Entries in daily quests (3)

Guide To The Argent Tournament Patch 3.2 Edition

Geez, The Crusade Can Throw Up A Coliseum Like The Amish Throw Up A Barn
We were one of the first to bring our readers an extensive, even exhausting (for me at least), look at everything the Argent Tournament had to offer upon its release.  The solo content of Patch 3.1 brought players a large collection of new quests, an original mode of play (jousting), the opportunity to make obtuse amounts of gold in a short time frame, an easy way to level up the old city factions and the Argent Crusade, mounts, pets and even the ability to gain reputation with the Silver Covenant/Sunreaver faction for the first time.  Save Threat From Above, it was an entirely soloable experience. In sticking with my plan, Solidsamm spent a good amount of time in Icecrown getting a feel for the new quests, flying around the updated tournament grounds, and taking in the sights.  If you've just decided to tackle the Argent Tournament for the first time then be sure to check out the original guide.  The following only pertains to the newest quests additions.  These quests are only accessible if you are Exalted with the associated factions.  You can check your standing with any of the factions by checking your Reputation pane (default 'U') or by viewing your Argent Tournament Achievements (default 'Y' then select World Events and scroll to Argent Tournament).
The New Island That Is A Focus Of Many Dailies
Most of these tasks are located very close to the Argent Tournament.  However, there are a few exceptions were Blizzard saw fit to send us out on our flying mounts, such as Breakfast of Champions' Storm Peaks run.  Assuming you still want to do the four dailies from Patch 3.1 (still offer the most money), you'll now have the opportunity to gain a guaranteed 10 Champion's Seals a day to put towards the new loot.  I'm already working towards my new squire. Overall, it appears that the quests are designed better than before thanks to the everyone being randomly assigned five of the jobs below.  No more Battle Before The Citadel-type lag sessions. <Crusader> Quests: You'll randomly be assigned two of these.  Generally, they send you off to kill a non-elite named target that respawns very quickly.
  • Deathspeaker Kharos - Kharos is camped out with his underlings directly west of the tournament grounds.  You can take him out as you are hunting for Black Cage Keys for You've Really Done It This Time, Kul.
  • Drottinn Hrothgar - Drottinn is the leader of the Kvaldir that exterminated the Tuskarr settlement, which was recently discovered directly north of the grounds.  He's located by the three heads (Tuskarr impressions of Easter Island statues) on the eastern part of the Hrothgar's Landing island.  The heads are viable on the map of the island.
  • Get Kraken! - We're off to support the Sunreaver and Silver Covenant naval forces in this one.  On your way towards Hrothgar's Landing you'll see the boats under assault by Kvaldir raiding parties, and even Kraken that they have found a way to control.  Fear not, you're tasked with raining fire upon the wicked from the seat of an Argent Hippogryph, so the quest is as easy as the rest.  Just don't forget to get on said mount!
  • Mistcaller Yngvar - Found in a cave located on the west side of Hrothgar's Landing.  You must use the provided trinket to reveal him before he can be easily dispatched.
  • Ornolf The Scarred - Ornolf isn't anymore challenging than the rest of the named mobs, but you'll want to clear the boat a bit before you challenge him.  His ship, Bor's Fury, is located in the southeast area of the island you're sure to become so found of.
  • The Fate Of The Fallen - This quest sends you the farthest away from the grounds of any of the <Crusader> unlocks.  It's also the most difficult to figure out exactly where to go, as theIronwall Rampart is not labeled on the interactive map.  Just head directly east of Aldur'thar (it's labeled on your map, and is southeast of The Shadow Vault) and you'll see the needed crystals and mobs on the ground.  There is no need to even fight anything.
<A Silver Confidant>/<The Sunreaver> Quests:  You'll be randomly assigned three of these, bringing your total up to five new dailies a day, nine overall.  Unlike the <Crusader> unlocks, these quests are more involved and tend to send your farther away from the grounds.
  • A Leg Up - Apparently the Kvaldir were hungry, so they stole some of the food en route to the grounds.  Thanks to the chilly weather up in Icecrown the food stays fresh even though its strewn across Hrothgar's Landing.  If floor pie meat isn't to your liking, then you can always thin the Kvaldir ranks for some untainted meat.  Snob.
  • Breakfast Of Champions - Mmm Wheaties.  Wait, the Jormungar eat their own larval young?  What are they sharks?  To keep the Dune-inspired creatures healthy, so we can kill them in the Coliseum, we have to feed them their own species' eggs.  Eggs which are located dead center of Storm Peaks - as in outside of Icecrown.  Enjoy the lengthiest trip the patch has to offer.
  • Gormok Wants His Snobolds - You're off to Storm Peaks once again.  This time you'll be slightly closer to home.  Head over to Garm's Bane, just northeast of K3, and capture some Snobolds to put the blubbering baby to bed.  I guess even giant monsters can have "binkies."
  • Rescue At Sea - You'll come across the besieged The Wavecrest as you head up the east side of the strait to Hrothgar's Run.  Board the ship and drop the seaweed filled creatures.  Beware of the Krakens though.  They have a knockback that can put you in the drink, and thus, in their reach.  Perhaps the riskiest of the quests.
  • Stop The Aggressors - Kill 10 Kvaldir; the new school Training in the Field + two.
  • The Light's Mercy - This follows The Fate Of The Fallen, only now you are praying over the fallen Tuskarr on the island to the north.  Again, no need to even fight.
  • What Do You Feed A Yeti, Anyway? - In celebration of Shark Week Blizzard has us tossing fresh chum, located on the boats, into the North Sea to attract sharks, or even a Kvaldir.  The drop rate on the shark meat (and seemingly all other quest drops) is 100%.
  • You've Really Done It This Time, Kul - Head directly west to Deathspeaker's Watch, run by Deathspeaker Kharos, and kill mobs until you have saved four Aspirants.  You'll need a fifth key to free Kul, whom is located on the right side of a raised platform.  If you spot the body of The Black Knight, then you've found the correct platform.  Like the Isle of Quel'Danas key daily, the keys are not 100% drop rate.
There you have it, a breakdown and easy-to-navigate guide for the Argent Tournament's new daily quests.  I guess all the jousting ideas went into the instances, as none of the dailies have you mount a stead. Once more, if you aren't Exalted with the factions you will not be able to partake in these quests! And yes, The Black Knight has returned, and he's even more powerful than ever.  You can start his new questline by picking up The Black Knight's Curse from the main tent.

