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Know Thy Blogger: Heartbourne, Not Hearthbourne

I managed to quarantine Heartbourne somewhere between brewing his latest sugary beverage to be featured on Protip (available in stores soon!) and geeking out on lore.  I refused to let him leave until he answered the tough questions that needed to be asked.

It's why hit Protip videos were late last week, honest.

ProjectLore: We know where your name came from, but why did you start playing WoW in the first place?

Heartbourne: I've been obsessed with Warcraft since I was in middle school, around the time WC2 Battle.net Edition came out. I was an avid Warcraft 3 player and was ranked on several ladders. Being a total lore nerd since the WC2 days, when the lore was much more obscure, the RPG incarnation of WoW sucked me in. I skipped high school the day it came out and ninja'd a Collectors Edition from Best Buy (as in I ran in and grabbed it; I still paid for it!).

PL: What's your main right now? Do you dabble in alts?

Heartbourne: Bladebourne. I have several alts, Nightbourne, Heartbourne, Wolfbourne.  All of them are on Proudmoore-US.

PL: For the Horde or Glory to the Alliance?

Heartbourne: Always Horde. Tried playing Alliance, but the self-loathing drove me crazy.

PL: Do you have any in-game infatuations outside of raiding/PvP, ie mount or pet collecting, AH farming, alts galore, etc?

Heartbourne: I've got a lot of pets. I also do a lot of Auction House PvP.

PL: What is your favorite dungeon?  What about raid?

Heartbourne: ICC is taking the cake as far as raids go, but Karazhan is a close second. Dungeon-wise, I'm going to have to go with Shadowfang Keep. It's got so much great loot for the level, some of the coolest themes, and lots of lore.

PL: What do you spend most of your time on in Azeroth?

Heartbourne: Raiding and making monies.

PL: Ever quit the game?  If so, why, and what sucked you back in?

Heartbourne: Yes. I quit after Ahn'Qiraj came out because of college. Blood Elves sucked me back after a year or two.

PL: What aspect of WoW does Blizzard need to attend to the most?

Heartbourne: Definitely the penguins. Why are there penguins and polar bears in Northrend? How do they climb those icebergs? How have they not been devoured by the Scourge?

You've ushered in a rebirth to Project Lore's video content recently.  Do you come up with your Protip ideas mostly on your own, or do you get a lot of requests?  Receive any crazy ones?

Heartbourne: You know, I don't get very many requests, and its hard to come up with ideas. I basically have a couple ideas that I float around in my head. A lot of stuff never goes live because I realize what a bad idea it was, or something crashes and I loose footage, or a project becomes too big and I loose track of it. If you have any suggestions, let me know.

PL: Are there any particular Achievements out that that continue to elude you?

Heartbourne: It's Over Nine Thousand.

PL: Do you have a favorite post of your own?  What about the other bloggers?

Heartbourne: I have a favorite comment that makes me laugh every time I think of it by Moophobia on my "A Mask for All Occasions Post". People were talking about what would be the coolest new races and he chimes in, "I wanna play as one of those fat walrus dude…sit around and drink all the time and never level".

PL: What other MMOGs have you played in the past?

Heartbourne: Final Fantasy XI. I still miss being a bard.

PL: What do you to unwind from WoW?

Heartbourne: I tweak my DPS spreadsheet.

PL: That's not exactly unwinding...Do you realize your name is spelling incorrectly?  It's supposed to be Hearthbourne right?

Heartbourne: Home is where the hearth is.

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