How Do You Want Arthas To Die?
Posted by
iTZKooPA on
Monday, October 5, 2009 -
93 Comments Tags:
arthas death,
arthas die,
arthas menethil,
how will arthas die,
jaina proudmoore,
lich king,
patch 3.3,
the lich king

Patch 3.3 is so close that I can almost connect to the PTR long enough to play it. We've been waiting for this content patch ever since it we revealed that Arthas would be joining the game dedicated to him a little late - by C'Thun the star could never arrive on time. Now that we have the PTR housing patch 3.3, the first round of ever-changing patch notes, maps of the dungeons and lots more, one burning question remains. How will Arthas die?
Let's start with the more appropriate question. Will Arthas die?
It has almost become cliche that World of Warcraft's bosses manage to slip through death's grasp at the last second. A large number of the best known bosses have merely been de-summoned, released from someone's control or regained their sanity (put down at his request). In the case of the Old Gods, we mortals have been fighting parts of them, leading some to believe that we've only faced a portion of their vast power. Is it possible that Blizzard could allow one of Warcraft's most infamous villains to avoid the grave?!
Hell no. The disservice done to fans by allowing Arthas/The Lich King to live would be unfathomable. He's going down.
Of course, then we return to the original discussion, how do you want Arthas to die? Blizzard could go one of a hundred ways for Arthas' demise, so I can only tell you how I'd like to see him die. That would be by Jaina's hand. If there's anyone who needs redemption for all Arthas has done (that's still alive) it is Jaina, his former lover.
Rather than another Maiev + raiders vs. Illidan team-up, I'd like to see Arthas go all Hulk on us, freezing our toons when we get him to zero HP. As he's toying with us, attempting to crack our minds, Jaina pops out of no where to confront him. Being the former suave Prince The Lich King tries to sweet talk his former mate, only to be struck down mid sentence by an icy bolt, and then finished off with a melee move from her staff. Double tap, it's important. Her icy demeanor would vanish as he falls to the ground, and then she'd weep over his fallen corpse (as we looted it) as she curses the gods for putting her in such a position.
The odds of my vision coming to fruition are slim to none, but it doesn't hurt to dream. It wasn't until I finished reading Christie Golden's book that I came to believe Jaine is the only person to send the Prince of Lordaeron six feet under. How do you want the former paladin to go down? What about you hordies? You likely have a different view on this whole Scourge debacle since one of the leaders of your nation-states didn't date the backstabbing necromantic. Although I hear Thrall has the hots for Jaina. Just a rumor someone's spreading. And there is that Slyvanas lady. Perhaps she'll get her revenge in the horde script?
Reader Comments (93)
If Jaina is powerful enough to one shot the lich king then why were we even sent to Northrebd. Just send her up there and let her arcane explosion the whole place. End of story.
Personally I think there will be a lot more than just jaina. Floods of people charging towards the lich king taking him down. I personally think he'll die. Will blizzard do it? Probably not. Arthas is too big of a character just to have put on farm by the top guilds
killed by Illidan :D
I would really like to see Tirion confront Arthas and get defeated and have a reverse of the battle at Lights Hope with Darion gaining the Ashbringer and dealing the death blow.
I think that it would start out with Alliance/Horde players joining forces with the argent crusade led by Tirion and beginning to assault the frozen throne. Then at about 50% he would stun us and knock us all down to like 1% health and laugh heartily or something. Since I am a huge Ashbringer fan and kind of lore-nut I would really like it if after he takes this "pause" Jaina and Sylvanas join the fight, like many others suggested. Then, finally, Tirion is struck down as Asthas reaches 20%, but, with his dying breath plunges the ashbringer deep into Arthas's chest. Doing this not only wounds the lich king severely, but releases a surge of holy energy, along with memories of his companions before betraying them (Uther, Mauradin, Jaina, kind of like before he puts on the armour in TFT), which couses Arthas to throw down frostmourne and revoke Ner'zhul's curse upon his soul, ending the battle. Instead of living after this fatal wound, he drops to his knees with a cry of "free at last" or something along those lines and somewhat redeems himself by destroying both frostmourne and the helm, which contain the spirit of the lich king. Unfortunately we don't get frostmourne, but hey, Ashbringer's up for grabs, which would be a good enough weapon without corrupting your soul.
Another name people should consider:
Muradin Bronzebeard.
In retrospect, Arthas made a metric ton of enemies.
I am a big fan of Arthas, not going to lie. I think he is a badass/huge jerk. lol
I personally think it would be cool if both Jaina and Sylvannas show up at the same time, regardless if you are playing horde or alliance.
If jaina is the one who kills arthas, it would be cool if jaina is filled with so much guilt that a darkness takes over her and she becomes a huge role as a bad guy.
thats just an idea. lol
On another note, somebody has seen zombieland :-D
double tap all the way
I think Arthas should accidentally kill himself. What if, as we reduce his health to 1%, he screams in a fury, and tries to kill us all with an unholy shock wave. However, he accidentally dislodges part of the citadel roof and he falls from the top of the tower. He lands on Frostmourne. Then Jaina comes and sets the sword and Lich King on fire with a magic inferno.
Arthas wont die........ he is to big of a char like side up top.....he will be like the Mal genis or whtever in CoS he will piece out at 1%
Wouldn't it be insanely funny if he just dies at 0 HP and nothing happens?
