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BlizzCon 2009: What's Up, Worgen?

picture-39The newest addition to the Alliance is indeed the Worgen.

The kingdom of Gilneas assisted the Alliance during the Second War. However, going into the Third War, Gilneas realized that there was little the Alliance to provide to them, and they were just fine governing themselves behind the impenetrable Greymane Wall.

The curse of the Worgen began to spread, perhaps because of the Scythe of Elune. Regardless, Archmage Arugal of Dalaran became fascinated with these creatures and retreated into Shadowfang Keep to study them. They were great weapons for him in fighting back the Scourge during the Third War. The curse of the Worgen, however, is infectious, and it quickly spread and reached the nearby kingdom of Gilneas. The Gilneans, being confined to their kingdom, quickly fell to the curse. Civil war broke out, and their kingdom became ravaged.

ss18_hiresThe Gilneans have managed to control their curse somewhat and seem to able to transform between Worgen and Human forms. The Cataclysm has been disastrous to them, and the Greymane Wall has been destroyed. Gilneas shares a border only with Silverpine Forest, which controlled by the Forsaken. The Forsaken push southward into their kingdom, and the night elves came to their rescue, perhaps with a sense of responsibly regarding the Scythe of Elune. Now, the Worgen fight along side the Alliance. The exact story behind the Scythe and the Worgen's origins remain unclear, but I'm sure the story behind the Worgen's origins will slowly be uncovered.

The worgen racials include +1% damage, 70% run speed for 10 seconds, duration of curses and diseases reduced by 15%, and skinning skill increased by 15. They also don't need a skinning knife!

Worgen can play as Death Knights (likely starting in Ebon Hold, and likely the coolest thing ever to grace WoW), Druids, Hunters, Mages, Priests, Rogues, Warlocks, and Warriors.


Reader Comments (40)

I am gonna make Priest. No one else is gonna do it :D

Goblins are still cooler, and I would in no way ever ever leave the horde, and anyone who would abandon their high level horde toons. your just plan goofy, but, this would make me roll one alliance toon, maybe on a PVE server, far far away from my original server.

Just wondering though, when they showed the transformation on the trailor...did anyone else think of thriller? Cause I did.

August 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAshleigh

Stupid, stupid goblins...................................... but hey, our mounts are the like the chopper!

August 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHenryzx

i think the abillity to shape shift into a worgen should be more for the tanks and melee tabjs like a boost of strengh and stamina in that form like the DKS presences or warrior stances wich i guess would sack if you went a warrior or a DK. funny how neither of the new races can be pallys this game supostu come out november of next year same month that WOTLK came out

August 22, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

what is a wolf going to ride thou ................................ah i got it BIG wolfs oh w8 thas orcs >.<

August 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSpwany

@ Krath
Maby there 'cat' form will be more of a wolf for kinds like a worg.

As for a mount I think that if the made it like the taurens plainstridding they would get torn up by player for by being original. So I guess we just have to trust they will make something cool and new :S.
P.S we don't know what knew animals are going to be in it so anyone of those new beasts could become the worgin mount

August 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTaver

O.O worgen druids

August 22, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbloodysir

XD you could stay in human form and be a worgen druid and say IM A HUMAN DRUID =O

August 22, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbloodysir

I keep forgetting Worgen is a race and not a class, when I think of it in human form I see it being utterly useless (NO CLAWS!!!) but then I remember weapons and spells, I just think the Worgen form would be more then just a mask you basically wear to scare people, though it is major BA all on it's own, I think maybe a bonus unarmed or + strength, correct me if they already have these planned!

August 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDrenton

I am hoping that as far as the ability to shift back into humans go that they at least get unique models in that form. Maybe tall and gangly with customizable tribal tatoos.

August 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterValcane

Excuse me for saying but does anyone feel this is a bit wrong in a sense? Cause i don't if i was locked behind a wall to contain infection when i was heathly uneffect, i would have a grudge agianst the alliance well humans in particular. Don't humans and Night Elves have hang up's about things that are unnatural? I don't know a prime example would be the undead who were once human(just like the worgen) that were then hunted down for being alive yet agian even though they were free from the Lich King's Control. I have to say that the worgen would present another problem to the alliance because they're always saying by the light and crap like that, wouldn't "Lok'tar Ogar For Blood and Honor" be a more true phrase for the worgen to live by? Another point would be that adding Worgen (AKA werewolves) to the alliance would be a major mistake simply because worgen's are halloweenish unlike the character of the allaince that are more Christmasee. Worgen would fit in better with the Horde because Orcs, Trolls, Tauren, Undead(Zombies), and blood elves are halloweenish just like the Worgen. A better choice for the alliance would be Furblogs simply because there a naturally occuring in nature and they have more ties with the night elves. I mean come on they basic would be a perfect fit in the allaince sigh.....I'm writing a letter to Blizz about this.......

August 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLatane

@ Latane

I think Blizzard was tired of the Alliance being associated with pansy creatures and wanted to give players a chance to play a darker more psychotic character. the opposite of this is seen with the Blood Elves. Even though they are now savage in nature because of their dependence on magic they are still pretty and Blizzard was tired of the Horde needing to be ugly e.g. Orc females

August 23, 2009 | Unregistered Commentervalcane

Yeah! Humans are so awkward, gnomes are vertically challenged, Space goats speak for them selves, Dwarves are always drunk, and Night Elves give to many lap dances. Worgen can just howl and rip yow face off!

August 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDrenton

yay worgwn hunters!

August 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDarkkelly

the worgens mount should be humans lol

September 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDeathomatikk

Yeah, humans.

Gnomes: They would simply collapse by the weight of the worgen.
Dwarfes: They'd be too drunk to run forward.
Night Elfs: They would just shadowmeld at night.
Draeneis: They would fly off to Draenor again before you could tame them.
But humans! They have the perfect size, the perfect amount of alchoholics, the perfect amount of magic and the perfect amount of technology! =D

September 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLolmaster

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