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Proverb: Nozdormu and the Bronze Dragonflight

800px-bronzedragonflightProverb is a psuedo-weekly column discussing the lore of Warcraft. It is spoiler heavy for all Warcraft games, novels, and other media. Comment on this post or send a tweet to @Heartbourne and let us know what you would like to see in future columns!

The last post on the Vials of Eternity stirred a lot of discussion about Nozdormu, so I thought this week I'd take the opportunity to outline a biography of Nozdormu and the history of the bronze dragonflight.

When the Titans were shaping Azeroth, they created the five dragonflights from the great proto-dragon, Galakrond. The leaders of the dragonflights, called the Aspects, were each gifted with different powers by the Titans. Nozdormu and the bronze dragonflight were imbued by the leader of the Titans, Aman'thul, with the power to travel through time at a whim. To humble Nozdormu, and remind him he was not invincible, Nozdormu was also revealed the exact moment and method by which he would perish. The bronze dragonflight were tasked with making sure that everything in the world transpired according to fate.

Dragons and mortals existed peacefully together until the War of the Ancients, which the dragons participated in after some coaxing. Neltharion betrayed the dragons and tricked them into pouring much of their power into an artifact called the Demon Soul, which was used against them. Neltharion, now known as Deathwing, banished the bronze, red, and green dragonflights from the battle and decimated the blue dragonflight. Ultimately, all of the dragonflights lost great numbers and the Demon Soul was captured from Deathwing. Nozdormu, Alexstrasza, and Ysera placed an enchantment on it so that it could never be used by dragonkind again and hid it far below the earth. They were still severally weaker from contributing so much of their power to the Demon Soul, and would be until it would be destroyed ten thousand years later.

Following the reinstatement of the Well of Eternity, Ysera gifted the night elves with the World Tree Nordrassil. Nozdormu, The Timeless One, blessed the tree so that night elves would never age past their prime, giving the night elves effective immortality. The bronze dragonflight was largely reclusive for the next nine thousand years, keeping to themselves in the Caverns of Time below Tanaris desert.

Nine thousand years after the Sundering, the bronze dragons were approached by the night elves, who were concerned by the Qiraji's expansion. The bronze dragonflight didn't much care, until the Qiraji began approaching the Caverns of Time. The bronze dragonflight and many other dragons assisted in what became known as The War of the Shifting Sands. The Qiraji were sealed behind The Scarab Wall, and the world was again at peace.

It was only another thousand years before the bronze dragonflight was again roused to interfere in the world's events. An orcish warlock by the name of Nekros was able to recover the Demon Soul and used it to enslave Alexstrasza, the red dragon Aspect. Korialstrasz was able to find the highly reclusive Nozdormu and begged him to help. Nozdormu was less than happy, and refused on the basis that this was the way events were fated to unfold. It wasn't until the green dragon Aspect, Ysera, called upon him did Nozdormu and the bronze dragonflight decide to intervene. Malygos, who also refused at first, also joined. At the great Battle of Grim Batol, the Demon Soul was destroyed, restoring the power to the Aspects, and Deathwing was chased into hiding. With their power returned, the bronze dragonflight began to venture into the world once more.

After the third war and the destruction of Nordrassil, the night elves attempted to form a new world tree, Teldrassil. Unlike the first world tree, none of the Aspects would bless the selfish request of the night elves to regain their immortality. Without Nozdormu's blessing, the night elves would begin to age again.

chromietcgAs for the events starting with World of Warcraft, Nozdormu has been missing for some time now. In his stead, Anachronos leads the bronze dragonflight and a subfaction of the bronze dragons known as the Brood of Nozdormu. When the Qiraji began to arise again, Anachronos sought out a champion to assemble the Scepter of the Shifting Sands to reopen the gates of Ahn'Qiraj. The bronze dragonflight again helped the mortals fight the insects, and the Qiraji were defeated. Additionally, Chronormu, also known as Chromie, was assisted by players at Andorhal investigating how the Scourge was meddling with the flow of time there, as well as helping them rewrite the events of The Battle of Darrowshire to prevent the corruption of Redpath.

