New 5-man Dungeon Incoming...What To Do Till Then?
Posted by iTZKooPA on Thursday, April 30, 2009 - 69 Comments Tags: Instances, PvE, caverns of time, heroics, naxxramas, new 5-man, new battleground, new dungeon, new heroics, old world dungeons, upcoming patch, v3.2
In late March it was revealed that Blizzard is hard at work on a new Battleground for an upcoming patch. Just shy of a month later and not one, not two, but three separate blues announced plans for a new 5-man dungeon. Being Blizzard employees, there wasn't much to the announcements. All that we know for sure is that the dungeon will be part of an upcoming patch - you'd be insane to think the BG and instance will come in the same patch - and that it "can be compared to what we saw with Magister's Terrace." Naturally, we have no idea if the comparison that can be made refers to the scope, size, difficulty or a combination of the three.
New content is fantastic, and I can't wait to see what direction they take the instance. Will it be released alongside a raid? Will it have anything to do with the growing Arthas storyline? Is it going to contain machinima like MgT? An endless amount of questions, with a catch. Sadly, the announcement of the new 5-man content has shined a light on the current crop of 5-man instances and their heroic alter egos. Frankly, they are beginning to feel incredibly stale.
It is this very reason that I bring up a topic as old as heroics themselves, heroic Old World instances. Blizzard, if you can't get new content out fast enough, I am sure that many of your subscribers wouldn't mind revisiting some retuned old content. Just think of the advantages of doing so.
Just think of the possibilities. LFM Heroic UBRS - Rend Run. The return of Dire Maul ledge walking. More Barman Shanker grinding. Discovering the secret boss in Blackfathom Deeps. Getting lost outside of Maraudon, only to be farted on when you finally get inside. Van Cleef. I'm giddy over the prospects already.
Many of us have run Wrath's heroics dozens, perhaps even a hundreds times. The question is, would you have the any interest in the four year old content or are you content waiting long periods of time for all-new encounters?
New content is fantastic, and I can't wait to see what direction they take the instance. Will it be released alongside a raid? Will it have anything to do with the growing Arthas storyline? Is it going to contain machinima like MgT? An endless amount of questions, with a catch. Sadly, the announcement of the new 5-man content has shined a light on the current crop of 5-man instances and their heroic alter egos. Frankly, they are beginning to feel incredibly stale.
It is this very reason that I bring up a topic as old as heroics themselves, heroic Old World instances. Blizzard, if you can't get new content out fast enough, I am sure that many of your subscribers wouldn't mind revisiting some retuned old content. Just think of the advantages of doing so.
- A large percentage of the players joined World of Warcraft after the launch of The Burning Crusade. Therefore, a good amount of the old world instances - especially the mid-range instances - were ignored by the playerbase.
- Retuning is far less time consuming/costly than creating a new instance.
- Trickling out retuned old world instances would keep players busy between major content updates.
- Many old world 5-mans are far longer - and larger - than the current crop of dungeons. The varied length would likely cater to the hardcore audience who tend to be fond of more diverse and deeper offerings. There's no reason to expect that the casual players wouldn't enjoy it either.
- You've already recycled content in the past (Naxxramas , Caverns of Time) and that was accepted. No need to worry about that stigma.
- The old world would see a (small) population increase, rather than its current state of being largely abandoned. Essentially, more than just Northrend would be relevant.
- Come the next expansion, you could sprinkle retuned TBC instances amoung the content patches.
- Being "old school" is still hip...or so I tell myself.
- You'd shut me up.
Just think of the possibilities. LFM Heroic UBRS - Rend Run. The return of Dire Maul ledge walking. More Barman Shanker grinding. Discovering the secret boss in Blackfathom Deeps. Getting lost outside of Maraudon, only to be farted on when you finally get inside. Van Cleef. I'm giddy over the prospects already.
Many of us have run Wrath's heroics dozens, perhaps even a hundreds times. The question is, would you have the any interest in the four year old content or are you content waiting long periods of time for all-new encounters?
Reader Comments (69)
Heroic BRD would be soooooooooo Awsome !
haha oh hell yeah would be the best
me and some guildies hav been leveling a couple of alts recently so naturaly we boost each other and whenever we go into a old world instance are ALWAYS like
"dude wouldn't it be awesome if they re-relased these for 80s" and stuff along those lines i would personaly be more excited about tht than if they released icecrown citidel raid with 3 extra raids to acompany plus 10 new 5 mans (ok maybe exagurating there a lil bit but u get the idea)
HCing the pre-TBC instances has been suggested on the official suggestion forum several times and every time most people agree that it's a good idea, but I understand that Blizzard may be hesitant to do this for several reasons. The first reason is maybe the most important thing about instances: Loot, more specifically how to balance the loot vs the existing loot you get through existing HCs. This is a mammoth task, and if I was the poor Blizzard employee who got that task I would probably go kill myself.
