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Next Expansion: WoW Cataclysm?

maelstromA series of trademark requests that Blizzard Entertainment recently filed may indicate the possible name and lore of the next World of Warcraft expansion. Wednesday, Tumblr blogger Supererogatory revealed that Blizzard is seeking trademarks that would include computer games, paper-based products and online games with the name "Cataclysm."

For all we know, that could be the name of Blizzard's super-secret project under development, a new MMO or something else completely unrelated to WoW. But given the name's relationship to the Maelstrom, some people (including myself) speculate that this could be the name for the next WoW expansion.

There's been a great deal of speculation for a long while now that the next expansion will relate to the swirling vortex of power that lies between Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms, the Maelstrom. To refresh your memory, the Maelstrom was created in a huge world event at the end of the War of the Ancients, thousands of years ago. Often referred to as the Cataclysm or the Great Sundering, it all started with the destruction of the Well of Eternity. The giant explosion that this caused ripped Azeroth asunder, destroying most of the land mass (previously there was one giant continent, Kalimdor) and reshaping what little remained. In place of the Well of Eternity now lies the Maelstrom, a constant, thunderous reminder of the peaceful times that now are lost to the world. It also is implied that the giant storm is slowly drawing in the surrounding land masses. It could even eventually swallow all that remains of Azeroth.

What more could you ask for in a conflict?

Another noteworthy, though perhaps coincidental factor: WoW.com pointed out that the WoWcataclysm domain expired on June 26, the same day that the trademark requests were filed. Interesting.

There also have been a lot of guesses that the next expansion could be related to the Emerald Dream, the realm of Dragon Aspect Ysera. That speculation was flamed by several blue posts that hinted at the area as a possibilty for future development, but I haven't seen any new, official mentions of that for at least a couple of years.

Let's see if we can glean a little bit more information for what the Trademark would encompass by reading the details of the applications, which were filed June 26. According to the documents posted on the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office's website, the three requests are classified to cover:

  • Computer game software and related instruction manuals and guides sold together as a unit; downloadable computer game software; interactive multimedia computer game program; mousepads

  • Comic books, computer game strategy guides, trading cards, coloring books, adhesive stickers, rub-on transfers, notebooks, stationery-type portfolios, posters, greeting cards, calendars, instructional leaflets in the field of computer games, computer game instruction manuals, catalogs in the field of computer games, advertisement boards of paper or cardboard, photographs, art prints

  • Entertainment services, namely, providing on-line computer games; providing computer games that may be accessed via a global computer network; and providing on-line information in the field of computer gaming entertainment

It certainly sounds like an MMO to me.

So what does everyone else think? Would you be all for some maelstrom-based content for the next expansion? Do you think that's what all this information points to? What else do you think the trademarks could be for?

Reader Comments (68)

FIRST! lolz

July 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDorkins

I highly doubt this has anything to do with the next expansion. I think it's something to do with the next Blizzard game that is not related World of Warcraft.

It's probably their secret MMO that they've been working on.

July 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterZack

I can kinda see the logic but surely a better name for the expansion would be The Maelstrom or The Great Sundering rather than Cataclysm. Cataclysm just dosen't sound right.

July 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKalcifer

blizz plans on making 1 more expansion for WoW to "fill in the gaps" story-wise. It won;t explain eveything nor will it have everything i.e. the emerald dream, grim batol will probably be left out because they're back story just doesn't fit on how things have been going so far in WoW(but you'll never know).

has anyone noticed how quickly there's another tier and raid content coming...with lich king raid likely in october or november. they're planning to finish wotlk early next year and bring this last expansion. the next xpac will not have as much content as the other ones, but will close out the WoW mmo franchise within or less then a year of it's release....as blizz has it's next big mmo planned for sometime in late 2010 or 1st quarter of 2011.

one more solid year of WoW people...enjoy it!

July 2, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterdps


I didn't know you worked for Blizzard and had such knowledge of how Bliizard will drop their biggest money maker in the history of their company!

Really though that's a little extreme of an idea. I'd reconsider those increasingly large jumps to conclusions you made.

July 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDarkDoctor

i have to agree with DarkDoctor on that one, i mean if you look at WC and SC they are all still around even since the release of WoW they are still doing fine and still releasing new expansions and stuff. i dont see blizzard just dumping wow and all of its 12 million players as soon as they secret MMO is released and then expecting that all those 12 million players will jump right into the new game. I don't see world of warcraft ending for a long time. just my opinion though.

