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Proverb: Nozdormu and the Bronze Dragonflight

800px-bronzedragonflightProverb is a psuedo-weekly column discussing the lore of Warcraft. It is spoiler heavy for all Warcraft games, novels, and other media. Comment on this post or send a tweet to @Heartbourne and let us know what you would like to see in future columns!

The last post on the Vials of Eternity stirred a lot of discussion about Nozdormu, so I thought this week I'd take the opportunity to outline a biography of Nozdormu and the history of the bronze dragonflight.

When the Titans were shaping Azeroth, they created the five dragonflights from the great proto-dragon, Galakrond. The leaders of the dragonflights, called the Aspects, were each gifted with different powers by the Titans. Nozdormu and the bronze dragonflight were imbued by the leader of the Titans, Aman'thul, with the power to travel through time at a whim. To humble Nozdormu, and remind him he was not invincible, Nozdormu was also revealed the exact moment and method by which he would perish. The bronze dragonflight were tasked with making sure that everything in the world transpired according to fate.

Dragons and mortals existed peacefully together until the War of the Ancients, which the dragons participated in after some coaxing. Neltharion betrayed the dragons and tricked them into pouring much of their power into an artifact called the Demon Soul, which was used against them. Neltharion, now known as Deathwing, banished the bronze, red, and green dragonflights from the battle and decimated the blue dragonflight. Ultimately, all of the dragonflights lost great numbers and the Demon Soul was captured from Deathwing. Nozdormu, Alexstrasza, and Ysera placed an enchantment on it so that it could never be used by dragonkind again and hid it far below the earth. They were still severally weaker from contributing so much of their power to the Demon Soul, and would be until it would be destroyed ten thousand years later.

Following the reinstatement of the Well of Eternity, Ysera gifted the night elves with the World Tree Nordrassil. Nozdormu, The Timeless One, blessed the tree so that night elves would never age past their prime, giving the night elves effective immortality. The bronze dragonflight was largely reclusive for the next nine thousand years, keeping to themselves in the Caverns of Time below Tanaris desert.

Nine thousand years after the Sundering, the bronze dragons were approached by the night elves, who were concerned by the Qiraji's expansion. The bronze dragonflight didn't much care, until the Qiraji began approaching the Caverns of Time. The bronze dragonflight and many other dragons assisted in what became known as The War of the Shifting Sands. The Qiraji were sealed behind The Scarab Wall, and the world was again at peace.

It was only another thousand years before the bronze dragonflight was again roused to interfere in the world's events. An orcish warlock by the name of Nekros was able to recover the Demon Soul and used it to enslave Alexstrasza, the red dragon Aspect. Korialstrasz was able to find the highly reclusive Nozdormu and begged him to help. Nozdormu was less than happy, and refused on the basis that this was the way events were fated to unfold. It wasn't until the green dragon Aspect, Ysera, called upon him did Nozdormu and the bronze dragonflight decide to intervene. Malygos, who also refused at first, also joined. At the great Battle of Grim Batol, the Demon Soul was destroyed, restoring the power to the Aspects, and Deathwing was chased into hiding. With their power returned, the bronze dragonflight began to venture into the world once more.

After the third war and the destruction of Nordrassil, the night elves attempted to form a new world tree, Teldrassil. Unlike the first world tree, none of the Aspects would bless the selfish request of the night elves to regain their immortality. Without Nozdormu's blessing, the night elves would begin to age again.

chromietcgAs for the events starting with World of Warcraft, Nozdormu has been missing for some time now. In his stead, Anachronos leads the bronze dragonflight and a subfaction of the bronze dragons known as the Brood of Nozdormu. When the Qiraji began to arise again, Anachronos sought out a champion to assemble the Scepter of the Shifting Sands to reopen the gates of Ahn'Qiraj. The bronze dragonflight again helped the mortals fight the insects, and the Qiraji were defeated. Additionally, Chronormu, also known as Chromie, was assisted by players at Andorhal investigating how the Scourge was meddling with the flow of time there, as well as helping them rewrite the events of The Battle of Darrowshire to prevent the corruption of Redpath.

Once the Burning Crusade started, Soridormi, Nozdormu's consort, called upon mortals to stop a mysterious band of dragons known as the Infinite Dragonflight from intervening in past events. A faction of bronze dragons, known as the Keepers of Time, have helped ensure the outcome of the opening of the dark portal, Thrall's escape from Durnholde, and the culling of Stratholme. A third faction of bronze dragons, the Scale of the Sands, help ensure the outcome of the Battle of Mount Hyjal.

As of Wrath of the Lich King, Nozdormu is still on some secretive mission. Players who visit the Bronze Dragonshrine where the bronze dragons are battling the Infinite Dragonflight throughout time use an item to reveal the leader of the Infinite Dragonflight, but surprisingly, Nozdormu appears.

There are several implications of this. It could be that Nozdormu is the leader of the Infinite Dragonflight. His motive could be to change events so that his demise, of which he knows the when and how, is prevented. Upon zoning into The Battle for Mount Hyjal, the bronze dragon Indormi comments: "Do you think the rumors about the Infinite Dragonflight are true? I've sensed it...the familiarity." This may be evidence that some bronze dragons may become infinite dragons in the future

Additionally, during Children's Week, a blood elf orphan by the name of Salandria visits the Caverns of Time and nearly gets attacked by the dragons there. Zaladormu stops the dragons, saying that the orphan should not be held responsible for "things she might do or fail to do in the future". Salandria gets a toy dragon and says "someday I plan to own a real one" as players see the quest text "you can see the wheels in the small girl's head turning". She is taken under the "wing" of Lady Liadrin, leader of the blood knights, to train as a paladin. She may have some role in Nozdormu and the Infinite Dragonflight's scheme.

