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No, I Can't Heal SP, Don't You See I'm In BF?!

Even my friends are harassing me now.Oh, god do I understand the pain to be a healer finally. Previously, I have leveled my Rogue, a Mage and a Hunter. Never have I truly focused on a healing class, or even a tank (that is my next project). That was until recently. Since I hit 60+ and have been voyaging throughout the Outlands, I have been bombarded with tells. Ninety percent of them, if not more, simply asked “do you want to heal x,” quest, instance, help in PvP, you name it.

I am not ignorant. I knew that I would be receiving these tells as soon as I got into the higher levels of World of Warcraft, but the sheer number I've been receiving is astounding. Ironically, they would have never asked me had they looked at my gear. It wasn't until some friends ran me through Ramparts, Blood Furnace and Slave Pens a few times that I became a competently geared healer for my level. Before that I was decked out in level 35-50 gear from power leveling – as a Shadow Priest - via the Refer-a-Friend service. This was responsible for my health barely being over 2000 and my mana pool hovering in the 4000 range. Not exactly ideal.

The main reason I rolled a healer is simply because they are always needed. On my other toons, I would have to spam the LFG, trade, city and general chat channels to try and find groups. Minutes to hours could go by before something solidified. Now I simply say “Healer LFG Slave Pens” and boom, I have an invite. It feels nice to be wanted.

In my defense, I feel like I have always been kind to healers, as I never randomly whispered someone or harassed them to come on my run. To top that off, I always would hand them any items I did not need. Healers must have loved me when they grouped with my Rogue. As soon as I felt the group and healer were competent to finish the instance, I'd open a trade window and dump all my mana pots, spirits or mana regeneration food and mana drinks on them. Back in my raiding days, I heard that some Priests asked for me to be in their group in hopes of scoring free swag, maybe that is just my ego talking.

So the moral of the story is, be nice to your healers. Like a good tank, they can find a new group quickly. They don't need you, you need them. Oh, except Goggins, /spit on him at any and all opportunities.

Reader Comments (34)

lol, Goggins rules

October 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCainy

good post im a pally tank on arathor (sathas ) its good for finding groups as a tank but i dont know if this is fast or not because this is my first character


October 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSathas!

I (L70 Warrior) get spammed for TANK-ing and get (a lot of the time) p***ed off with telling people I'm not specc'd for tanking...

It makes me wish that Bilzz would come up with a way to show which Class tree your toon majored in, so that TANKs & Healers could be better (OK; maybe 'more efficiently) targetted...

October 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJeff

yea Goggins is awesome.

ive been thinking about making a "needed" toon either a tank or healer. cant make up my mind. any suggestions?

October 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDavid

/spit on Goggins? Hm... sounds like fun... I mean HOW DARE YOU? I try to be kind to my healers, unfortunately it wasn't until recently that I learned how to tank, so I'm sure they cried and begged anyone to take their spots. Things became even worse when my GM decided to make my Raid Leader and MT for Karazhan!! O.O (Yeah, that's no fun! ) Don't get me wrong, I sucked it up and took it like a Tankadin, ... but still It was a trying time. Maybe I'll have to try the cookies bribe... <.<;;

-El Santo Fuego

October 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSantofeuego

i am a resto shaman and i feal your pain although it has its good points i wizzed through 60-70 doing 5-6 instances a day easy.

but all in all i agrea be nice to healers we dont need you you need us

October 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterShizzman

wow i am first cool i agree healers should should be nice
but i been grouped with my share of snody healers and i can tell you its no fun so healers and others renember llitle kindness goes a long way and allot kndness goes even farderi

October 23, 2008 | Unregistered Commentercocopuffs

woot! second! lol i just want to say that because people think they are kewl when they just type "first" on the comment.
anyways back to the topic... yeah i leveled my healer alt way way faster than my main char in my server because he gets whispers and invites like crazy. i have a hunter main and he gets ignored like hell when it comes to raiding and heroics, except for arenas. but on my pally healer, i have to turn down quite a few invites and whispers just to either get reps or grind good healing gears.
i love healing though. that's probably why i made my holy pally as my new main. everyone is super nice to you cuz you have to power to save them some gold for repairs. hehe. you talk smack to the healer he will purposely say "oops sorry i was lagging didn't see your health" or "i tried to heal you but...."

