Homogenization Of Classes - Good, Bad Or Fake?
Posted by
iTZKooPA on
Tuesday, November 4, 2008 -
14 Comments Tags:
class forums,
role forums,
wrath of the lich king

A vocal group of players have been pretty miffed about the homogenization of World of Warcraft's classes. While a collection have been barking about the issue for some time, the group grew substantially after changes to the way raid buffs work were announced as part of the Echoes of Doom patch.
The late-August decision was made to allow Raid Leaders to bring the people they want to play with, rather than having to fill cookie-cutter configurations for bosses, trash mobs or the raid as a whole. In doing so, Blizzard Entertainment drastically changed the current buffing system, including some of the buffs themselves. I already did a summation of the changes, or if you prefer, here is the lengthy full post.
Adding more fuel to the fire this past weekend, was the revelation that the class forums would be abolished in favor of role forums, Damage Dealing, Tank and Healing. Personally, I would like the Damage Dealing section split into Ranged and Melee, but I digress. After the aforementioned group became even more vocal, Blizzard backtracked and decided to keep both the class forums and role forums.
The idea of WoW's classes becoming homogeneous has me a bit torn. As a prospective raid leader for Wrath of the Lich King, being able to bring people I can trust, rather than the “right” classes, is certainly a boon. Another personal point, is that my main is a Rogue, a class that should benefit from the situation. My Priest...still no problem getting into groups there.
On the flip side, doesn't everyone like feeling special? Feeling needed? Feeling that if, you specifically, weren't available everything would crumble? Over dramatic you say? Heavens no.
In the end I am going to have to go with Blizzard on this one, and say the path they seem to be going down is probably for the best. Many of my friends were burned out from raiding due to thinking there were always needed. I hold the belief that the modifications will cause less guild QQ and more pewpew. Which is best for everyone.
Well, not Arthas, but he deserves to die after that whole plague fiasco.
Reader Comments (14)
Some nice points there, only that the class forums will not be deleted (at least not on EU forums). The new role forums just came in addition of the existing ones.
I agree with the decision to "spread the love" and balance the classes for raiding. As you stated, it allows group and RL's more choice. Bottom line, you want to enjoy the exploration of the fight mechanics with people you don't mind wiping with and aren't going to become all dramatic, rude and insolent at the slightest mistake.
Unfortunately my main is a shadow priest and at this time the math does not add up in making us a full ranged dps build. I chose this build because I'm stronger in utility rather than all-out pownage, but am very frustrated at this time with being at the bottom of the food chain in overall dps. This leaves me out in many groups and raids now.
My fingers are crossed that Blizzard continues to hone and solidify the changes to the shadow tree and the end result is the face melting dps build they moved us towards after "taking" our jobs(mana regen and backup healing) from us.
I also agree with the decision to keep class forums as well as implement role forums. While classes may have the overall appearance of becoming "homogenized", each class and build still has it's own unique abilities and it is important to still have the option to discuss these things in the appropriate class section among the peers of your class.
No matter what blizzard does, there will be an infinite amount of people QQ'ing. Theirs always the jackass out there who thinks he or she could run blizzard better. But, i agree I like the changes :)
I think the programmers and developers at Blizz are becomming complacint and lazy. Instead of making everything vanilla and boring (whats the need of different classes if we're all the same), why not "develop" the classes you already have? Instead of one hero class, they should have given the existing classes a buff, and not the stupid talent respecs they did. Let the player actually be in charge of the future of his toon. Make a heroic element for each class that would open a fourth talent tree dependant on the path you wanted to follow, add some story line to it and you have us hooked again. For example, you want to go Holy Priest you have to do a chain that unlocks the fourth tree that is purely healing, same situation for Shadow.
That would be a pretty good idea, even though I don't really think they would implement that idea, how Blizzard is. Even though they are for the community, I think.
It would make the Lore a whole lot better if there was additions to the game that made it a whole lot interesting.
Silly Quest Idea for Fury Warriors. xD
You must kill these many of these types of mobs to unlock this certain tree in your talent, and we will also tell you more about your Spec you went into.
It would make it more interesting anyway.
