Beware of Blizzcon Ticket Scalpers
Posted by
pixiestixy on
Thursday, June 25, 2009 -
5 Comments Tags:
blizzcon 2009,
blizzcon tickets,
buyer beware,
ticket scalpers,

You will have up until Saturday, June 13 at 5 p.m. Pacific Time to make any changes to attendee badge information in Account Management. After this point, no further changes can be made. If you have not entered any information by this time, all attendee names will default to the full name of the account holder.
If you do not know the names of the guests you are bringing to BlizzCon and will not know by June 13, put all of the badges under your own name. Bring *all* of the printed bar-code emails, along with your photo ID, to BlizzCon, and you will be able to pick those up all of the badges yourself and distribute them to your guests. Photo ID will only be checked at the time of badge pick-up... In order to receive a badge, the name on the bar-code e-mail *must* match the name on your photo ID.
So how, exactly, are the ticket scalpers getting away with it if they can no longer update the names of the ticket holders? Some say they will show up at the convention center to pick up the tickets, then distribute them to auction winners. And I'm sure there will be some who will honor that promise (as long as you show up on time and in the pre-arranged location). I'm betting a handful won't.
Other sellers say the tickets will remain under the auction seller's name, but say something shady like "Your badges will show my husband's nameĀ (or if you're a female, my name) but you will be able to get in and out without a problem." I'd rather not take chances with hundreds of dollars with that guarantee.
And some sellers make no mention whatsoever that the June 13 deadline has passed. Now I'm sure that not everyone has evil intentions when they sell their tickets, but I do question the nature of sellers who want to sell their tickets for a crazy profit.
Even a whole bunch of official fansite contests I've seen this month have all ended (as far as I can find out of the ones listed in the official forums). However, if you want some WoW-related entertainment, take a look at some of the WoW limericks submitted for WoWWiki's contest. Some are good, plenty are bad. But you'll definitely find some hilarity in there. But back on topic - there's not too many options left for those of us still without tickets. That only furthers my over all recommendation: Buyer beware!
What's one to do? Well, first off, don't freak out. You, of course, should check back regularly here at Project Lore for news from the convention. If you want to live through Blizzcon without attending, check out the Directv offer to watch the event from home - murloc included.
So, we have a little more than 8 weeks to go before the big event. I know there were a lot of you who didn't have luck with getting a ticket on the official sale dates. Did anyone try their hands at a contest, and perhaps even win some tickets? Anyone taking your chances with a ticket auction? How many of you are opting to watch from home?
Reader Comments (5)
I didn't get a ticket but hopefully will be watching from my TV
I was one of the luck few to get tickets and i cant wait
i am watching from home so that i can still get the pet and all the news for a very considerably reduced cost
Well, this year should be pretty big for Blizzcon, especially for WoW. It's likely that details on the next Expansion will be announced. Probably a lot more juicy information on Diablo III and there a chance to hear about Blizzards new MMO.
All VERY tempting reasons to be there or watch live. I may be encouraged to buy the streaming feed from DirectTV, but most likely, I'll just get my news from YouTube's shakey cams and news and gaming sites like Project Lore. :D
It wasn't as much luck as it was location. the closer you were to the west coast, the better your chance to get tickets.