Entries in blogger interviews (1)

Know Thy Blogger: Heartbourne, Not Hearthbourne

I managed to quarantine Heartbourne somewhere between brewing his latest sugary beverage to be featured on Protip (available in stores soon!) and geeking out on lore. I refused to let him leave until he answered the tough questions that needed to be asked. It's why hit Protip videos were late last week, honest. ProjectLore: We know where your name came from, but why did you start playing WoW in the first place? Heartbourne: I've been obsessed with Warcraft since I was in middle school, around the time WC2 Battle.net Edition came out. I was an avid Warcraft 3 player and was ranked on several ladders. Being a total lore nerd since the WC2 days, when the lore was much more obscure, the RPG incarnation of WoW sucked me in. I skipped high school the day it came out and ninja'd a Collectors Edition from Best Buy (as in I ran in and grabbed it; I still paid for it!).

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