Once the Burning Crusade started, Soridormi, Nozdormu's consort, called upon mortals to stop a mysterious band of dragons known as the Infinite Dragonflight from intervening in past events. A faction of bronze dragons, known as the Keepers of Time, have helped ensure the outcome of the opening of the dark portal, Thrall's escape from Durnholde, and the culling of Stratholme. A third faction of bronze dragons, the Scale of the Sands, help ensure the outcome of the Battle of Mount Hyjal.

As of Wrath of the Lich King, Nozdormu is still on some secretive mission. Players who visit the Bronze Dragonshrine where the bronze dragons are battling the Infinite Dragonflight throughout time use an item to reveal the leader of the Infinite Dragonflight, but surprisingly, Nozdormu appears.

There are several implications of this. It could be that Nozdormu is the leader of the Infinite Dragonflight. His motive could be to change events so that his demise, of which he knows the when and how, is prevented. Upon zoning into The Battle for Mount Hyjal, the bronze dragon Indormi comments: "Do you think the rumors about the Infinite Dragonflight are true? I've sensed it...the familiarity." This may be evidence that some bronze dragons may become infinite dragons in the future

Additionally, during Children's Week, a blood elf orphan by the name of Salandria visits the Caverns of Time and nearly gets attacked by the dragons there. Zaladormu stops the dragons, saying that the orphan should not be held responsible for "things she might do or fail to do in the future". Salandria gets a toy dragon and says "someday I plan to own a real one" as players see the quest text "you can see the wheels in the small girl's head turning". She is taken under the "wing" of Lady Liadrin, leader of the blood knights, to train as a paladin. She may have some role in Nozdormu and the Infinite Dragonflight's scheme.

The Infinite Dragonflight could also be an experiment of Deathwing, who engineered both the Chromatic Dragonflight and the Twilight Dragonflight. Deathwing is still in hiding, after all.

Perhaps we will have to face off with Nozdormu as the leader of the Infinite Dragonflight, and maybe Soridormi will use her Vials of Eternity in some way. Only time will tell.

Reader Comments (39)

I must admit, all of this sounds very interesting, and I would love to see it brought up in-game by Blizzard. This, of all things, interests me the most about the "current" lore.

August 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterXian

I always thought Nozdormu was in CoT until I realised he was never there and it was Andormu who have been helping us these whole time.

But yeah, given the power to control space time continuum, with only your death stopping you, of course you'll try to live as long as possible. Who knows, maybe we will end up killing him and he'll say "As I have foretold" or something like that. Pity how all the dragon aspects are dying 1 by 1, Ysera might be next with the Emerald Nightmare corruption.

August 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterShamtastik

Oh neat, got first slot... wasn't even trying. heh.

August 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterXian

With one of the aspects already on the coo-coo side, I wouldn't be surprised if we get to see Nozdormu involved with the Infinite Dragonflight.

I really look forward to seeing what's with Nozdormu, but also with Deathwing as they are both in hiding / missing.

August 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTyki

well the thing is i dont remember what boss nozdomru said that he already knew his death and had no reason to try and stop it. But then again he apoligized to malfurion about things "He will do in the future" And then again if you look at all the of disruptions in the caverns of time they could have good outcomes. For instance if they would have killed arthas then there would be no lich king. If they would have stopped the opening of the dark portal..wel thats an obvious one..and if they would have stopped thrall from escaping it could have prevented the current horde and alliance battles

August 7, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterangesh

*book not boss

August 7, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterangesh

deathwing and noz might come to gether since it is an infinate dragon flight and they r both missin ?

