What’s The Joy In A Gank?
Posted by Bastosa on Tuesday, November 4, 2008 - 96 Comments Tags: corpse camp, dual box, gank, recruit a friend, stranglethorn, stv
So I, like everyone else it seems, have been victim of Blizzard’s recruit-a-friend program. With TBC wrapping up, it seems like the perfect time to level some alts with a big bonus. So like many others I have made friends with myself and started dual-boxing. But I don’t want to talk about that today. What I want to talk about is my experience leveling again.
Like my good friend Juggynaut, I too (against my better judgment) recently decided to bring my new toons into Stranglethorn Vale. Being that I rolled on a PvP server I knew the risks… but I also knew there were plenty of kill quests that were ripe for dual-boxing, so I went anyway. As I expected I got ganked, and ganked a lot. So much in fact that after about half a day of leveling there I ended up throwing my headset across the room, yelling some choice profanities, and swearing I would never go back.
I’ll reiterate, I fully expected the PvP central that STV is famous for. The reason for my frustration was not one, but several 70s that thought it was great fun to come kill my poor level 35 characters over and over and over again. Not only that, but after they killed me they had no issues camping my body and waiting for me to res to kill me again.
Now as I’m sitting there with my ghost hovering over my corpse waiting for them to let their guard down for just a moment, it occurred to me… how are these people having fun right now? I really don’t understand it. I enjoy PvP as much as the next guy, and understand what comes with rolling on a PvP server. But seriously, who enjoys camping characters 30 levels below them for hours on end? It just seems sick to me. Are they really that hard up to feel "leet"?
There is no challenge for them, there is nothing to be gained, pretty much the only reason to do it is to be a huge jerk. Seems crazy to me, but its clear LOTS of people do it. So I ask, why? Do you participate in the STV scene, or at least have insights as to why this is fun for people? When I’m on my 70s, my priorities are elsewhere, just saying.
Like my good friend Juggynaut, I too (against my better judgment) recently decided to bring my new toons into Stranglethorn Vale. Being that I rolled on a PvP server I knew the risks… but I also knew there were plenty of kill quests that were ripe for dual-boxing, so I went anyway. As I expected I got ganked, and ganked a lot. So much in fact that after about half a day of leveling there I ended up throwing my headset across the room, yelling some choice profanities, and swearing I would never go back.
I’ll reiterate, I fully expected the PvP central that STV is famous for. The reason for my frustration was not one, but several 70s that thought it was great fun to come kill my poor level 35 characters over and over and over again. Not only that, but after they killed me they had no issues camping my body and waiting for me to res to kill me again.
Now as I’m sitting there with my ghost hovering over my corpse waiting for them to let their guard down for just a moment, it occurred to me… how are these people having fun right now? I really don’t understand it. I enjoy PvP as much as the next guy, and understand what comes with rolling on a PvP server. But seriously, who enjoys camping characters 30 levels below them for hours on end? It just seems sick to me. Are they really that hard up to feel "leet"?
There is no challenge for them, there is nothing to be gained, pretty much the only reason to do it is to be a huge jerk. Seems crazy to me, but its clear LOTS of people do it. So I ask, why? Do you participate in the STV scene, or at least have insights as to why this is fun for people? When I’m on my 70s, my priorities are elsewhere, just saying.
Reader Comments (96)
i normal gank/kill noobie for 2 reason
1.so they understand they get pvp on and learn from
2.and i normaly wander into ally land so its abit "my own personal mini invasion"
i hope there is a way to get to the death knight questing area so i can start ganking them especailly on the first week of wotlk. hehe
On serious note, i started wow on a pvp server. yes i was a big noob back then i didn't know what a pvp server is or a normal server either (because who reads manuals nowadays anyways). i clearly don't get the point of ganking at all and lighting up a camp fire by my corpse while dry humping or teabagging my lvl 20s char in duskwood.
whats the point? my guess was back then is the ganker had some sort of personality disorder growing up because his/her parents didn't love them enough. they there molested as a child and had no one to turn to but gank on lower levels. that way they can feel more complete and powerful building up their self esteem. i feel your pain dear ganker, i really do. i empathies what you have to go thru by camping my lowbie toon. it must be very hard. its okay though, we wub you. we all wub you.
anyways, that's my psychiatric therapeutic communication towards all those gankers who feel the need to build up their self esteem by ganking lowbies that doesn't give them honors at all.
What pisses me off just as bad is when someone tries to attack you (around your level) and you defeat them in a fair fight. You carry on, they res and try to attack you again and you kill them again. This happens maybe 3 or 4 times, so they log off, log on a main, and gank/corpse camp you for absolute ages. Can't they take being beaten fairly? Do they have to feel good about themselves by ganking a lowbie?
