in felwood and he was rep grinding. The Tauren then gradually became ensared and ran her through lbrs multiple times. She also could just ask him and he would drop whatever he was doing and come help her at a moments notice, if it wasnt when his guild was raiding(he was their main tank).

So in the end she got to level 70 while weasling her way into the hearts of many men...

In short never trust a female character who says they are a female unless you know them in real life...cuz trust me people can do underhanded deeds and in this story not once was did the priest ask for any gold or items....the 70s just ran her through instances even without her asking....well granted she never asked even once. And yes I was controling her and im a guy in real life so deal with it -.- but ive learned to never make another female character again cuz of what happened during the story.

The males fell head over heels for the "girl" that was playing.

March 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDarkeon

I'm a guy in real life, and I play mostly female toons, because I think the models look better. I'm also not a draenei, nor a shaman, in real life. I have been asked maybe 3 times in the last year if I want to be someone's girlfriend. No problem, I just say I already have someone and move on. I don't hide who I am from the guild, and most of us are over 20 so there's not a lot of the immaturity I see elsewhere in the game.

March 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterShamalamabam

I am a male, play males mainly, do have a female BE rogue but that was because they looked to take up less space when crouch while stealthed than anyone else. But my mains are all male, so i guess i am like the others using the avatars to my advantage, if there could ever be an advantage (moves and armor, cooler) nothing about race at all.

I think that it would really only have a real position for discussion should you play in an RP server, then maybe an arguement,

And no offence to women, but i just think that all people are playing are "players" so every one to me is simply "dude, or man"

March 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterManuss

I'm a girl and I typically play male characters because 80% of the time it's really really annoying to deal with other people as a female character.

March 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPercolatte

I play a mixture of Male and female characters.. majority of my characters are based off of characters I've used when writing short stories...

So.. if a certain class fits a character I've wrote about for years i tend to use that character male or female

March 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCyrus

i play pretty much all female characters and i'm a guy. the way i look at it is...if i'm going to be sitting here for hours and hours playing this game, i might as well be staring at a chick's ass rather than a guys. lol

March 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterConvalesce

When I started playing WoW, I played females for one reason; female /silly are witty, while the male ones make them sound like macho idiots. Since then, I've reconciled and found a couple of races I can play as male without feeling embarrased every time I tell a joke, namely dwarf and tauren. I still play my female toons, which gets a lot of running gags in vent during guild raids.

Moral of the story; Pick based on who you are.
Draenei have big boobs, Tauren have big horns, Dwarves have big hearts.

March 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRaethos

In my guild we're about 50/50 each sex. Funny story, for the longest time I thought our Guild Leader was a girl since he had rolled a Human Pally Girl. Imagine my surprise when he told us all he was a guy and his RL wife was the female Gnome Mage that is also our guild recruiter.

I asked him once, "Why a girl?"

His response was classic: "I didn't feel like staring at a guys ass for the next sixty or so levels."

March 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterOmbrenoire

Wow, lots of fun responses on this one. Keep them coming - it's fun to hear all these little details that aren't necessarily important in-game, but interesting nonetheless :)

As I said, I'm a girl and roll all females. All the girls I know who play WoW roll females. But most of the guys I know go either way. Cool to hear of some girls out there who do, too :D

I guess it's all just personal preference. For me, I've never noticed being treated any differently because I play as a girl, but that may just be because I've never rolled a male so I don't know how I'd be treated otherwise. I may have to try it out now, if only for a social experiment!

March 10, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterpixiestixy

If I go to call someone him/her or he/she I always go based on character gender unless someone says it offends them. I play with 3 RL friends all of which prefer to play female toons. It is a bit weird but if thats what they like so be it. I did on the other hand successfully get my girlfriend into playing WoW, and she does play female characters. I have heard the excuse of "I didn't feel like staring at a dude for so many levels" but that's just weird imo but again w/e floats their boat.

How about the few girls out there that play male characters? O.o

March 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFinalHope

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