July 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterVeldoran

"The cataclysm is the Greek expression for the Deluge, from the Greek kataklysmos, to 'wash down'" -Taken from wikipedia.

This could very well be a hint to a possible expansion set in the Maelstrom.

July 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEric

World of Warcraft: The Cataclysm

sounds catchy :-P

July 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDecado

Yeh and along with the Horde - Alliance "truce" being broken after The Battle of Undercity, we will really see some major cataclysmic catastrophe *dramatic music*

BIG JUMP TO CONCLUSION: Maelstrom = Tomb of Sargeras (or Tomb of Sargeras' Avatar) = BIG FIGHT COMING!

July 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterShamtastik


there is no way that the next expansion after lich king is gonna be the last one....theres still the emerald dream, maelstrom AND im sure that they will cap it off with some kind of burning legion expansion where we go and fight the legion more so than in burning crusade

as for what everyone is saying it could be WoW related but i really dont think it is...just because its coming from blizzard doesnt make it automatically WoW related,,,im leaing more toward it being their next MMO but who knows....we will find out in time

July 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLittleraven

What's the matter? Y'all to chicken to yell at Dorkins for being FIRST? Here I'll do it:

Dorkins your an idiot, who cares if you were first, jist 'cause you work for PL, don't mean squat!!!!!

LOL, j/k bro. Figured since every1 is always bitchin and moanin because some1 typed "FIRST", but to skurred to bitch and moan because you did it.

Anyways, back on subject, that would be a possible X-Pack. I mean for noobs such as myself who didn't start playin till jist b4 TBC was released, and I jist started readin the War of the Ancients books. That would help out alot with tying in the lore from Warcraft and WoW without havin to go out and get Warcraft and levellin thru it to get the lore from it.

July 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTharon

Ya know, all the big rumor threads on mmo and the forums are starting to come true with this news. i can see it now- Word of Warcraft: The Great Cataclysm

"You've faced impossible odds and put an end to the Scourge and the Lich King for all time. While the heavy tolls of war set in, as well as mourners for the lost, something much darker and sinister lurks beneath the tides. Queen Azshara, former queen of the Night Elves 10,000 years ago, has made herself known and is out to finish what she had started. The queen plans to use the Maelstrom's power to recreate the portal which will bring about the destroyer of worlds, Sargeras, into this world. This time, she has no plans to fail.
With Malfurion lost in the Emerald Dream, adventurers are in a race against time to save their world. they must venture into the realm of the Emerald Dream, and free Malfurion from the nightmare. He is the only hope for closing the portal"

July 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterOctaviax

first of all octaviax WOW that sounds epic. as muc has i hate to think that blizz would be dumb enough to leave all thse loose ends i fear that thier may be some truth to this but even after blizz is done with WOW it will stil be around for a long time but even if blizz trying to speed up and end WOTLK early why are they so desprate for recruiting new members just earlier this week i commented about how by this time in 2007 we alrleady new teh about WOTLK but the cataclysm sounds more liek a book tittile instead of name of a game it is my fear taht blizz is going for a full blow out their laying all cards on teh tabele everything they had they are giving it to us in the next expenchion and then its plain all WOW and a new MMO on teh new MMO on its way up well atleast ill be a veteran in the next MMO i wasnt their for any oiof the WC games i aonly heard of star craft when diablo three was released like many others i joined WOW right before BC atleast this one il lbe their from the gako i read somewhear that blizz is working on a new arena that they started back at wow release never finished it and that blizz is working on a new COT instance something involving midvh as far as i know hyjal still isnt finished sure we can go to the 10,000 mount hyjal but not to present one it doesnt seem like blizz is going to go the exra mile to keep WOW alive its to early to say anything really but oen thing is for sure thsi is going to be intresting to see what blizz decides to do

July 2, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

Wow, some of u rly know a lot bout WoW. This all sounds very interresting.

July 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAndonur

I remember when they first announced The Burning Crusade as the "first" expansion. I put a post on our guild website about the quoted word and put out that I can see the last expansion taking characters to 100. I think there will be 2 more X-Pacs, not one. If there's more than 2, that's even better. The devs have talked about more hero classes. I can't see them just releasing 1 more.