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Server Maintenance - Under The Gun

If I could Have Used This I Would Have Been Done In 1 Round Image via York Blog
I'm a creature of habits in the morning.  I have a well defined morning routine consisting of a PvA (Person versus Alarm) battle that I always lose, a shower, getting dressed and breakfast.  In all fairness the alarm does get its opener in every morning.  Like many of you, I manage to fit World of Warcraft into the slice of time before noon.  It's not always productive, sometimes I just have time to check the AH - go go gadget Auctioneer! - other times I manage to steamroll a handful of dailes before the workday beckons. You can imagine how flustered I get on maintenance days.  I mean how dare Blizzard mess up my morning routine.  I have half a mind to run into Blizzard's office and slap coffee cups out of each and everyone on of their hands until I am satisfied.  I digress though.  To avoid this week's frustration, I arranged my PvA skirmish about an hour earlier, allowing me to get some play time in before the servers had to turn their head to the left and cough.  Yesterday was one of those productive days. I logged in only 14 minutes before the server was set to go down.  Once that first strip of yellow popped up, I knew it was on.  I snagged the Champion quests for Stormwind - only 2 factions to go! - and mounted up for the day's Valiant challenge.  I quickly moved to the main tent, picked up the four Champion dailies and returned to my Exodarian mount for some more challenging jousts.  With under five minutes remaining I flew out to Sindragosa's Fall to lay waste to some Scourge.  As I went in for my first kill Blizzard's script politely notified me that I had 3:30 remaining.  Fifteen kills in 3:30 for a rogue who wants to loot and pickpocket applicable mobs.  "It'll be close," I thought as the first baby frost wyrm struggled to fly away before collapsing.  I tore through the mobs, dropping them faster than Manny Pacquiao. With 10 seconds remaining on the clock I dropped the last mob, went down on one knee to collect my rewards, and was logged off. I missed that last batch of loot.   With my luck it was a guaranteed epic item, but I am happy with what I accomplished in that short time frame.  In 15 minutes - add a minute to return and hand in the quests - Solidsamm completed four quests, earned himself circa 75 gold, scored a few Writ's, some Seals, and a round of reputation.  Not bad for the morning routine.  If the 2004 Solidsam (originally had one s) heard about 300 gold an hour he'd explode. Does WoW play a part in your morning?  Just the general AH/mail stuff or do you take it a bit further?

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Soloing: Achievementology Part 1

Project Lore's Dr. Dorkins introduces you to his new segment on Soloing: Achievementology. Dr. Dorkins explores how you can get easy achievements in World of Warcraft.

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