Entries in Karazhan (13)

Tier WTF

So Wade had a great question which a lot of people starting out ask, even myself. "WTF is Tier?!" I will admit that it took a number of times having this explained to me before I fully grasped it so I hope this will clear it up. Basically, the Tier system is a way to explain the quality of loot dropped and where it comes from. So Tier 4 Gloves, Netherblade Gloves, are not as good as Tier 5 Gloves, Deathmantle Handguards. Tier 4 Gloves drop in Karazhan which is an easier raid than SSC, where the Tier 5 Gloves drop. You'll also notice that both are part of a set. Tier 4 raids (Karazhan, Gruul's Lair, and Magtheridon's Lair) have bosses that drop Tier 4 tokens, which are turned in at a vendor in Shattrath for a part of your class set. So, all you really need to know is Tier 6 is better then Tier 1 and when you get a drop it will fall somewhere on that scale, according to where it came from. I know it's confusing and I hope this helps. If I missed anything please help clarify in the comments. - Dr Dark

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Kara Love!

Well it finally happened. After a few uneventful trips into Karazhan I got the drop day. We actually had a ton of world drop Epics including my new, yes I know they're for druids, feet Zierhut's Lost Treads. Also I was able to land Malchazeen for my PvP dagger spec... very nice! Oh and Maiden dropped these little bad boys, Bracers of Maliciousness. So it was a good day :) Oh yeah and this off of Chess... Mithril Chain of Heroism... too many Epics in one run? No on your life!!! - Dr Dark

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Karazhan, No Drop Love

SpitebladesSo here's the question, is it still worth RAIDing if you don't get any loot? I think it is but man does it suck! With all the time it takes to get a group together. Not enough healers, too many healers, no off tank, too many tanks. We don't have the group make up for ZA let's do Kara.

So the stage was set for a nice Kara run. There are a few good drops in there I haven't got yet so I'm really excited. We easily down Huntsman, Morose, Maiden, Curator and Shade... then we get trapped in Shades room! Really, door won't open? Crap! Then our lock DC'd!!! And our group fell like a deck of cards. I just want Spiteblade!!!

Was fun though, so what do you think?


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