October 23, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterbruit

i was first when i stated typing lol

October 23, 2008 | Unregistered Commentercocopuffs


October 23, 2008 | Unregistered Commentercocopuffs

As an amazing tank i get called into an instance constantly. "They don’t need you, you need them." truer words have never been spoken. When I am in a bad group all i do is look at the LFG channel and see if anyone needs a tank for somthing else and join them.

October 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGuan

iTZKooPA: "So the moral of the story is, be nice to your healers. Like a good tank, they can find a new group quickly. They don’t need you, you need them."

Quite true. This morning, in fact, I got into a pug (on my hunter alt) for the HH daily. Our group was needing a tank and another DPS. While he was making the rounds for those, I was in the AH in Undercity. All of a sudden, I saw in my log that I had been removed from the group. I asked the leader "what happened?" No response. Then the healer from my former pug asked me if the guy had explained why I was kicked. I told him "no", and that I had asked but gotten no answer. The healer told me that apparently, a warrior and shaman had joined the group as a "package". He thought what the leader had done was very rude, so he left the group and we formed our own. (I felt a bit smug as my former group leader started asking in trade for a healer.)

So to add another bit to that quote: "Treat the other group members nicely, too."

October 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAlayea

Youre not the only one who gets that lol...

Im a Paladin tank and i mostly get tells for healing...im not surprised cause paladins have some pretty sick heals, though i resent the term "plated priests". personally i love tanking, its never hard for me to find a group cause one is always needed. There aren't many tanks and healers around because it is a thankless, yet very needed job when you raid. Knowing that i always make sure to thank my healers and help them out whenever they need it, i'm nothing without them =D

October 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAlkaid

(Sorry, I shoud've stated in my previous comment that we only needed a tank, not "a tank and another DPS".)

October 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAlayea

Sounds like your experience as a healer (and to healers) has been a lot more positive than what I've experienced.

I like to think that I've been kind to healers in my group, but as a healer I've encountered some really rude people who don't want to wait for my mana to come back or who blame me when they wipe because they decided to run around and aggro every damn mob within 100 yards.

If I was on your realm (and above level 3), I'd join up. Alas, I'm over on Daggerspine...and only level 34, but climbing. (If you're in the neighborhood, look for Marathon, the holy priest night elf.)

October 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPatrickD

yeah as a warrior i get tells all the time for groups...they dnt even know if im prot or not! luckily i am :)

October 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterWargkin

Goggins has a theme song.. what does yours have?

October 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterUrza

@iTZKoopa: Oh come on, anyone who heals can't be all bad, even Goggins.

@PatrickD: I had NO idea you actually played WoW, that is totally awesome.

As for healing, probably one of the most enjoyable things in the game to do. And this comes from someone who spent the open beta and the first year of release playing a DPS class(Mage). To this point, 3 out of my 4 level 70 characters are capable of healing(Shaman, Druid, Paladin) so I would understand not getting a chance to check my mail before I get one tell from someone i've never heard of going "LF1M Mech!" or "Need healz SV" or "Kara PuG needs you then gtg!".

But yes, one of the problems with being either a healing class or a tanking class is you don't get a moments peace(and yes, its even worse on a paladin because in addition to healing requests you get tanking requests... even though your speced Ret). However, there is the added benefit of getting your way all the time, they need you more then you need them and all the purples you can eat.. er.. equip.

October 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGene

yea Goggins is awesome, reason i started my resto shammy
dorkins is the best

October 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterChaossage

typ /who "class name" "level" like /who druid 60-65 etc
i can make groups like this in less than 5 min time..any class can get a group as ez like tanks nor healers do.

