Entries in banish (1)
Juggy's Addons: Chronometer

In this week's episode, I had the chance to play my warlock alt, Xenophontos. I've been doing quite a lot of experimenting on him, and I've been switching between specs to check out each one. I enjoyed affliction at low levels due to the nearly nonexistent downtime, so I checked it out the other day (maybe you'll see that in a future episode). My DPS as affliction is highly dependent on keeping as many DoTs on enemies as much as possible. Something that really helped my DoT upkeep was a neat little addon called Chronometer.
Chronometer puts up a timer bar for each debuff you cast on your enemies. It is highly configurable, and can show debuffs on mobs other than the current target, or just those on the current target. The bar is a small bar, similar to a cast bar, in that it fills up or empties over the duration of each spell. The icon of the debuff can be shown, along with the name of the target, the name of the spell, and seconds left until the spell fades. This allows me to (theoretically) reapply DoTs immediately after they complete for maximum uptime and minimum wasted mana. As affliction, it can be tricky to juggle all those DoTs, so this makes it much easier to, at a glance, see what I should be ready to cast next.
Other than just DoTs, It's great for watching curses on multiple mobs as well as crowd control spells, like fear and banish. If I time things right, I can get a new banish on just moments after it runs out, keeping whatever crazy demon or elemental I have assigned to me from smacking a healer. I've also heard it's useful for keeping an eye on other spells, like HoTs, but I don't have any of those on my shaman, so I don't worry about it much.
Now, apparently Chronometer is outdated, so let me know if you guys have something that might be current!