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What’s The Joy In A Gank?

Ganked!So I, like everyone else it seems, have been victim of Blizzard’s recruit-a-friend program. With TBC wrapping up, it seems like the perfect time to level some alts with a big bonus. So like many others I have made friends with myself and started dual-boxing. But I don’t want to talk about that today. What I want to talk about is my experience leveling again.

Like my good friend Juggynaut, I too (against my better judgment) recently decided to bring my new toons into Stranglethorn Vale. Being that I rolled on a PvP server I knew the risks… but I also knew there were plenty of kill quests that were ripe for dual-boxing, so I went anyway. As I expected I got ganked, and ganked a lot. So much in fact that after about half a day of leveling there I ended up throwing my headset across the room, yelling some choice profanities, and swearing I would never go back.

I’ll reiterate, I fully expected the PvP central that STV is famous for. The reason for my frustration was not one, but several 70s that thought it was great fun to come kill my poor level 35 characters over and over and over again. Not only that, but after they killed me they had no issues camping my body and waiting for me to res to kill me again.

Now as I’m sitting there with my ghost hovering over my corpse waiting for them to let their guard down for just a moment, it occurred to me… how are these people having fun right now? I really don’t understand it. I enjoy PvP as much as the next guy, and understand what comes with rolling on a PvP server. But seriously, who enjoys camping characters 30 levels below them for hours on end? It just seems sick to me. Are they really that hard up to feel "leet"?

There is no challenge for them, there is nothing to be gained, pretty much the only reason to do it is to be a huge jerk. Seems crazy to me, but its clear LOTS of people do it. So I ask, why? Do you participate in the STV scene, or at least have insights as to why this is fun for people? When I’m on my 70s, my priorities are elsewhere, just saying.

Reader Comments (96)

I have leveled up 5 Alliance and now 3 Horde to 70 all on PvP servers. I have been ganked and done the ganking. There is always times were people just want to be jerks and will camp you for no reason, these people either are just bored with WoW or have been trying to lvl an alt just like you and were getting ganked, so they are on a revenge path with anything red.

Why did i roll my Horde on a PvP server after i lvled up my Ally on one? It is fun. Sure there are time i want to reach through my screen and strangle certain characters but, overall it just won't be the same if you didn't have to keep moving the camera around while killing so you could keep an eye on who is trying to sneak up behind you.

To someone above to mentioned that camping was a reportable offense, I too read that one day in the "help" section in game. I then thought sweet, i will report the next guy who camps me. So i did and what response did i get from the GM?..."You are on a PvP server... get used to it" He said that is only something that would be addressed if it were a PvE or RP server. So, unless something has changed (pretty sure it has not), if you are on a PvP sever just do your best to stay away from STV type areas. It CAN be done.

November 5, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterStrikir

This is the exact reason why I do Not play on a PvP server. I have enjoyed countless of hours in EVE Online where PvP is expected anywhere outside the >0.6 regions and I still enjoyed it. Died a lot but at the same time I usually had the option of maybe outskilling my attacker.
PvP is enjoyable when you can turn the tables despite not having as much game time as your oponent. In a PvP system like the one used in WoW. If you have leveled to 70 you are godlike to anything bellow lvl 65.
There is thus as 5 lvl +- which can be decided on skills.
What I would like to see is a trial, maybe on a specialy created server, where PvP still excist but you can only attack someone openly if they are 5 levels above or bellow yourself.
This would get ridd of the e-peeners and PvP would be kept more honorable and clean. Sure the e-peen players would cause drama over something like this but at least the ones that would want to enjoy some SKILLBASED PvP would then have a chance.

And speaking of honor... Bring back dishonorable kills. But this time make 10 dishonorable kills make it so you are attackable by both allies and horde for maybe 1 hour. That would be fun. ;)

November 5, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDiclonius

I remember leveling my Tauren druid to 70, took me over half a year. Around lvl's 30-40, 40-50 and 62-64 are the most ganked levels there are. So i warn ANYONE wishing to start a character on 'Skullcrusher' to be prepared if you are starting a horde character as the Alliance dominate the areas with..of course... level 70's ganking low levels, i feel your pain...