August 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDrAwesome

@Angesh but that's the thing, if those pasts were altered, the future might give way to worst things. For example the opening of dark portal, if that wasn't opened in the 1st place, then the humans and elves won't get any help from the horde/orcs during the battle of mount hyjal to kill archimonde. Arthas not killing stratholme = more scourge will be born from stratholme. And if Thrall wasn't freed, then some messed up warchief will take over the Horde like that Dark Horde warchief in Blackrock Spire.

Sorry for wall of text :D

August 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterShamtastik

thier are 2 coo coo dragon aspects ysera possibly dont what going on in emerald dream if nozdormu proves to be to be the leader of the infinite dragon flight then owe are down to 1 saine dragon angesh@ CoS poin was ttry stop arthas from finding out that srat is nfected with the plag not to stop his death im killing all those people was major step towards becomng the lich king some may argue taht was teh ppoint when crossed teh thrashold of insanity if nozdormu is the leader of teh infinite dragon flight its only cause he is upsesses wit hkeeping the time line on track amybe he knows that he will full to corruption and he knows taht is what will bring his death

August 7, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

if i may i persinaly don see teh problem with the black portal not opening or thrall ascaping except that will drastcly alted the game it would mean no outland and no whear for illlidan to ascape stop the rise of the horde all togather heck thrall would never has made it to azeroth which means we would never has been imprisoned

August 7, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

@cocopuff read Shamtastiks comment just above yours, its well explained there what would happen if the portal didn't open or if Thrall didn't escape.

August 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTyki

You know, after thinking about Neltharion's transgressions from Aspect of Earth to Deathwing, aspect of Death, as well as Yogg-Saron being quoted as the 'old god of death', I've been thinking the old gods locked beneath Azeroth play a part as well. There are five known Old Gods (C'Thun, Yogg-Saron and the three imprisoned) and five aspects. I've been thinking that they may carry the same powers as their aspect counterpart, though to a lesser extent, as the aspects gained their powers from the titans themselves. If all this fits, I think Nozdormu has been enslaved by his old god counterpart, and is being used to make the Infinite Dragonflight (much in the same way as Alexstrasza was enslaved and used for the red dragon mounts around Warcraft II (see comment from Heartbourne mentioning the demon soul), and that his death is going to come about when he rebels against the old god, with the help of those meddling mortal heroes.

I also use this theory to explain the corruption in the emerald dream as well as Ysera and Malfurion being stuck in this new 'Emerald Nightmare.'

I'm seriously hoping (though not holding my breath) that Neltharion will snap out of his insanity and return to his role as the aspect of earth. If all this is coming down around our ears, we'll need the strongest known living dragon on our side... especially if he perfects them damn twilight dragons.

Apologies for the length of text.

August 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterChaom

@Heartbourne Also, just want to mention...

Deathwing laid the basis for the Chromatic Dragonflight. His children, Onyxia and Nefarian were the true creators of them. It was never known why Deathwing seemed to give up his designs, though it has been assumed around the place that he thought them too weak, and began to plan for a more powerful flight.

Enter the Twilight.

Which he didn't truly create either. His prime consort, Sintharia (Aka: Lady Sinestra) created the first few twilight dragons, though Deathwing has gotten the credit for them, as he was pulling her strings for her to make them, so he could see the strengths and weaknesses of his newest idea, and then enhance the strengths and remove the weaknesses.

I know this is about Nozdormu and the Bronze Dragons, but I just wanted to show off... Deathwing, Black Dragons, Sargeras and The Titans are my favorite area of Lore.

August 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterChaom

"Additionally, during Children’s Week, a blood elf orphan by the name of Salandria visits the Caverns of Time and nearly gets attacked by the dragons there. Zaladormu stops the dragons, saying that the orphan should not be held responsible for “things she might do or fail to do in the future”. Salandria gets a toy dragon and says “someday I plan to own a real one” as players see the quest text “you can see the wheels in the small girl’s head turning”. She is taken under the “wing” of Lady Liadrin, leader of the blood knights, to train as a paladin. She may have some role in Nozdormu and the Infinite Dragonflight’s scheme."