The Infinite Dragonflight could also be an experiment of Deathwing, who engineered both the Chromatic Dragonflight and the Twilight Dragonflight. Deathwing is still in hiding, after all.

Perhaps we will have to face off with Nozdormu as the leader of the Infinite Dragonflight, and maybe Soridormi will use her Vials of Eternity in some way. Only time will tell.

Reader Comments (39)

@Cocopuff also needs to be said that Malfurion did end Archimonde by using a ton of wisps to detonate Nordrassil, but, as he himself claimed, he needed time which was what the distractions from the mortal races were. Even the most hardy of forces cannot stand such a large assault, which is yet another reason why the horde was useful. We do not know how the alternate past would have played out, but whether we make the present better or worse, we are helping the task of the bronze dragons by making sure it happens the way it has already happened.

August 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterChaom

wow i love this website and i love the world of warcraft lore. I didnt know any of this stuff about the dragonflight its rly good info :) ty guys

August 8, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterheane

@Madarra Yeah, true. If Nozdormu is being held prisoner by anybody, that little orphan could be our hopeful savior. Of course, if this is true, she must end up killing Nozzy, which would be why the Bronze Dragons react so negatively to her in the caverns of time.

Still, I suppose the only way to get the answers is to wait. Only TIME will tell. Nozdormu, please hurry and use your power to give us the answers.

August 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterChaom

hate to throw more fuel on to tthe fire of this little discussion of ours but illidan wanted to destroy LK because kil'jaeden ordered him to his creation the lich king was out o his control and kil'jeaden decided to terminate him so he sent illidan to destroy the frozen thrown knowing it will take the LK. insane arthas didnt tell illidan of th skull then sane or even kil'jeaden as for the battle at mount hijal well all i am going to say is demi god plus possible help from the trolls, touren, blood elf.

August 9, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

oh and i would base my thesis on little girls wish i puting my money that nafarian created teh infinite dragonflight

August 9, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

another great read, cant wait for the next, thanks heartbourne :D

August 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDanbo

Great post.. Interesting, and made me want to read it to the end.. Looking forward to the next.

August 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLorcán

after thinking about it some it really starts to make a lot of sense for Nozdormu being the leader of the Infinite dragonflight, the event in the Bronze dragonshrine being a big clue, but if you look back at the cavern of time incidents it adds up quite well, let's say when show how he will die Nozdormu was shown that he will die because of the actions of horde and alliance races working together, so in order to try and circumvent this he first tries to prevent the Dark portal from being opened, keeping Orcs from ever coming to Azeroth. Failing that he goes after the future leader of the horde, and first one to have peaceful relations with the Alliance, Thrall before he could rise to power. Hyjal was just an attempt at flat out destroying all the threats by preventing the destruction of Archimonde, who would have pretty much wiped out most everything on the planet. Trying to prevent the events of Stratholme had 2 goals I think, initially trying to stop Arthas in his campaign against the scourge, most likely causing him to turn his attention to the growing "threat" of Thrall's new horde, and having failed that going after Arthas directly in an attempt to stop the rise of the Lich King, a threat great enough to, for the most part, cause the Horde and Allaince to work together again

August 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAmythist

@ cocopuff

Ok, you just don't understand... just read what the people in CoT say "All of these rifts are labeled as catastrophic.. meaning that anyone of them being altered would result in the desturction of our world" I'd just say we end the arguments and let are world.. not collapse in on it self :)

August 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterShnoo

thats the whole point i dont understand how any of them (except for maybe mount hyjal) would result is a catastrophy

August 10, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

the thought that Nozdormu is the leader of the infinate is possible, its overlooked but remember the bronze drake mount that drops, to get it in CoS u need to kill a Infinate Corruptor, who btw is Turning a bronze dragon into a infinate..

August 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNnohhbody

I may get really hated for continuing this conversation, but meh, I don't comment much on these, so it's not likely I'll speak again, even in other lore discussions.


In Warcraft III, Tyrande released Illidan because he would help against the legion. He was proving to be useful, and the death knight Arthas arrived. After a quick fight where the two of them seemed to be roughly evil, Arthas dropped a deliberate hint about the artifact known as the Skull of Gul'Dan further in the forest. When he got to it, Illidan thought that if he used it, he could stop the demons, but then he decided that if he absorbed it, he'd be unstoppable, and he'd be able to hold off all the demons by himself. He beat back the leader of the specific group of legion there, before he was found by Malfurion, who banished Illidan because of his new demon form. With nothing else to do, Illidan eventually turned to follow Kil'Jaeden, and was given the order to destroy the frozen throne because, as you said, Nerz'hul was proving to be not as controllable as first thought.


Wow. I think you have single-handedly worked out the 'why' behind the theory of Nozdormu being the leader of the infinite dragons. Most people with this theory have thought that Nozzy was doing it as an attempt to circumvent his death, but you've taken it one step even further. And this idea would perfectly work in why there are no infinite dragons in the Battle of Mount Hyjal raid (Nozdormu planted the information that there were attempts, hoping that with 'diplomatic' relations the way they were, the members of the respective Horde and Alliance would try to make sure the past versions of their present opponents died). All I can say for your idea is 'wow.'

August 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterChaom

Oops, several bad misspellings in that comment.

Arthas and Illidan appeared to be roughly EQUAL, not evil... though they did both turn out that way hehe.

Tyrande released Illidan because SHE THOUGHT he would help against the legion.

August 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterChaom

Great job dude! I love the bronze dragonflight!

August 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterErotes

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