November 5, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTomTheDon

I will never forget that. One time when i was 35 one worror ganged me over and over again in STV it was absolutly hell he was aways there and i was one hit kill(as a rogue). Anyway i managed to lvl up to 70 and get full S1 (it was the most easy to get by the time) and one day thought to get back in STV but not to gang lowbies but to kill 70's. So i get to there and what did i sow, the same worror there ganging low lvls over and over again (it was several months after he was ganging me). Usualy worriors are rogue killers in BG's but i desided to try him. He was dead in like 10 sec. It was sweat revenge. I ganged him over and over and over again till he just loged off. From time to time now i go there to see if he's there too and our paths crossed again several times and every time he was absolutly weak he didn't manage even to get me to 8000 HP. In the end i think that he's just lvl to 70 not to continiue to get better armor and weapons but to gank lowbies.

November 5, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRogie

I don't even worry about this problem anymore, whenever I am leveling one of my alts and someone ganks me, I just hop on one of my level 70 characters and go camp THEM.

November 5, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterXylch

yea i started over 2 years ago but when i first walked into STV i got by a 2k ambush i said dang this sucks ran back and ran for my life so i was like hey im not gonna go into this place and yet i did and i rly didnt get ganked i play on alter of storm (yea its a low pop realm i didnt no wth to look for ok) so now that i got 3 70s and working on a 4t(66 pallyatm) any1 that messes with me just gets pwn they probable think the same thing u do but the point is they started it so horde only gank and camp out of vengeance or rly to piss some1 off trust me i no when i cant pwn some1(got pwned rather ezly but a t6-sunwell druid a lil bit a go) it pisses ya off but think about it blizzard made the game like that so the horde did nothing wrong in camping/ganking you its just that you didnt see it coming ok well ima stop right there

-Hardkilla/Hardmurder- AOS warrior/druid

November 5, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterhardkilla


That's a pretty good poem. :lol:

November 5, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAlayea

I camp lowbie horde in Southshore Hillsbrad Foothills with a lvl 31 mage. My mage has been at this level for almost a year now, and his sole purpose is to kill those horde trying to level in SS. My mage happens to be a gnome. When I slaughter level 25-29s in Hillsbrad Foothills I just imagine how pissed off the person sitting behind the other monitor is. When I imagine them pounding their desk and screaming "Why!" it fills my heart with joy and reminds me of why I play WoW. After a couple times of killing them, they almost always go grab their 70 and come kill/camp me. If I see that they are camping me I usually log off and do something worthwhile. I can gank and be ganked without becoming pissed off because when I am mercilessly camped I think about how much fun they are having and how I love camping lower levels too. It works both ways.

November 5, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBlaxe-Emerald Dream

thats why i popped onto a PvE server to avoid getting ganked and play with one of my friends (art teacher) Xb

November 5, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDavid

2Blaxe: wow... you're an a**hole :)

November 5, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSNiP

Personally, whenever I get a strong urge to gank someone, it's mostly because the Horde that ganked me so many times. I seriously hate getting ganked. From 67-70, I got ganked within 5 minutes of each time I logged in, and at least 10 times in the first hour-1.5 hours. And at least 6 times during dailies. I hate ganking....and horde...

November 5, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterShirate

I am a lv 65 rogue on a pvp server, and personally, whenever i see a lower lvl opposing faction character i always do /wave or something along those lines, and as long as they do it back i will move along, or in some cases even help them with quests; however, if they ignore me then i slaughter them. I just feel that if they wont respect me, then i have no need to respect them.

November 6, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterdramadude

I gank, constantly, but I only gank in stv to lure out allies that are down there to gank themselves. If you gank a horde I've noticed no one will come to help you, most will just laugh at you and continue with killing lowbies themselves. While on the alliance side when you gank and lowbie sure as the sun rises each day one or more 70s will appear. That to me is where the fun comes from killing them and then killing their friends when they come to help them. Plus knowing the guy on the other side first laughs, then when you do it again you know he is cussing up a storm thats pretty funny too.

November 6, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterlilhuntard

Blaxe-Emerald Dream
Are you even play that game. Because if you do, you'll know that any class that is between 20 and 30 can easily kill 31 mage espacialy if there's a rogue.

November 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRogie

I can honestly say that during my soon-to-be 3 years of playing world of warcraft i have never ganked, i shit you not.

If i am running through a low level zone like hillsbrad or STV and see an alliance low level toon i just let them be, i mean what's the point other then ruining the fun for others?

