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Brains!I’m sure everyone has noticed, the new world event is going on right now. Blizzard is now providing us with the reason we all need to charge into Northrend, and the reason is simple: A ZOMBIE ATTACK. Awesome. I am super excited as I missed the world event for BC. I'll just say: I think this is going to be really cool. It is obvious that this is an evolving event, and I can only imagine where this is going to go.

It all started with a crate showing up in booty bay turning somewhat willing victims into zombies. Players get infected by the crate and in 10 minutes time if no action is taken, the turn into full fledged zombies with a whole host of new abilities. During the “infection phase” players can be cured by Argent Dawn healers in the major cities or by friendly (or unfriendly depending on how you look at it) priests and paladins.

Now it is clear the plague is getting stronger. On the second day of the event crates and plagued critters are showing up in all the capitol cities. Additionally the infection is becoming harder to dispel, priests and pallies now usually have to try multiple times to remove the infection.

While it will likely start affecting our play style some, I am very interested to see where this thing goes. The idea of my Paladin fighting off waves of undead zombies controlled by other players is just too cool to be ignored. I can only hope this whole ordeal will involve some sort of cool reward for participating such as a tabard like players received last year. Of course I want a souvenir from the great zombie attack of '08!

While I did run around as a zombie for a little while earlier today I haven’t really had a chance to fully explore the zombie side of things. It appears that after a few days it may be unavoidable. While that may be bothersome to many players I am just along for the ride at this point.

This event is only going to happen one time ever, so I intend to make the most of it. How about you? How are you enjoying your “zombie time?” Are you avoiding the whole scene, or are you running around feasting on delicious brains?

Reader Comments (56)

Ive been sworn at and spat on for curing npc's and quest givers, and players, and it's rather upsetting. Sure, If you wanna be a zombie, go for it, but don't harrass me for wanting to be able to turn in my quest or if I'm just doing my freakin job.

WoW/RL life lesson: don't piss off the people who serve your food or heal your ass LOL

October 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterWML

I was running around Terrokar as a zombie, i saw a 65 standing just out of shatt, and she saw me comming for her, she ran back into shatt and the gaurds got me

October 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterFurbalto

Arthas is completely balanced between the zombie killers and the zombies. Every time the zombie horde gets too big, a huge army stomps it before they can ruin much of anything, except maybe a lame town like Darkshore. I've done both. I don't like people who tell me I'm an ass for killing zombies, especially when they've just killed all the daily quest givers in Ogrila. I also don't like people who massacre zombie hordes that are trying to kill a world boss. He doesn't give any quests, it shouldn't even matter. I have to say, while killing zombies can be satisfying, being a zombie is amazing.

October 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGilnid

I like being a zombie, because you get to kill people from your own side. Now, if I played alliance, people would frown upon it. However, I play horde. The one thing I love about the Horde is that (at least on my server) everything goes.

I am really starting to like this event. I feel it has already become better than the one during the original game. The last world event was pretty much the opening of the portal and a bunch of demons coming out of it (for those who weren't around then). The difference between this one and that, is that this one is happening all around the world. Not just in the Blasted Lands.

October 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTogarox

Whenever I see one of these Zombies, I just have to kill them. Not really so much RP wise, (I am a paladin) but they keep killing low levels and quest givers, which makes it hard for the lower levels to level... and its not right to impair someone else gameplay just so you can look like a zombie for a few minutes.

Moon Guard = Zombie Infested

October 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSamus37

So i think i have an evil streak in me.

I am a human pally and found that if you bubble well Infected you automatically turn into a zombie... some fun can be had with this.

Invite a random, infected person into a group then bubble them. They turn into a zombie and are quickly killed by guards in Stormwind and Ironforge.

Of course, then i immediately Rez, heal and apologize but it is definatly worth a good laugh on Vent.

Tip to everyone, if a paladin invites you to group and you are infected decline, it will only cause your demise.

Colto of Lethon

October 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterColto

muahhaaha! i have a evil plan... The zombies can eat humaniods and doesnt have to be playas or npc right? so Im going to get infected, run to low level site near razor hill where theres lots of marines and scouts and start building my army there.. and people wont even know. low lvl players will just be WTH as they get magled up and turn zombie straight away. Then we attack razor hill... while our army in that area keep spreading as the marines spawns.. then we attack orrgamar and we infect them by number even if they have T6 we can jus keep maggling. 9 times maggle from any zombie and your gone. MUAAAAHHAHA

October 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJowen

Until I first saw a zombie, I had no idea what was up with the Argent Dawn healers staking out places in the major cities. I'm definitely intrigued as to what Blizzard is going to do next.