Another reason that comes to mind is the enormous task of balancing the mobs in the old world instances.. there are a lot of trash in these instances and even if they make it AoEable and just scale up the bosses HP and dmg I think these instances would be extremely boring.
I love this entire idea. They also really should bring the wholr epic gem thing back for heroics. Back in TBC when i ran heroics i use to love knowing that either i can get a gem that would help me to get to Kara.
Aside from revamping some of the old world dungeons, Blizz should also consider new quests/achievements that will bring some people back to deserted areas... eg. Azshara.
i would very much like to see old world stuff come back. i joined before burning crusade but i never got to do BWL, or AQ40 and im sure im not alone. Im sure if blizz revamed a few of these instances for lvl 80s that people would do them. and by the way i like the last reason for blizz to do these changes, "it would shut me up" good stuff
iv talked about this with friends before, i would love to see 80 heroic versions of old content.
Although it would be beyond epic to be able to go back and do a Heroic Scarlet Monastery (my favorite instance all time), there would be reasons that this could not and should not be done.
1) Lore-wise this is impossible, as you level up, the instances at your level are supposed to be your accomplishments at the time, so when you hit 14 and defeat the Trogg in Rage Fire Chasm, lore-wise they are gone, granted with it being an instance it is repeatable.
2) As has been stated it would be very complex to create the loot for people to WANT to go back and do these instances again at a difficulty that they are used to with other heroic instances of their level. Even though it probably does not seem like it would be, balancing items is one of the hardest jobs in developing an RPG, even more so when it is an MMO.
3) How many people would actually WANT to go back and do a Heroic Deadmines, with the same fights and the same bosses that they fought 60 levels ago, beyond loot there is no incentive to revisit it, I enjoy going through old instances because I can solo them, not because they are my level and I need a group to do it.
However with that negativity behind me, I would have to shed some ideas to implement this in the future. It could even be it's own Expansion, where your ultimate goal is to fight the Same dragons that try and disrupt the Caverns of Time. They could go and mess with the Deadmines and give Sneed some weird and powerful tool from the future that makes him near impossible.
Or they could redo the entire instance, leaving, for the most part, the physical instance alone, exceptions would be like Deadmines more tunnels are made, but anyway, they could change bosses, like the Heroic Scarlet Monastery is taken back by the Crusade, and they replace all of the prior members with higher ranked people, for instance Mal'Ganis could take it over as the Grand Admiral and have a gang of other leaders be in there, and the fights would be different, and the loot would be equal to what you were fighting.
However I also think this idea is near death, because after near 3 years of having Toons over 60 run wild in old world dungeons, they would have implemented a scaling system by now, I think what they could do is implement a "Mentoring" system like that in Everquest 2, where a lvl 80 could mentor down to a lvl 10, have the stats of a lvl 10, but keep all of their abilities at lvl 80, just do lvl 10 damage, and then they can run the dungeon with them without actually running them through it.
Just some random typings of an amateur game developer, lol, so please no one bash my ideas or criticism, lol.
Adding loot to the instances would have to be done no matter I don't see how that is an issue.
@Kael'Thalas of Eonar
I was wondering when someone would bring up the lore point. To me that is already covered by current heroics, as their levels don't really match up either.
Level eight is the minimum for RFC.
All RFC quests can be accepted at level ten.
You can bring a max of ten players in RFC at one time together.
So make yourself a ten man raid of level tens.
id run heroic deadmines everyday also also the biggest problem would probably be coming up with new gear for lvl 80's to drop off the bosses *insert witty comment about the lack of effort put into armor and weapon drops for wotlk here*
I don't think loot would be an issue. It is mostly ppl that have already cleared everything that want the low lvl dungeons heroic'ed. These ppl should all be decked in tier7 or 8 gear. What would heroic dungeon loot mean to them. They dont run the lvl80 heroics for loot anymore either. Make the drops just emblems and some cool random pets or mounts with very low droprate to keep them interesting. In case "fresh" lvl80'ies want to run them, make the loot similar to northrend heroics.
Gnomeregan - and phased would be great.
Erm ... Grim Batol anyone?
Lowbies can't get there anyways because of the guarding mobs there so making that a new (level 80) instance would be cool and there is nothing known about the insides of the place. All we have now is the history.
i would love to see blizzard uppdate their old armors and such so that u dont need to be 58+ to look awsome
this is a good idea.
the game already has a MASSIVE amount of loot! what would drop in the revamped dungeons other then more of the same blues and an epic that you wont use after you faceroll 10 man naxx?
Heroic MC!
The idea of a heroic maraudon or BRD makes me want to kneecap you koop.
"However with that negativity behind me, I would have to shed some ideas to implement this in the future. It could even be it’s own Expansion, where your ultimate goal is to fight the Same dragons that try and disrupt the Caverns of Time. They could go and mess with the Deadmines and give Sneed some weird and powerful tool from the future that makes him near impossible." by Kael Thalas
Man, this would just be AWESOME!
I was thinking it yesterday!