Me when I find a horde just calmly leveling I leave him/her alone to do their business and I move on(Btw im lvl 70)
Only thing when I get hostile is when they attack me. I am bacially considered to be a "neutral' guy that runs around collecting herbs or veins or whatever. I don't care i they are 30 levels higher than me or what I will attack back. That's my way of dealing with the situation. But when I'm on a BG I totally change my attitude I go from neutral to HOSTILE every time I see a horde I go berserker and run in and start attacking.
I don't like killing or being killed... I've got things to do! I can barely stand BGs...I swear and yell a lot, and vow never to do it again. Then I get some new bad ass plate or a new weapon, and I go try again. Lather, rinse, repeat!
I will not gank low lvls who just trying to quest, to me I would rather let them get to my lvl then fight them. I love ganking gankers. Last night a 70 ne hunter was killing a lvl 22 guildie over and over agian , and all the low lvls in the area (hillsbard hills, of course) and me and a another rouge camped him like he was camping the other rouge's alt, well we killed him 13 times till he fianlly logged. Check his armory and he was in all the brutal glad stuff, and thought ganking lvl 22's was a blast.
I like being a rouge i can watch a low lvl ally questing and wait for them to get in over thier heads and then save them,wave at them and then go on my way. I hate killing those 10+ lvls below me unless they are ganking then i will gank and camp. But they are just questing? Give me a break just leave them alone, with ambush i can 1 hit most lvl 60 clothies so where is the fun in that? Nope i would rather just leave them alone unless they are being jerks then they will die over and over and over again otherwise you low lvl allys have nothing to fear from me.
"I’m never playing on a PvP server because, in my opinion, there are too many people who opt for [url=http://www.webster.com/dictionary/gamesmanship] over [url=http://www.webster.com/dictionary/sportsmanship]sportsmanship."
Well, I play on a PvP server because of the uttter ruthlessness of it. It's morbidly fascinating. Even though I've been ganked on lower toons several times, the thought has never occurred to me to join a PvE server.
Lol, maybe I just haven't been ganked enough :P
But still, I guess I just like the competition and the "danger" of a PvP server. It's thrilling... if somewhat frustrating at times.
Being ganked in WoW annoys me more than being ganked in EVE. At least in EVE you can gain something by ganking someone. And if I every do gank people back, I get nothing from the experience.
I'm on Arthas, and I love to gank. The difference between me and most players is that I gank those who gank, whether it be in STV or QD. My ganking high definitely comes when I kill someone that thought they were gonna be camping my buddy. And by the way, for those of you who didn't stick it out on the PVP server, shame on you.
I have to say world PvP is so much fun... but getting ganked at 30 was always a risk...
me and my friends always to be honest opt for the 'have a go option' if we get ganked we enlist the help of our PvP ready buddies or log to our main toons to challenge the gankers who quickly scarper...
Obviously first time round it was tiresome, second time round it was a riot... War in STV? i say bring it on XD
personally i leave the low levels and hunt the gankers because there is honor in it =P
i have 3 toons on both PvE and PvP and i find that on PvE the 70s come along killing the target mobs and laughing at you.... which imo thats even worse... waiting 5 mins for a spawn that you dont have a chance of getting first...
I play on a PvE server. Mainly because I'm a quester...not a PvPer. When I do go for some fights I simply do some battlegrounds.
That being said I have not been ganked.
One thing that always annoys me is that on my server Crossroads is ALWAYS being attacked by allies. Yes I'm horde.
What is the purpose of going in with your group of 70's and killing everything in the place? It gives no experience or honor. It only gives grief to people level 10-30ish.
No skill is required to take out crossroads when you are level 70...press tab, mash keyboard with face, rinse repeat..../wave to level 13 that was trying to turn in quest to mob you just killed.
Attacking a major city is completely acceptable. It actually requires some work to do with the guards upped to level 75 now.
I belive the issue at hand is simply a control/power issue. Saying you gank people so they will get the high level characters to come defend them so you have someone to fight is just an excuse. Saying you gank people cause you were ganked is again, just an excuse. It is simply about control.
I think that 70s that go around ganking lowbies for the sheer purpose of being extremely annoying tend to either be bored or don't have the bawls to fight people their own level.