As Bastosa said you gain nothing from it, nothing at all. I don't even gank 70's at low health or 70's that is already fighting 3 mobs, i do however defend myself if i get attacked.

If i want the honor i just go to the BG's.

November 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAffe

Just to set something straight,

GANKING & CORPSE CAMPING are not forbidden by blizzard. They consider this issues that a pvp resolution can solve and "advise you to seek help from within your guild, or other players in the area" I just reported a bastard druid 70 corpse camping me ( 66 holy priest ) for over an hour. I tried everything, from bravely fighting back, to trying to sneak away, and even just /sit and wait till he finished me off. However it didn't stop. Blizzard feels that they can not interfere in these matters, though they appologise for me feeling discouraged by the actions of other players.

Eventually he stopped and /sorry 'd me but that was after over half an hour with just /sit, spirit run /sit spirit run

November 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSardit

I think of ganking this way: basically im a horde and i dont like alliance, so i kill them.
Its as simple as that :P

November 23, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterrin

"their strength is thier weakness" simple taunt (not the spell the emote) the high level player enough and they will try and toy with you.

simple run arround pulling everything insight whilst they will undeyably attempt to impeade you keep pulling then run up to the high level player. wait to die.

if you did it well enough that they should have such tunnel vision they only realise stv mobs can hurt them just too late =P

sounds like just some fluke? think when a low level duels a highlevel, you keep the taunts comming you stay alive =)

April 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPrower

heh. Hate getting ganked in pvp, but I understand it's part of the game. I can even see some of the desecration and corpse camping of a similar level. But camping a lower level for hours is doing what? Showing you have maturity or control issues, or can't find anything better to do in the WOW universe? yep. sad really.

My new druid was up in moonglade this past weekend for one of the quest and some taurden tried to gank me in the Inn. He got offed by the guards in 3 seconds and I got my "make love, not warcraft" achievement for nothing more than a hug. I then ran to the flight point.

I was rather pleased to see that, given it's supposed to be neutral territory, and the idiot thought he could gank without recourse. Whoops. didn't see that coming, did ya.

June 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMyrth

I got...er...reverse-ganked the other day. I was in STV working on my skinning and leatherworking (Level 40 Draenei hunter then), killing tigers and gorillas. I saw a Horde rogue off in the distance, so I kept clear. A short time later, I hear the "stealth" sound and look around for the tiger (there are some tigers there who stealth) but nothing was showing on my Track Beasts. Then I'm Back Stabbed by the rogue...who was Level 37. So I take him out. I get on my mount and head off a short distance and go back to my skinning and leatherworking farming.

The rogue stealths and attacks me AGAIN. So I take him out AGAIN. I'm on Skype with my boyfriend, who says, "Well, don't camp him, that's not cool." I told him I'd moved already. I get on my mount and move again, this time a further distance away. I drop a freezing trap and go about my business and something hits the trap. I turn around expecting to find a tiger and damned it wasn't that rogue again LOL

I don't gank. My bf and I argue about this all the time. He insists that someday I will gank just because it was done to me. It HAS been frustrating trying to complete quests while people 40-60 levels above you are camping your corpse to the point where you finally just log out of frustration. If I see a Horde player and he's 5 levels or more below me, I ignore them for the most part. Around my level, I keep an eye on them. I don't strike first.

If a Horde attacks me first, regardless of their level, they are fair game. Just as I would fully expect that 80 player to one-shot me if I attacked him. But for a high level player to stake out an area and take out lowbies? That's just showing the size of his...er...well, you know;)

I've been ganked by high levels who just one-shot me on their way through and go on their merry way. I don't even have a problem with that. It's the campers that are lame. For those...I'm taking names...and aiming for 80. Then this hunter chick is going hunting>:)

September 18, 2009 | Unregistered Commentergrrlgamr

Well, I myself play on a PvE server, so you can stay out of getting ganked quite easily. Therefore, when I was exploring with my Death Knight and went through Tirisfal Glades and spotted a lvl 10 Undead Mage, I couldn't resist and killed him. I guess on PvE servers people just like ganking because it's kinda stupid to be low and PvP enabled. After all, when later on a lvl 80 spotted me, I was dead too.

October 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterInnosinned

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