To all those peeps complaining about getting killed by a fellow player when they (intentionally) go zombie: Quit talking while you still have some sort of dignity left. Just as you're free to participate in the world event, other people are free to put their spell/weapon in your face so they don't need to wait for an NPC to respawn.

October 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAlayea


October 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBemiss

ok has anyone noticed the face made out of fire in Shatt? Would like to know what it is all about.

October 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRedauroa

This is alot of fun! yesterday and the day before i made two zombie raids of about 25 people each. going from Razor Hill through the barrens to the crossroads, down to ratchet and then through to darkshire and eastvale.

its alot of fun because you always hear people yelling in the general chat: "these zombies are pissing me off and im gnna kill everyone of them". which they end up failing at because we slaughter them.

October 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJordan

ther not ZOMBIES ther GHOULS zombies only want your barins and arent under any control but ghouls are under the lich kill and they want to do 1 thing make more ghouls and eat liveing flash thank you

October 25, 2008 | Unregistered Commentermichaelmdw

I'm not a fan of being a zombie. people are always complaining that they are getting killed...we'll don't go into a major city, the guards will get you. And if you attacke me, you better believe I will kill you! It was fun once or twice, now I'm always getting infected in the middle of something, and it makes me cranky :(

October 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDulica

Me wants Brainz

October 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSpudnik

Down to only 2 minutes!
Its getting stronger!
Whoo hoo!


October 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterArgg

Someone told me theres going to be a new Kara boss for this event

October 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAulann

I'm doing new quests in light hope chapel. The scourge is invading again just like in the patch 'Shadow of the Necropolis' !!!!!!!

October 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterOnaga

The best part is, it is SOO easy to contain, yet the disorganized and self centered WoW community can't do it!

October 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRemerold

the time for turning into a zombie is down to 2 minets today, hopefully it doesnt get to be instant later on.

October 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterOwle

I want the Epics!

October 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJustin

I see a zombie i kill it i see green i try to cure and yet i'm called a f*g retard and a noob what the hell !!! Is it my fault they got infected and turned into a zombie is it my fault they went after quest givers and flight masters no they did that making it harder for people to level thier toons i don't think this is right. I do this on my 70 pally only when im trying to level my other toons and someone does this it is aggravating. So i make an ultimatum whenever i get on if i see undead i kill em if i see green i try to cure unless your leaving a city. Zombies wanna have fun that's cool but don't make life harder on the lower levels.

October 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGaffe- EONAR server

The debuff timer on the infection has indeed been decreased to 2 minutes. Additionaly, there is now an Argent Dawn scout in each major city (UC, SW, etc.) who gives you a travel quest to Light's Hope, wherein you'll be given more world event quests. Lastly, there is a new boss in Karazhan, so be sure to pick up the quest for it.

One other tidbit: When you are at the front entrance to UC, there's an Argent Dawn NPC who gives a lowbie quest concerning the wierd spell circle you see near the zeppelin towers. Beware also of lvl. 63 elites battling inside Undercity against the guard NPCs. (I think this is the setup to the WotLK storyline involving Undercity.)

October 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAlayea

A seasonal is forced on us, now that sux

October 26, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterFaid

A new development I heard about (that I'm surprised hasn't been mentioned here) is the notion of the Scourge sacking Orgrimmar, and a redesigned version showing up extremely soon (so as not to disrupt the game). Apparently Darnassus might also be on this list. From the way the whole xombie invasion has gotten very strong very fast (on my server, the xombies-- NPC's mind you-- had totally taken over Org all day), I'm inclined to believe this. It would add oodles of interesting flavor, in my opinion.

Also, has anyone else taken time to reflect on the irony of the Scourge's invasion starting during the festival celebrating the schism between the Forsaken and the Scourge?

October 26, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterHeavus-Rexxar

the time it takes to turn into a zombies seemes to be cut in half each day, yesterday it was 2, now its down to 1 minet, probabaly will be 30 seconds on monday

October 26, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterOwle

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