I believe that a debuff system should be added to the game so that players who kill other players that con green or gray to them become the easiest target to kill, lasting for an hour and persisting through death, having a Hunter's Mark above their head that can be seen no matter where in the zone you might be. Too extreme? I don't think so. >=P
first of all, i would like to say good job on kara. comeing from someone who has never seen kara, i loved the videos. alright now to the gank thing, i will admit i started on a pvp server and leveled a warrior all the way to 70. ( witch takes alot of patience) from 68-70 took me five days because of ganking. i always vowed i would go back when i hit 70 and gank the crap out of any ally i saw. (the char is horde) now i am playing a pve server and i am acually enjoying playing. i dislike world pvp now and would rather focus on pve elements. i agree with you, i belive most of the gankers are people that sadly do not have jobs and the time to sit around for hours to wait for some poor low level smuck to come along. so i joined Hyjal and made a pally witch i am enjoying way more then i ever did my warrior. my warrior will now forever collect dust =(.
i have spent 4yrs playing on a pvp server (bloodfeather) STV also known as gankathorn is very nutorius for ganking i have always had my high lvl sat there waiting for that unexpected gank by a high lvl. nothing has changed even after ppl hit 70 all bring the mains and follow there alts around incase they get ganked. it just once you bring a 70 they bring a 70 and so on and so on so stv becomes a no go area for me latley as i prefer to lvl not spend my time loggin in and out to satisfy my lust for revenge...
I normally don't gank anyone that will not give me honor, but I will get involved in STV if I see a green getting ganked. Now if the low lvl takes a swing at me (go figure a lvl 30 vrs 70?!) then its fair game and I kill him with something appropriate like roots. Other than that I know how you feel I'm working on a hunter and since the new talents came out it is crazy no matter where I am I get camped.
This is the reason why i moved from a pvp server to a normal server, it was too hard for me as a low level to get quests done especially in STV and Hillsbrad.
I honestly think that blizzard needs to change some of the pvp rules wherein if you gank a low level toon, you may only do it twice then must go at least 1000 yards away from that toon and other toons in the imidiate area.
you people do know that pvp= player vs player the word vs implying that their gointo lock in battle 2 people cant come out victorys in this case only one will come oof bating a beter one even though a lowbie may not have a big chance of beating a ?? they made the choice of goin on a pvp server this game is full jerks and both aliance and horde but if tqke a look at the bolth fractions quest the horde qust are much more brutal thats teh horde are a bunch of blood thirsty bastards and its up t othe aliance to stop their evil ways and the horde defend tham self and so the war goes on i will take any oportunity i get kill a horde char no metter the level
Cocopuffa your just a retard its a game lol big deal lol and your concept of horde being bad and alliance being good is completely there is right and wrong in both groups lol and dude u need to get a life lol
I totally agree with you Bastosa. I play on a PvP server too (Drak'Thul EU) and as such there is a lot of lowbies ganking.
I'm a fair player (I guess). I don't gank others in situations where there's no way how they could resist. It's kinda lame. Camping lowbies is the lamest ever imo. I like the idea of open world PvP, but this isn't exactly what I mean. Things like some town raids and stuff are way better.
The problem is, it's usually some sick kids that just got out of school and feel like "sh0w1ng theer sk1lllzz" with their honor-stuff geared 70s...
Well you can either play their game (relog for main, call some friends or so..) or just "denie the battle" and go eat a sandwich for 5mins ;]
A level 70 in Stranglethorn Vale,
out to give a lowbie some hell.
Should he run up to him and strike him dead,
or sneak around and mess with his head?
And after the kill does he go on his way,
or stick around to ruin lowbie's day?
He can picture it now, a look of dread in their eyes,
a corpse run back to find a nasty surprise.
There he waits, just within sight,
to see a pile of bones and continue his plight.
He says its to waste time or perhaps for revenge.
Regardless of reason it makes lowbie cringe.
What's the joy in a gank, taking a lowbie's life?
Its quite simple really; Its in causing much strife.
At the end of the day Level 70 had fun.
Now on to his alt where, to him, the same will be done.
Well Bastosa
former name: jerk town
pop: 6mil
but i know what your talking about. all the ganking is what keeps my alts at max lvl of 30 cuz then i constanly get ganked and then i quit
on my server (grim bartol the eu server) the hordes are the ones who are offen seen ganking...
i mean i had a lvl 18 gnome mage and i got ganked by not 1 not 2 but 4 lvl 70 hordes i mean C'mon how am i supore to enjoy the game when they camp my corpse and 1-hit me all day long BUT there is nothing better to see 1 or 2 lvl 70 hordes starting to gank me and then 10 lvl 70 alliance comes and woop there ass...
i had a lvl 48 hunter who was bait in stv i got as mutch hp and ap as posible and when out in the world to get ganked and when 1 found me i call in the reinforcement and 15 lvl 70 alliances was there on there mount comming up from a hil and ran dont and ganked back... did that a hole day
no we did not gank we only attacked back the rule was simple dont attack any hordes unless they attack you first you should have seen it xtreme satisfying
and sorry all this was a bit off topic
but i think the reason people gank is becaurse theres nothing els to do...
they dont wanna do raid/instaces or daily but they dont wanna quit wow either so they gank just to feel alittle o.p
but when wotlk comes the ganking lvl will fall drasticly at first it will not be totaly gone but significaly lower since poeple got new things to do