As a druid tank I am all for the role forums. It's a pain having to sift through the pages and pages of Boomkin dribble on the WoW forums for the tank threads, which are really the only ones I pay attention to. Also as a druid tank I benefit from warrior and paladin theorycrafting, not that I listen to it all, but knowledge is a tanks best friend.
Homogenization is very fitting considering how generic my Hordie tank n spank druid has become.
I'm still very hopeful that he's going to get a little bit of his get up and go / we can do spirit back once all the changes settle down. Plus it is going to be nice to run more with the friends I like to hang out with vs the ones that can get their class / spec jobs done.
Guess now all I can do is beat myself with a large stick until I realize that change is good. " I am not a weak little cubling, I am a mighty bear preparing for the battle ahead !" Moo.
"On the flip side, doesnt everyone like feeling special? Feeling needed? Feeling that if, you specifically, werent available everything would crumble? Over dramatic you say? Heavens no."
You're doing it wrong. NOW you should feel special. You're not being chosen because ur class is OP or a must have for a fight. You're being chosen because YOU, of all the other players/classes that could fill the role, YOU are the one they want.
There can be only one.
In saying that, piss those other tanks off thinking they can AoE tank, thats my domain goddammit...... lol
I think that after tanks and healers, it really comes down to your skill and gear, not whether or not Blizzard has nerfed your class in the current patch. I have very strong faith in Blizzard's decisions. Sometimes they make a wrong turn, but they're very quick to right it.
Not that many people will read this, but what the hell. I LOVE class differences. I put a lot of thought into making my toon, to the classes strong areas and weak areas. and I feel I am as unique as I can be. I know that in raids, sometimes you want a pally for multi-pulls, sometimes you want a warrior for boss fights, and sometimes you want a druid for offtanking because they can dps as well. Now its just.....no difference in classes. Ya pick a pally if you wanna wear gold armor, warrior if you wanna wear spikey armor, and druid if ya wanna look like a bear. Whats the point?! I'm a fury warrior, and I'm 'not needed' for most fights. You hear a lot of people going "we need a mage for this" or "we need a drain tank for this" or "we need some HoT for this" and ya know, I'm not too sad about that. I'm unique. and if the tank drops, I can pick up some aggro and hopefully keep the group alive.
Homiginization to just three play styles is a bad idea in my mind. I think that every class should have it's unique strength. This forces players into the social aspect of the game which is the whole point of MMORPG. If you need a particular skill, go make friends till you find someone that's a good fit for your group.
Maybe as a middle ground Blizz could tweak things to sort of level out the three primary categories (DPS, Tank, Heal) and have each class/spec that falls within that category have a particular specialty that makes it unique. This is already done to some extent (takadin vs undead) but I think could be improved in other spots. This approach would allow for any mix of the three categories to complete a raid, but a specific class mix would make it easier.
Homogenization of classes is fake. Classes were unique before the patch and they are still unique after the patch. My holy priest has not and will not heal the same way as a resto shaman heals. The problem was that Blizzard wanted to make its content unique, and did so to a fault. They made the need for specific classes and specs too neccessary. Now, rather than sacrificing unique strategic fights that have made this game entertaining, they've made it possible for any class properly specced to fill the neccessary roles.
Players are crying out that their classes are no longer unique. What they're really crying over is that now they actually have to prove they belong in a raid rather than being required. If those players want to feel special, they can ride the short bus. Or prove they belong in the raid.
The only complaints I feel hold any real merit are those being made by PvPers. Blizzard really needs to find a way to balance PvP without it interfering with PvE and vica versa. And that's something I don't think Blizzard will have figured out any time soon.
I would have to agree with Claxo. Each spec is unique and each one requires a different strategy to successfully play. My Resto Shaman has a hard time competing on healing meter against holy priest. I don't have alot of the HoTs or flash heals they do, so I have to compensate by healing efficiently with chain heal, riptide, earthshield, and healing wave to fill in the gaps. It is all in how you play your character that gets you invited to raids.
I still think the pallys are too powerful because they can fill most of the raid roles from tank, dps, and healing. I have been on Gruul's and Mags runs made up of mostly pallys without any problems. Blizzard should have not given pallys and shaman to both factions, instead buffing each one to make them viable raid character (well they did that to pallys but somehow, shammys got left behind.) That is what makes playing alliance or horde unique, because you are playing something the other faction does not have. TBC ended all of that.