STOP WHINING PLEASE, thank you for reading!!

October 24, 2008 | Unregistered Commentersecretgimp

i got to say that i lvled a holy pally, and i do get quite a few whispers to go heal here or there. But i's not all sweets and candies, like it's been said there r some peope that expect u to perform like a tier 6 geared healer, just because they're pulling the whole room, and then when they die, they blame it on u. First thing i do is i apologize to the group, then i say i'm not there to take bull, and then i leave. Most of the time half the group comes right after me. Truly if people r kind, there's no reason why not to endanger ur gear and give it one more shot, but if there's crap on top, i can always find another group, but im not too sure they can :P

To al those people that take time to mana up, and do ready checks, tks. u make playing a healing class much more enjoyable.

October 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMmrdkm

first thing you need to remember: just becaurse you are the most wanted class (that and tanks) dont mean you have to be an ass about it. dont quit after 1 wipe dont think you bettter then everyone.
cuz hate the people who quit just cuz they die once, not even a wipe but still they leave like they are the king of stormwind

my main is a pala healer and man thats hard... once i counted how many tells /w i got while just grinding dailys and not doing anything in the chat after 2 hours of grinding i had 79 DIFFERENT TELLS TO COME HEAL
i mean gezz.

i have a love/hate relationship with my healer:

before the patch:

you had to do every hc instance a ton of times just to get 1 items so that you could replace it in kara when you finaly got every healer item and stacked it with the best gems you can then go to za and do it all over again and its keeps going like that...
you had to have (on my server) 1900+ healing before people would inv you to a za run and thats not even a chest run just a plane normal one even if you had 1895 then thats not good enough witch means thats you need to buy some items with badges and put new gem in again...

i still have not gotten a single healer gear from za so my gear is kara/badges and i have used over 3500g in gems to make it good enough just to replace it later on...

but since the new patch has come i can actualy do mh with ease the only problem is that everybody els think they can do so i usualy get in a groupe that are not gear good enough to do it and die really fast and then blame it on me (yes even my guild is that way) answer me this why can i get blamed for the wipe when i cant heal 15 members at the same time and with 10k heal every 2 sec

but being a healer is both good and bad
the good:
you are the reason why everybody survived even though they will not admit it you are
you dont really need to remember 10'000 different taktic's all you need to know is where you should and should not stand and then just heal your ass of basicly

October 24, 2008 | Unregistered Commentergrillbar

I had a 70 lock for a year, and could NOT get any runs to save my life. ANd i wanted to raid.

So i rolled a resto shammie. Johnnydrama is his name. And it is EASY to get into runs because you can't do jack squat w/o a healer or tank.

Problem now is, healing gets really old sometimes. I can heal kara by watching TV and hitting the "4" key (my hotkey for chain heal) off of the tank all night long.

I want to play my lock now, but again, still having problems getting him group ed up. Because when i say i want to bring my lock, they are always short healz, and will bring in your healer 9 times out of 10

October 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterHenry Petty

I love being a healer. I've been playing a holy priest for about the last year. Sometimes you get numerous /tells to heal a myriad instances but if I'm busy doing something else, I just let them know. It's normally not a huge deal. The advantages, for me, outweigh the disadvantages for sure. Of course, grinding my dailies on the Isle leaves a bitter taste in my mouth since I get ganked like crazy.

That's why I made my warrior. He's now level 61 and he is running prot (patch 3.0.2 was good to the prot warriors). I can still easily find a group but I'm also now able to take down mobs with ease. I love it.

To tell you the truth, my experiences with both the prot warrior and the holy priest have been great in WoW. It keeps me coming back to the game.

October 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRob

maybeh I shud roll a healer class... thou, since I have pala atm and 3 other lvl 70 chars not rly interested on doing it :) and as WotLK comes soon I'll be after DK as alt. well I hope Nothrend drops healing gear :)

October 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterN00|3

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