Entries in tuesdays (2)

Server Maintenance - Under The Gun

If I could Have Used This I Would Have Been Done In 1 Round Image via York Blog
I'm a creature of habits in the morning.  I have a well defined morning routine consisting of a PvA (Person versus Alarm) battle that I always lose, a shower, getting dressed and breakfast.  In all fairness the alarm does get its opener in every morning.  Like many of you, I manage to fit World of Warcraft into the slice of time before noon.  It's not always productive, sometimes I just have time to check the AH - go go gadget Auctioneer! - other times I manage to steamroll a handful of dailes before the workday beckons. You can imagine how flustered I get on maintenance days.  I mean how dare Blizzard mess up my morning routine.  I have half a mind to run into Blizzard's office and slap coffee cups out of each and everyone on of their hands until I am satisfied.  I digress though.  To avoid this week's frustration, I arranged my PvA skirmish about an hour earlier, allowing me to get some play time in before the servers had to turn their head to the left and cough.  Yesterday was one of those productive days. I logged in only 14 minutes before the server was set to go down.  Once that first strip of yellow popped up, I knew it was on.  I snagged the Champion quests for Stormwind - only 2 factions to go! - and mounted up for the day's Valiant challenge.  I quickly moved to the main tent, picked up the four Champion dailies and returned to my Exodarian mount for some more challenging jousts.  With under five minutes remaining I flew out to Sindragosa's Fall to lay waste to some Scourge.  As I went in for my first kill Blizzard's script politely notified me that I had 3:30 remaining.  Fifteen kills in 3:30 for a rogue who wants to loot and pickpocket applicable mobs.  "It'll be close," I thought as the first baby frost wyrm struggled to fly away before collapsing.  I tore through the mobs, dropping them faster than Manny Pacquiao. With 10 seconds remaining on the clock I dropped the last mob, went down on one knee to collect my rewards, and was logged off. I missed that last batch of loot.   With my luck it was a guaranteed epic item, but I am happy with what I accomplished in that short time frame.  In 15 minutes - add a minute to return and hand in the quests - Solidsamm completed four quests, earned himself circa 75 gold, scored a few Writ's, some Seals, and a round of reputation.  Not bad for the morning routine.  If the 2004 Solidsam (originally had one s) heard about 300 gold an hour he'd explode. Does WoW play a part in your morning?  Just the general AH/mail stuff or do you take it a bit further?

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Maintenance Day Duties - I Hate Tuesdays

DAMN YOU HARDWARE UPGRADES!@#$%^&*Tuesday morning has gotten me yet again. Another week goes by where I try to login to World of Warcraft before work and check on my Auction House stuff, do some general bank clean-up and perhaps have a few minutes for some quick dailies. But today is Tuesday, and that means that nothing can be done in Azeroth from the morning to mid-afternoon.  When I was a kid I hated Tuesdays because I had CCD after school, now I have a new, non-religious reason to hate them!

(Sidenote: I was going to define that term for you, but I actually do not remember what it means.  I do remember that the kids jokingly called it Catholic City Dump though.  Plus two internet points to anyone who knows what it really stands for!)

After wallowing in self-pity for a fews minutes I always try to find something else to do.  Before I head off to work I almost always get annoyed a second time. It isn't that I think Blizzard is trying to ruin my chances at epic flying mounts for my alts – I know that is exactly what they are doing – that annoys me, but the fact that I never remember it is Tuesday. Yes, yes, I know they put up the message on Monday night, but honestly, who remembers anything from the day before?

After snapping out of my depression I have a few things I tend to take care of during those long hours of waiting. Naturally, one has to check out the numerous WoW-related blogs like:

I would add ProjectLore here but I kinda work for them, so I see the stuff all the time. You guys should definitely make sure to check us out!

Then you have all the WoW-related comics:

Finally, I move on to real life stuff like checking my email, my stocks (so depressing as of late), play with my four crazy ferrets, and play other video games. Then I try to login again...it never works.

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