The Alliance plot line with the little Dreanei girl is the exact same

August 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMahabone

100 bucks if im wrong that Deathwing will be seen in the next xpac

August 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterToastyPala

n opening of the dark portal would mean that orcs or burning legion would have staped into the lands of azeroth all the heroes of azeroth would still be alive the battle at mount hyjal may never have transpired archimond would still be alive and burning legion would continue in trying to excess azeroth as for the scourge wahts a few mroe hundred scourge weather arthas "purefied" strat or not citys fate would be the same full of scourge

back to teh topic the dragon has teh abillity to minipulate time it self no old god or a crazy paladin looking to achieve their childhood wish can do that so if nozdormu does get captured and forced to create the infinite dragon flight it is only because he alloved this to come becuase he may know that we are his downfall

August 8, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

next xpac is arthas

August 8, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

X-Pac 4 will be centered around the 5 Aspects

August 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTharon

imo Nozdormu is the leader of the infinite dragon's and he was trying to good things like trying to kill arthas so he didnt become the lich king, stopping the orcs from getting to azeroth , and other things

August 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTacotom112

@Cocopuff Yes, the Alliance heroes would be alive for the battle of mount hyjal, but they wouldn't be in Kalimdor. Chances are, Medivh wouldn't have come back from the dead to warn them, so Jaina wouldn't have been able to take heed. This would leave the Night Elves alone in the fight which would have been catastrophic. The wings of the caverns of time in The Burning Crusade were ulitmately the best future that could have happened around these scenes. As for Stratholme, it is possible that if Arthas had not descended into madness, the scourge would have overwhelmed his forces, then sweeping over Azeroth as an unstoppable force. Having Arthas become our worst enemy was an unfortunate circumstance coming from that, but it seems that, with him, there may be another 'Hyjal grade' alliance between the Alliance and the Horde, if only fleeting.

@Tacotom112 Without a doubt, there is the possibility that Nozdormu is doing this with noble intentions, but I've been warned several times by the bronze dragons, as well as other Lore within WoW that messing around with time can rip apart the universe.

August 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterChaom


Man, your theory was just...like...you know...fantastic! If this happens, I will be hands down to blizz!
But there is one thing: Yogg's presence and power was growing, but now he's imprisioned again...so, this means that Deathwing would be out of his control?

And Nozdormu, to me, is the leader of the infinite dragonflight just because he has to. He knows that he WILL die, and by the hand of whom, so, we shall see or make him die! I reeeeally hope that 3.4 have some Aspects lore, it would be awesome!

August 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWittgenstein

that little orphan will either rule the dragons (as she sais) or fail to save the dragon,or world or both

cant wait to see that

August 8, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermadarra


athas single handently broke the lordearon alliance ( 7 united kingdoms) if arthas didnt go mmad then the kingdom would still be intect renember it was insane arthas taht stoped illidan from destrying the frozen throne and lich king with it even brainless undead need a leader medivh mother saved up her energy for 28 years in hopes of resucting her son it was malfurion who finnaly put an end to archimond plus cenarius would still be alive i am sure the night can comunicate with other parts of the alliance or other parts of teh unformed horde (blood elfs, trolls, touren)

August 8, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

another day spent learning more about of warcraft lore and it got me thinking their is a high chance that the infinite dragonflight is another failed creation of nafarain after all both the black dragonflight and infinite dragonflight imploy dragonkin

August 8, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

@Cocopuff Wow, this feels almost like an argument now, but, you're entitled to your opinion. I just think it needs to be said that Illidan wouldn't be trying to destroy the frozen throne if Arthas had not become the death knight of Nerz'hul. Remember, it was Arthas who told Illidan about the skull of Gul'dan, which is what led to Illidan's banishment, and servitude to Kil'Jaeden.

August 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterChaom

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