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Brains!I’m sure everyone has noticed, the new world event is going on right now. Blizzard is now providing us with the reason we all need to charge into Northrend, and the reason is simple: A ZOMBIE ATTACK. Awesome. I am super excited as I missed the world event for BC. I'll just say: I think this is going to be really cool. It is obvious that this is an evolving event, and I can only imagine where this is going to go.

It all started with a crate showing up in booty bay turning somewhat willing victims into zombies. Players get infected by the crate and in 10 minutes time if no action is taken, the turn into full fledged zombies with a whole host of new abilities. During the “infection phase” players can be cured by Argent Dawn healers in the major cities or by friendly (or unfriendly depending on how you look at it) priests and paladins.

Now it is clear the plague is getting stronger. On the second day of the event crates and plagued critters are showing up in all the capitol cities. Additionally the infection is becoming harder to dispel, priests and pallies now usually have to try multiple times to remove the infection.

While it will likely start affecting our play style some, I am very interested to see where this thing goes. The idea of my Paladin fighting off waves of undead zombies controlled by other players is just too cool to be ignored. I can only hope this whole ordeal will involve some sort of cool reward for participating such as a tabard like players received last year. Of course I want a souvenir from the great zombie attack of '08!

While I did run around as a zombie for a little while earlier today I haven’t really had a chance to fully explore the zombie side of things. It appears that after a few days it may be unavoidable. While that may be bothersome to many players I am just along for the ride at this point.

This event is only going to happen one time ever, so I intend to make the most of it. How about you? How are you enjoying your “zombie time?” Are you avoiding the whole scene, or are you running around feasting on delicious brains?

Reader Comments (56)

Tbh, im getting very tired of the whole zombie thing.
When we`re talking about flightmasters and auctioneers beeing infected, and they vanish..pfft
Please Blizzard, end this now.

October 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAlt

ITS GETTING WORSE! infection is down to 1 minute now... and there is some new quest outside shatt.

it seems if it gets anylower than 1 minute it will be dooms day..

allready theres no safe spot in shatt.. they get you before you can eaven move..lowercity and upper shatt are grawling wiht zombies who turn all who they agro in zombie in mater of seconds.. OG is doomed, UC is pretty safe, TB is safe also, SMC.. hmmm no zobies ever seen ther =P... if it get to that that all citys become overrun by zombie horde i go take fishing holiday in moonglade..=P

October 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterFrOzEnFiRe

oh stop whining i am gointo tell you what i tell the babys on the trade chanel why shouldent we high levels have any fun becuase you wanto do some quest if ya can beat am join i say

October 27, 2008 | Unregistered Commentercocopuffs

i hope teh diseas ffect has benn reduced to 30sec the power of teh scourge is unmetchble all hail the scourge

October 27, 2008 | Unregistered Commentercocopuffs

This is one of the worst events ever. Blizzard has hit rock bottom.

October 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTalonni

Debuff now down to 1 min. Also, there are commoners that'll give you a quest that leads to Shattrath.

The scourge infection is really bad in Orgrimmar and Thunder Bluff on the Malfurion realm, but Undercity is surprisingly unaffected by the whole thing. Wonder what has players skipping it...

October 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAlayea

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