Entries in ZA (2)

Karazhan, No Drop Love

SpitebladesSo here's the question, is it still worth RAIDing if you don't get any loot? I think it is but man does it suck! With all the time it takes to get a group together. Not enough healers, too many healers, no off tank, too many tanks. We don't have the group make up for ZA let's do Kara.

So the stage was set for a nice Kara run. There are a few good drops in there I haven't got yet so I'm really excited. We easily down Huntsman, Morose, Maiden, Curator and Shade... then we get trapped in Shades room! Really, door won't open? Crap! Then our lock DC'd!!! And our group fell like a deck of cards. I just want Spiteblade!!!

Was fun though, so what do you think?


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Season Four Is Coming

As we all know, Season 4 is almost upon us. What does that mean for me? It means Season 2 equipment will be available for Honor. Ideally, I would be grinding out Honor and tokens with the rest of the noobs who don't have Merciless or Vengeful gear yet. I'd love to buy a whole set of Epics, since both my Enhancment and Restoration sets have ugly blue holes in them. Unfortunately, I decided long ago that battlegrounds alone are much worse than battlegrounds with friends. Now, for me, this is pretty much the case with anything in WoW. But most of my time is spent dealing with guild organization (I had no idea what I was getting myself into), raids (same), or financing my habits, both in game and IRL. This leaves precious little time for battlegrounds and even less when friends are available. Alas, Season 2 gear, it seems we are not meant to be. I guess I will have to try and make those ZA runs in the future.

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