Like stated above (By me :D ) Arthas shouldn't die he went mad because of the lich king not before, Illidan is dead. sorry mirlotus. I'm thinking we see (same for each side) Horde Expidion+leaders Valliance Expidion+jaina and leaders All argent crusade, maybe some aspect and cenarion circle and expidion action, Muradin Bronzebeard (cant forget arthas' tutor) Bran Bronzebeard (with some discovery or teasure) Knights of the Ebon Blade. and your 10-25-40? man raid charging at Arthas tearing his home down getting arthas to 1hp and then getting some righteous speach from Jaina, Muradin, and King Menethill (cant forget post about finding a model of his ghost in ptr), and tirion doing his long boring speach w/ a light thing and somehow we see the ghost of Mr. Bigglesworth (also found) just because. And with that we see Mathias Lehner walk up maybe say something and we get Arthas back. Yay! However there is a problem. Ner'zhul can't be killed, according to lore he is IN the armor. How are we going to dispose of the armor or get loot, let alone kill this demonic spirit?
Sylvanas will turn him into an undead slave to her.....oh how the tides have turned Arthas......justice is....served?
It should be tirion his entire character in wow has been to destroy the lich king it sorta be a slap in the face to him to not get the finishing blow
I think ALL Leaders should come to gather (no night elfs >.>) Thrall dies so what's his name can take over, Jaina will ask LK to drop his weapon and turn over so rejoin her this is were Ms Wind Runner comes in to put it to an end (she is stealth) Jaina begs, Frostmourn whispers "Her soul is yours for the taking DO IT NOW!" Lk raises his his blade high, Sticks it into the ground to call his undead. Slyvanas stabs him with a ambush. He laughs and throws her into the air. As she lands her Banshees come they sing to give us a buff (Idk like Power Of The Forsaken or something) Then we.......... CONGFU FIGHT!!! when he drops to his knees Jaina asks him 1 more time "Please stop this all will be forgiven" Slyvanas says " Like hell it will" blah speech speech her life and all King of SW ready to finish it with 1 more blow "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" poof death wing sends a fire ball Jaina Ports every 1 at the last minute "BOOOOOOOOOOOM" IC is burned and destroyed...
Is LK dead??? :D tea time!!! they all leaved happily ever after. Well untill death wing finishes the rest : \ Dun Dun Dun!!!
I really, really, really, really, love Jaina, she's one amazing character, my favorite in lore actually. But as a hardcore hordie, I'd rather see Sylvanas finish him off.
UOU, lot of nice ideas :)
But I'll let Blizz decide (like if we could change it's decision) xD
Yeah I like your idea. Like the idea of everyone freezing then boom gets owned by his ex. If that happens, I'll start raiding again, haha. :P
i would prefer a cut scene once we get him down to 1% with a final EPIC battle between him and Tirion Fording wielding the ashbringer......would be AWSOME......thn u loot afterwards
I don't get why people say they'd like to see the "good" Arthas separated out from the Lich King. Arthas was not good to begin with. He was the one performing the culling of Stratholme, He went against the chain of command, deposing Uther Lightbringer and dissolving the Silver Hand. He betrayed his own soldiers and defied the orders of his father and king by destroying their means of returning home from Northrend. And he took up Frostmourne of his own free will, being willing to "give anything or pay any price."
No, Arthas is not some innocent victim that deserves redemption. He turned to evil long before he even heard of Frostmourne.
Well said. I personally want to see the Lich King dead because while there is a time/place for coming back, it gets tiresome if overused. I want to see some acutal death this time, thank you very much.
we will not get to kill Arthas. not for a while i think. the very first line of the official Blizzard trailer for Cataclysm is "As the terrible war against the Lich King continues..." Blizz has a youtube channel now. look it up. i can only gather from that that Deathwing makes his appearance while we are not yet finished with Arthas. this makes sense, since the new lvl cap is only 85, that we won't be able to finish off Arthas til lvl 90 :)
I would be happy for Jaina/Sylvanas/Tirion/whoever to join the fight in a final phase, but I wouldn't want to miss the chance on having the killing blow, they could just create an interesting extra phase, maybe if the are both there you must hide from attacks during jaina's arcane shield and do 200% dps when Sylvanas fires a piercing arrow. (Ok, I'm no game designer, but you get the idea)
I don't like the idea of it being faction specific for such a huge fight, I would feel like I was missing out on so much.
I would really like to see a cinematic like wrath gate, but I worry after the first few times it would just get annoying. Those first few times it would be epic though.
Anyway, I leave it up to Blizzard, they may buff or nerf incorrectly at sometimes, or make other strange changes to the game. It is their game however, and I trust them, and most of all if they know something, it is how to tell an epic story!
@Jing* LOL
the trailer says that to give a sense of continuity to the story. As we fight against the Lich King, we are weakened and Deathwing strikes, the world is vulnerable.
Anyway, I would like a alliance+horde raid to finish off LK. Or a phase thing, like Alliance get him to 75%, then LK stuns everybody, horde come in, get him to 50% (while alliace is stunned), get frozen. The Jaina and Sylvanas and other peeps come in, unfreez us and fight togheter.
LK pissed all of us, not just alliance or horde.
He well deserves to die, but I doubt it will be something like Jaina or Sylvanas killing him, it should be something of epic proportions, not an Icebolt or an arrow through the neck.
I have faith in Blizzard and that they will make his death (if he dies) something remarkable.
Also, isn't the map/place where the fight will be going on at the top of the citadel, and the ground will be coming off and falling apart? I'd like to see him fall down from the Citadel, it is a looooong fall xD But thats not whats gonna happen.
@Conchuir sorry, my bad :P