My 2 gold (my opinions are worth more than copper).

July 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterVexklythor

If they do bring in the cataclysm, there are some factors that are almost garunteed to be brought in:

1). -Goblins- Lots of em. Their home city is called Undermine, located on the island Kezan, which is in the southern seas of Azeroth near the maelstrom. This could be the next expansion's main city, like Shattrath and Dalaran.

2). -The Broken Isles- The tomb of Sargeras is on these islands, which were raised from the sea floor by Gul'Dan. This could go along with a theme of Queen Azshara trying to summon Sargeras.

3). -Naga- Come on, this goes without saying. Possibly a faction such as the Scryers who have seen what would happen if Azshara summons Sargeras to Azeroth

4). -Murlocs- There is simply no way to leave them out of a Great Sea/Maelstrom expansion. it's just not possible.

5). -The Great Sundering- This would be a great caverns of time instance. It would incorporate The very origin of the Great Sea itself, and could also involve the betrayal of Illidan and the creation of the World Tree on top of Mount Hyjal.

6). -Many Islands- There are Islands shown on the world map and referenced in the RPG and books that could be used, such as the South Seas islands, Tel Abim, Hiji, Plunder Isle (which contains the Bloodsail Buccaneers' main base, opening tons of new content), Zandalar, Gillijim's Isle (It's really an island, I'm not making that up), and the Island of Doctor Lapidis. Among these may or may not be an unknown island known by Krasus that was the site of an unnamed tragedy, and now is haunted by dead souls.

I know this is very unlikely but I still feel compelled to put it in this list
7). -Pandaria- Home of the famous Pandaren, this would instantly become a favorite location for thousands of players. Supposedly it won't be added for political reasons, but we can still hope for it.

These are just a few possibilities for content, and It would be really fun to have a series of islands only connected by ships, not flight paths. There could be battles with pirates, water mounts, tons of new minipets, really fun instance possibilities... the list just goes on and on.


July 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFelaryn

anyone ever just think that maybe they are doing all this to see how much hype they can get up and it turn out to be nothing at all?

July 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTalcoya

I think Pandaren will be in the expansion after the Maelstrom.
I think they'll be a playable race. As will some form of Wolvar. And I think Pandaria will be the Azuremyst Isle of the Pandaren.

Just my 2 copper.

July 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSean

I hear rumors that bliz wont make pandaren playable because of th chinese player base.

July 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNebyula

I think that the idea that this hints at a "Great Sea" expansion is very plausible, and wouldn't be too hard to create (not talking about programming and stuff) because a lot of the lore and ideas are already there. Also, as much as I would LOVE to play a panda, I highly doubt that it'll ever be implemented (not for "political reasons", lets use some logic here: Tauren are cows, which are sacred animals to the Hindu. Anyways, since when do a lot of Chinese people think it's offensive to kill a panda?). I remember reading somewhere that blizzard wanted to implement them into the original 8 races, but the guy who invented Pandarians wouldn't allow it. Too bad, but I guess we can dream :P

P.S. lol @ dorkins, you cheater xD

July 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEuphony

I think Cataclysm is a poor name, why not call it like some previous posters have said Maelstrom or Great Sundering as this is more in line with the story.

Also i hope this isnt the last expansionas there is so much lore space to fill, okay so this one may include the maelstrom and sargeras' tome but what about the emerald dream and grim batol.

Hopefully they will release two more expansions before ending the franchise.

July 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEliphias

What about the Wow movie then. said to be released in 2009 aswell @ least if you can believe the interviews you can check out on youtube.

Maybe the title of the movie maybe?

July 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPoliwrath

The Great Sea now that sounds more like the name of a game reavlig mysterys of teh sea all the areas we are locked out ot by fatigue are revealed

July 3, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

dude that makes so much sence the maelstrom was talked about just after the water mount came out

July 3, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterblinketyblink

there has to be at least 2 more xpacs one to deal with the maelstrom and sargaras and 1 to deal with the emerald dream and Deathwing. also i do believe we will have to kill the leader of the bronze dragon flight because he is also teh elader of the infinite dragon flight, he saw his own death and is trying to alter time to save himself.. there is deathwing, uldum, grim batol and the countries in wow that cant be played in.. there is alot of things that need to be covered.

July 3, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterxxdeathangel

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