Taking out the Infinite Dragonflight in the old Instances would be AWESOME! And the drops would come only from the dragonflight bosses!...This way, you could keep up lore and equipment progression!
This new 5-man instance may have something with the Infinite Dragonflight, maybe preparing us to a new Raid against the dragonflight's master? Or, as some of you have said, this can be some Arthas lore, but I don't think so, because his lore is almost finished...don't know if there can be any twists in his history at this point of the game...
I think that is a great idea of making the older instances able to go heroic. No body really uses them anymore and it is hard to get a group together to even run them.
I mean, c`mon everyone here just think about itxD HC BRD..the longest instance ever and imagine the epic feeling of being just the 5 of you having fun and getting some epics, ah great idéa(Y)
There seem to be few people who remember the overwhelming positive reaction when TBC came out and people found instances that could be completed in under 2 hours.....
It might be fun to implement one or two old world instances, but completing somewhere like BRD would take longer than your average naxx run, and when you have a non linear progression and masses of trash and bosses to tune its probably simple to simply design a new dungeon altogether.
Whoever mentioned Grim Batol.... not sure where but its been repeatedly suggested that this will be a high level raid instance involving the black dragon aspect deathwing in a later expansion....
oh please god not this again teh last thing i need is more i am allready beat trying to do all teh other stuff like ulduar i believe that is anough for a whi;e i do not wanto walk into to VC i do not wanto walk into aa dungeon and getting my ass kickedd by a boss i could one shot before so i am gaaussing teh lag in dalaran and SP IC isnt anough you have to make the whole azeroth lag that is want gointo happen when you giv heriocs owcurse taht does not apply to all instances i think wecan all agree that naxxes return was a great succes why not bring back the AQ its teh home of the old god c'thun 2 old gods hwo epic is that and i am sorry but weather you go with this stupid idea or not not should not be based on how much easier it is i completly suport you guys with making teh new instance i have heard of another instance in COT something about mediv now that is epic i know most of you people suport this stupid idea but i thik you should think anout teh happyness of all the players not just most they will be upset but they will et over it eventualy and maybe some NEW lore revealing instances such gilneas very close to SFK if you wanto compromise everyone loves a good lore how about the small islands on the map theirs is a ttheory that mealstorm is daraging those ilands closer and closer eventualy swallowing them how about an instnce to save them what about a raid of tomb of sargeras sargeras was never killed he is just traped between the realms what if he was some how freed then we put him to rest once and for all we are down to three aspects how about downing another aspect thats fun and thats just stuff i could think of the top of my head blizzard you created the game i know theirs allot of lore i dont know about use tahat or create some new lore the point is their are allot of much better ideas then to bring back old :( instances once you run out of stuff to do tehn bring back instances untill then lets stay away from such non sance
i just thought of something allse a COT instance or better ayt a raid whear you go back to end of teh ancient war aand some crazy druid tries to stop the great sundering and you stop him/her/it or even better the mael storm goes wierd pulls all three continets togather and creates the original continent kalimdor i dont think we will miss boats one bit and who whouldeent like bing able to fly on your mound in azeroth it will make travel easier which one of you whould not like to see tah its old yea but its something we never experince finish mount hyjal the point of all of this is their much better options it whould be educational please consider this the next time another "genious" brings this up
i have herd all teh post and i ahve some new thing s to say first mal'ganis is dead artahs killed him i think we can all agree tha lag is a big problem allthough the women that gives yo tour around COT says taht thir are hundreds of time tunnels each taking you to a diffrent event if you put so many dungeons in one place you cant get to am their for you should save them for the NEW stuff i think toa xauly finnaly to put an to the trouble making infinite dragonblight would awsome i know i caant resit a pvped lowbie of opposing fraction and i ave self control what about all the doche bags about a month before WOTLK release someoen posted a post about te constant ganking on pvp servers in beginer areas with no dungeons he/she wined and wned about the no lifes who camped his/her corpse and he/she wasnt alone do you really wanto make it worse leveling on pvp server is hard anough eventualy people will give it and go whear it is nice and safe on pve server aand clean pvp servers out eventualy all tahts gointo be left are those gankers and when they cant find agroup let along a raid because of teh pvp server low population they to will go on pve servers dramaticly over pupulating them sounds good right hey yay is easier to find a group wrong with more people comes more lags aand the thing we hate most of all ques 2 hour long qque extra bad for the players with bad computers and increase in cahnce their wow will crash many players will give uo the irritation of jsut trying to log in and take a few steps to a quest guy and eventualy quick wow go on other MMORPG the cometion will crush WOW bit by bit the players will peal of and then no more wow and with economy as it it bad now no one can lose afford to lose their job and all those employees and their femilys will hit rock bottom. now making those places sanctuarys might work but bringing back these instances is hard anough without taht pain in the ass at that point it whould muc heasier and much better to add NEW! content and wow will continue to flourish and have a long life i dont know about you but i think that the sacond the sacond senario whould work better for most of us