Entries in jousting (1)
Guide to the Argent Tournament
Posted by
iTZKooPA on
Monday, April 20, 2009 -
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- Training in the Field - The easiest of the travel-based quests. Most people just head down to Sindragosa's Fall and kill the Scourge running around there. For obvious reasons it can become crowded - and a PvP zone - so you may want to venture a little further out.
- Learning the Reins - You'll essentially be repeating the set of Mastery quests from earlier. Very easy.
- A Blade Fit for a Champion - For some odd reason being in the guise of a frog allows the cursed maiden to protect the blade better. We cannot free her unless we lay a wet,s loppy one upon her pursed lips. Head over to Ashwood Lake and spam this macro (/use Warts-B-Gone Lip Balm /kiss) on the frogs you come across. Eventually you will find her and receive the blade.
- The Edge of Winter - Another quest that is heavy on the travel. First you have to head to lower Crystalsong Forest and kill Lord Everblaze, he respawns incredibly quickly, thank god. Snag his Everburning Ember and then head out to the Maiden of Winter's Breath Lake and melt her Ice Block. Done.
- A Worthy Weapon - Head down to the Ironwall Dam that separates Icecrown and Crystalsong Forest to collect the Winter Hyacinths growing there. Upon collecting four weeds, head north of Naxxramas and offer the dandelions to another maiden.
- The Grand Melee - I hope your original jousting match was incredibly easy, because if it wasn't than this may be difficult for you. You're tasked with taking down three Valiants in this feat of strength. Be aware that you Shield (hotkey 4) can stack up to three times. Before you go into combat get it stacked and allow the cooldown to pass, then start the battle. Shield Break your opponent until they come into melee range and then melee. While in melee keep your shield active, as the attack and buff are on separate CDs. If you can keep a shield up while you opponent's is down during the melee skirmish, then it'll be an easy victory.
- At the Enemy's Gates - Here's another easy traveling quest. Head down to Corp'rethar in southern Icecrown - clearly marked on the map - and smash some Scourge skulls. The combat is exceptionally easy, just make sure you are attacking the Lieutenants and not the Commanders. The Commanders are far more difficult and not part of the quest criteria.
10. Let the farming for Champion's Seals begin! You'll need these to purchase the various Argent Tournament rewards. Three of the quests are once again updated versions of previous dailies. Taking Battle to the Enemy has you killing 15 Scourge, Battle Before the Citadel tasks you with actually killing a handful of Commanders at Corp'rethar, as well as other updates, and Among the Champions forces you to joust competitors of your ilk once more.
- Threat From Above - As the only all-new quests for Champions, Blizzard has designed this one to be a bit more difficult. According to the quest description itself, you should take along a few buddies to down Chillmaw.