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Female Toons: Are You Girls Or Guys In RL?

This toon also happens to be a RL girl.

Have you ever wondered how many of the female toons that you see in game are actually controlled by a girl player? Considering how many comments on Project Lore I’ve seen about guys trying (oftentimes without much luck) to get their girlfriends or wives to play WoW, my guess would be the percentage isn't too high.

I’ve noticed that most girl gamers, including myself, prefer to roll girl characters. That's true for RPGs, fighting games, adventure games and especially in WoW, where you really bond with your toon and stick with them for a long time. But guys? I’ve always thought that it's strange, but I've known plenty who could roll either way. Especially when it comes to the female toons that look good (generally not female orcs).

Being a Horde player and a lover of all things cute, my current character is a female blood elf (the cutest feature of all - when she runs, her ears wiggle!). And since I also am a big fan of the interactive side of WoW, I tend to team up with friends for much more than just running dungeons or raids. We'll set up a time to log on for quests, exploration, achievements, leveling professions, and generally running amuck, too. My most frequent partner in crime is another female blood elf played by none other than my husband.

So I’m always curious – when we /flirt, /hug, /kiss, /love, /lick or /em (insert provocative thing here) – how many other players out there are seriously unsure about what’s going on? For all they know, it could be two RL guys who are both cross-playing girl toons. Who would guess that it’s actually a husband and wife team just spreading the love? Maybe others don’t even think much about it. But when I see a girl toon, I‘m always wondering – is it a girl in RL, or a guy? If my girl toon /dances with them, and the RL player is a guy, do they think I’m flirting with them? Maybe we’re not meant to know who the RL person is – that adds a whole new level of mysticism to the game.

So, what’s been your experience? Do most girls really play only female toons, as I’ve noticed? How many guys out there roll either way? And do you ever wonder about toons' RL identities, or am I the only one?

Reader Comments (136)

Though I am a guy IRL, I have ALWAYS played female characters. Why? Because IMO, the males are all f-ugly as hell. (No offense to those who prefer male chars).

However, when asked about my gender in-game, I will say "I'm a girl." 95% of the time, just because I want to.

I generally don't put it out there though, and have recently stopped correcting people every time they call me "dude", even though I find the term offensive.

Why is that? Let me know when you find out, because I have no freaking clue.

I play on an RP server, but that has nothing to do with my reasons whatsoever, I just was a little "afraid" of what the pvp system might be like in WoW, so I avoided anything with the word "PVP" in its name.

In the words of Acrona (a friend I made in a previous MMO experience), "If I am going to be staring at my character's butt all day, it may as well be a girl's butt."

March 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterXian

I am a male and my main is a male elf hunter toon... I also create a female draenei mage (much funnier than the hunter). Now I play with the mage :(

March 17, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteroneeyedman

im a girl and i roll females , night elf druid here ^_^

and my fiance only says " it feels weird rolling a chick" so i guess thats another opinion :3

guys on girl toons make me giggle

i only roll girl toons because the boyd are so godamn ugly >.>

on another note i get ALOT of shit for even playing wow and being female.
alot of " how you doin baby" or " wanna see my e-peen" and the famous "pics or it didnt happen"
boys just cant take girl gamers seriously.
though im pretty sure my fully epiced resto druid would stomp some faces if i actually liked PVP'ing

March 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNightwisher

I have A LOT of toons. I'm a guy but I'd say about 75% of my toons are female though. I 've been asked a lot why i play feamle toons and I usually use the excuse that I don't wanna stare at a guys back all day. But to honest that isn't accurate. The main reason is, regardless of the fact that I'm not actually role playing in the game, each and everyone of my toons has a backstory/history too them. Each one has a spcific reason for being that gender. The reason may be that I think the male Draenei looks awesome as a DK, or that I think a female seems more likely to be intouch with nature (my druid is female). My main, male dwarven fury warrior, was made as a stereotype. He dual-wields 2-handed axes and regularly emotes with a 'dwarven' accent. He even is even from a dwarven clan. My paladin is male because, to me a knight is male. More so because females were second class citizens at the time then out of any lack of ability. Oh and all my casters seem to be female, mage, warlock, shaman, because.... well let's face it.... females tend to be a little more intelligent.

March 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNoric

Im a guy and I rolled a Female Dwarf priest cause Im an oldschool Rpg fan, and I liked the fact that she's healing and she's a little cute vulnerable asset =) Its funny how fast warrior charge to help when I press "/Helpme" compared to my other male chars. XD

I'm a girl, playing a BE Holy Paly (someones gotta heal my bf's butt :p) and Arcane Mage ( I love my paly more! Wooo) I was actually "sucked into" WoW cause of the Zebra mount :3 (I love horsies) introduced by my bf with the RAF account thing and the BE ears (which are bouncie ^_^).

I usually get thought of being a guy and I sometimes let it be if I'm in a raid or party with people that i have never ever met, but when its people i know i tell them I'm a girl and they sometimes get shocked, its funny xD

May 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterChristy.aime

I'm female IRL. Most of my characters are also female. However, I've got one male draenei on a RP server: Contrary to all of the claims that the model is ugly, I find it rather adorable. (He looks like he'd give good hugs.)

June 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFarseer Lolotea

I'm a girl and I play male toons.


Because I learned pretty early on that if you play a female toon, desperate guys'll come after you :P

Besides, I don't feel like staring at some woman all the way from lvl 1 to lvl 80 ;) Might as well have something nicer to look at ;)

June 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBianca


That being said, I seem to have an odd preference for male Trolls XD

Something about the way they move and their voices. Do da voodo shuffle! :D

June 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBianca

On the Alliance side (Which I hate :D) I only play male with a Dwarf (I'm a guy IRL) though on the Horde side (My original side when I started playing WoW) I only play female with Befls simply because male Belfs are SOOOOOOOOOOO faggy looking xD

July 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPenegal

I Level with my girlfriend all the time and she is a girl toon and never has been a male one and vice versa for me lol :D

August 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterVenóm

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