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Incoming Ulduar Nerfs

One of the major pieces of content from the latest major content patch was Ulduar, the new raid instance. Many people are exploring the instance and killing the bosses inside. Many people are also dying inside Ulduar... a lot. Blizzard has decided that people are dying too much. This has caused the developers to make many of the bosses much easier so that those people who are having trouble can experience the content much quicker. This is quite in line with their determination to allow all players to see the encounters, but not necessarily defeat them in their most difficult incarnations.

The guys are starting out with a few of the earlier bosses in order to hopefully have more players full clear the instance, or at least get a little bit further. I have yet to beat all of the bosses inside Ulduar, having only cleared up to Yogg Saron, and I know many others have also not cleared the instance. However, it is only the third week that the content has been available, so I'm ok with some of the encounters taking many tries to defeat. How do you guys feel about the nerfs? Here are some of them in detail, in case you're curious:

  • The Ignis the Furnace Master encounter has received the following changes: The interrupt effect and duration of the damage from Flame Jets has been reduced, the damage from the Slag pot has been reduced, the number of Heat stacks needed to transform an Iron Construct into a Molten state has been reduced, the base melee damage done by Ignis has been reduced, and the damage bonus Ignis receives from Strength of the Creator has been slightly increased.

  • The Assault Bots on the Mimiron encounter will now attack faster, in turn they will do less damage per hit.

  • The XT-002 Deconstructor encounter has received the following changes: The duration of Tympanic Trantrum has been reduced, the timer for XT-002 to hit berserk has been increased, the damage of Light Bomb has been reduced, the effect radius of Light Bomb has been reduced, and the health of XM-024 Pummeler has been reduced.

  • The aggro radius for several trash mobs before General Vezax has been reduced and the health has been reduced on Void Beasts and Faceless Horrors.

  • The Kologarn encounter has received the following changes: The damage of Stone Grip has been reduced, the amount of time to break someone out from the right hand has been increased, the radius and damage of Rumble has been reduced, and the damage of Focused Eyebeam has been reduced.

  • The Assembly of Iron encounter has received the following changes: The damage of Rune of Death has been reduced, the damage of Chain Lightning has been reduced, and the damage of Lightning Whirl has been reduced.

Reader Comments (55)

I think Ulduar should stay how it is so the game basically takes more skill then gear updates and stuff..


April 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGrant

..dang it

April 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterI wanted to be first

Ouch, bad news for someone who likes challenges.

April 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCarlos


April 29, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterjames

seriously, so many people were complaining about all the other raids being easy and instead of fixing it they are going to add to the problem? who cares if people who suck arnt seeing the content. if they suck maybe they should get better and then go and see it. i hate going into a raid and seeing like 5 people in full greens. why should they get a fair shot at gear that i need when i have worked to get decent gear from heroics. give people who actually put time into the game a reward.

April 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTalcoya

When my guild first went into Naxx, we walked through it, clearing it with ease and went from never seeing it before to farm status in two weeks.

On our maiden Uldaur voyage we wiped several times just downing Flame Leviathan, finally downed him and then gave Razorscale two very short, very disasterous attempts before calling it a night.

I have to say the challenge of Ulduar was a welcome change. When our hunter downed the behemoth with her bow after the last vehicle was destroyed there was an exhilaration never encountered in Naxx.

I for one am sad that they are nerfing Ulduar already (or at all fo that matter). I was looking forward to more challenges in upcoming weeks.

April 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSteeroids

I'm think they should have left it harder, I enjoyed learning the new fights and such. However these are comments going to be a bit one sided. The average WoW gamer isn't on Projectlore nor spends the time like other groups to down Ulduar content. There is still plenty of challanges left in Ulduar with all the hard modes. I look forward to see more content like Ulduar in the future.

April 29, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbrokenwing

I might sound like an elitist asshole now, but I feel that if people complain about not being able to down bosses with ease they should not play WoW. That kind of behavior is just childish and sadly way too many people who play WoW has that kind of attitude.
Even though I agree with Blizzards philosophy that all players should be able to experience all encounters that doesn't mean that people should be able to walk into the hardest (atm) raid dungeon right after hitting 80 and expect to down bosses.
Let's say an average casual guild raids Ulduar 2-3 times a week for about 3-4 hours each raid. If those raids had people with full or almost full pre-3.1 25 man epics and they were wiping on the same boss for like 4-5 weeks in a row I would have understood the need for nerfing, but nerfing just because some undergeared, childish lootwhores can't play the game is just stupid.

April 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterIzuna

Shame on you blizz =\ Ulduar was alright that way =\...

April 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWittgenstein

i aggree with everyone that says to leave it alone. i mean dam it. blizzard is going to do the same thing they did with kara...i remember people saying how hard kara is and now they made it super easy. i mean a guild i use to be in 3 man kara. i dont want to do the same with the raid. why dont people just stop there whining and bitching about dying so much. dying is part of this game if you dont like it tough shit and play a different game. i mean seriously how you suppose to learn how to play this game and learn how to play your class if blizzard just keeps making things easier for all of those that come in as a noobie. and if you keep dying in a raid or a heroic then someone isn't doing there job in your group or they are doing something too late. i have said what i wanted to say. im glad i quite this game forgot how many cry babies were in wow.

