Ulduar To-Do List!
So in case you have been living under a rock, Ulduar is here! It is finally time to do and experience everything we have been reading about and looking forward to for the last several months! It is an exciting time to say the least.
I know I had developed quite a shopping list of things to do. So many, in fact, I am having a hard time deciding what my first stop will be when I can finally log on!
The Ulduar instance is obviously my number one priority, but I have a few stops I am going to make before I hit the zone it. I logged out at the trainer so I could pick up my dual-spec right away, after that I’m sure I will head to the AH and see how bad I am going to get gouged for new the glyphs.
Of course I will have to take some time to set up toolbars, gear, and glyphs for my new spec. Then I’m sure I will have to fight with some newly out-of-date add-ons.
Once I get all that house keeping squared away, I am heading straight into Ulduar-10! The idea is to see if I can get some boss tries in before our schedule Ulduar-25 run later tonight. I’m not going to lie, my guild is planning on hitting Ulduar 25 hard, so I imagine I won’t find much time for anything else once we get in there.
That being said, I definitely see the appeal of looking at some other stuff before charging right in. After all The Argent Tournament sounds like great fun, and of course doing some heroics with dual specs in place could present an interesting challenge.
There are lots of new directions to go! So what are you guys going to be up to the moment you log on?
Reader Comments (37)
What is all this talk about new Vault boss?
Well considering going to Ulduar wasn't an option for me there wasn't much of anything new to do when I finally logged on. Redid my tool bar and headed to the Argent Tournament basically. What a cluster that was. After finally finding the quest giver, (and being scolded by the general population for asking directions), I did the mounted training. It was fun. Would have been more fun if anything other that other players were visible on my screen. Picked up the quest that sends you to Westfall to locate the DK. Got to Westfall and the quest was erased from my log. Eh, I think tonight I'll go back to leveling my professions.
ulduar 25 already? :o
my guild just downed KT on 10 man, but the 10 of us who did it are going to give ulduar a try this weekend i think (after all we're doing malygos tonight, what else is there to do? hehe)
Well first as a druid I must pick up dual-spec (I have even kept the 1kg on a bank alt just so I wouldnt be tempted to spend it) I am still in the process of getting Naxx 10 epics (only like 4 more to go) so I can go to 25 then eventually Uludar, unless I can get into a 10man. Thankfully my guild is still going to hit Naxx as hard as it has been for the past 3 months because I would hate to have to PuG it no matter how easy people think it is I still want my excellent chances on loot =P.
i'm going to do dailys at argent tournament...
Started on 10-Man Ulduar last night. The vehicle part is a lot of fun and the 3 bosses after Flame Leviathan and their trash are beastly.
ROFL ok first thing i was going to do was duel-spec, check. then fish up my turtle mount, check! teehee... then my gm decided we were going to 8-man ulduar10. well, half-check lol server shutdown mid-boss, lol. but so far OMG i love patch! (except for the stupid out of combat regen, ugh dropped from almost 2k to 600, fortunatly incombat isnt affected by the change in spirit. UGH!
Pretty nasty changes to my tank DK. Were still getting members to 25mans in our guild and only KT and Maly left in 10 man normal so I think we wont go to Ulduar anytime soon.
my guild hit ulduar 25man first, which means most of the guild wont be included in the run, which is ok i guess but i think we will be hitting 10 man sooner because we r having toruble with 25man
I still have to hit 70! But I totally swam with my horse, and had to re-do my tree....and the duel spec will come some day when I've got a crap load of gold to actually pay for it!
My guild didn't plan on doing Ulduar yesterday,we had OS 25-man on the GC, but when our GM didn't login due to downloadin issues with the patch, we made a 10-man group and went to Ulduar. We downed Flame Leviathan, and almost downed Deconstructor, I even got a nice melee trinket http://www.wowhead.com/?item=45286. I got to hand it to Blizz, they've made a really fun raid, yet again! Hope my guild will make it in the 25-man today!
Sadly, I'm still 78 about to ding 79, so I havn't even started Heroics let alone Naxx or Ulduar :P Nothing new for me except stackable ammo, dual-specs (going survival for second spec, BM first spec), and the new Spirit Beast, Gondria.