April 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterUshalldie

To all those that want a challenge that is why hard modes exist, but basic challenges should be avaliable to those that want to experience the content but are unable to meet certain challenges. My only concern with the existence of hard modes will be the balancing of the next major raids.

Since some guilds will not be able to clear all the hard content I wonder how blizzard will balance the progression of the next raid. Will guilds that can clear Ulduar hard modes be able to immediately try the new hard modes or will they have to start over in terms of difficulty leaving those that could not defeat them to further struggle in future content?

April 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBarishi

I agree with Barishi. The basic battles shouldnt feel impossible for people who cant spend 5 hours in a day raiding most of the time, and then when they are able to, they cant get through it all because its way too difficult. But on the other side with the people who are able to put time into the game and want a challenge they have the "Hard" modes. So then ppl arent just farming Ulduar like they do Naxx and the "Elite" or "Hardcore" players can still have a challenge so they dont feel like its just way too easy. Maybe they should even add a God mode, idk. But I think that the basics should be able to be run by the average player (but not by a fully green geared player, but u know what I mean) and for players who want that challenge they can turn up the heart in "Hard Mode". Thats just my opinion though.

April 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDankBud420x

have to say it's gotta be a challenge for blizzard to try and meet both spectrum- those who've been waiting for a challenge like ulduar and those who really would like to experience the content with out having to put a bunch of hours that they may or may not have into the instance.

on one hand the harder it is the more gratifying it is when you beat it. Then again, i myself am a casual raider.

Even still i think when it comes down to it, even as a casual raider i like a challenge, maybe the nerfs won't be as noticed, maybe they will. I just don't want it to be too easy.

April 29, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbatmunkh

Lame... nuf said.

April 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDoogin

No Fking Nerf's!

April 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNextgener

hell bliz should add another difficulty. LEGENDARY. make it like uberz hard, just for you holier than thou elitists. i personally havent gotten to Ulduar yet. im just now getting to Nax,so i dont know how hard it really is.

April 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterVayder

my guild killed ignis last week when he was hard it took us about 8 tries this week we 1 shotted with no deaths he was nerfed into the ground

April 29, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbold

how bout making a 5-man version of Ulduar instead, and leave the raid as it is... that lets casual gamers get the feel of the raid but just doing it as an instance with regular gear drops.

April 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMahabone

imo they should be leaving it roughly the way it is at the moment. its a good step increase in difficulty and im really hoping they make icecrown citadel the same as old school naxx.

its great that blizz wants every1 to be able to experience all the content and everything but they are making it all to easy.

gotta give credit to those that are skilled/hardcore by having it reflect in the gear they are able to obtain.

thats my two cents

April 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTrulsrohk

Pathetic nerfs. One of the reasons why WoW ain't as great as is used to be before TBC. And one of the reasons why I don't miss playing it any more either :)
I sure didn't mind wiping night after night back then in BWL, at least killing a boss after many wipes was a real joy and something to be proud of. And all the lame hard-modes are a bad way of trying to cover the good old WoW days.

April 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRichard

That nerfgun is AWSOME

April 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFuzzbut

Nerfs needed imo.

Fact is, wow is supposed to offer progression, take comparion so pre-wotlk.

Naxx = kara
Uldar = ZA

Currently the scale of progression is too steep, its more like SWP raid difficulty.

The problem is that WoW is a business to Blizzard more than a game, they want to ensure that it appeals to as many people as possible to bring in the cash. That said, nerfing it so soon after it was released does seem a tad excessive; perhaps another level of difficulty with massively reduced loot but with these proposed changes in would have been better.

I run heroics etc for the loot, but to be on your game and also stick to a timeframe you have to concentrate, and then you run the risk of missing things. Running things at low difficulty allows you more room to experience the environment without constantly running around and going through your rotations.

As a more casual player I may never see the inside of Ulduar first-hand, so a mode that would allow me to get in there with casual gear would be nice, but you definately shouldn't reward people as highly for doing it like that. Challenges define us by our ability to adapt and overcome them, and if I ever get there, I would expect a fully equipped Titan city to hand me my ass on a plate a couple of times :)

April 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMurghar

Guys there making it easier so that people can see the content, Blizzard is a company they do what makes the most money. Undergeared people were complaining because they never got into Kara. Thus the people who didn't get to see the content quit. They will make more money if they make content easier. There are way more people who didnt get to see Kara then peopel who did get to see Kara

April 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFaklenrin (shu'halo)

Though it is sad to see nerfs already. I think the important point has been made above, hard modes are still available to those who want them. Judging by the fact that the top guilds on the world have been spending 3+ days per watcher and have yet to reach algon i think we can assume that there will be a real challenge for those who want it.

April 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterShoggy

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