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How Do You Want Arthas To Die?

Death By Tar & Feathering? Death By Tar & Feathering?

Patch 3.3 is so close that I can almost connect to the PTR long enough to play it.  We've been waiting for this content patch ever since it we revealed that Arthas would be joining the game dedicated to him a little late - by C'Thun the star could never arrive on time.  Now that we have the PTR housing patch 3.3, the first round of ever-changing patch notes, maps of the dungeons and lots more, one burning question remains.  How will Arthas die?

Let's start with the more appropriate question.  Will Arthas die?

It has almost become cliche that World of Warcraft's bosses manage to slip through death's grasp at the last second.  A large number of the best known bosses have merely been de-summoned, released from someone's control or regained their sanity (put down at his request).  In the case of the Old Gods, we mortals have been fighting parts of them, leading some to believe that we've only faced a portion of their vast power.  Is it possible that Blizzard could allow one of Warcraft's most infamous villains to avoid the grave?!

Hell no.  The disservice done to fans by allowing Arthas/The Lich King to live would be unfathomable.  He's going down.

Of course, then we return to the original discussion, how do you want Arthas to die?  Blizzard could go one of a hundred ways for Arthas' demise, so I can only tell you how I'd like to see him die.  That would be by Jaina's hand.  If there's anyone who needs redemption for all Arthas has done (that's still alive) it is Jaina, his former lover.

Rather than another Maiev + raiders vs. Illidan team-up, I'd like to see Arthas go all Hulk on us, freezing our toons when we get him to zero HP.  As he's toying with us, attempting to crack our minds, Jaina pops out of no where to confront him.  Being the former suave Prince The Lich King tries to sweet talk his former mate, only to be struck down mid sentence by an icy bolt, and then finished off with a melee move from her staff.  Double tap, it's important.  Her icy demeanor would vanish as he falls to the ground, and then she'd weep over his fallen corpse (as we looted it) as she curses the gods for putting her in such a position.

The odds of my vision coming to fruition are slim to none, but it doesn't hurt to dream.  It wasn't until I finished reading Christie Golden's book that I came to believe Jaine is the only person to send the Prince of Lordaeron six feet under.  How do you want the former paladin to go down?  What about you hordies?  You likely have a different view on this whole Scourge debacle since one of the leaders of your nation-states didn't date the backstabbing necromantic.  Although I hear Thrall has the hots for Jaina.  Just a rumor someone's spreading.  And there is that Slyvanas lady.  Perhaps she'll get her revenge in the horde script?

Reader Comments (93)

I want him to die and restore everything when he does I WILL KILL YOU HEAR ME ARTHAS I WILL KILL YOU!

October 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCarsondapwner

I would actually like him to be purified and brought back to the light and all that jazz, not die.

October 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLawkes

i actually heard that we wern't going to kill the Lich King, but he would be "defeated" like Kil'Jaeden. I'm not sure if this is true but I heard Blizzard say a while ago that they felt they made a huge mistake killing Illidan, and didn't want to make the same mistake. So sorry if I put down your hopes, but that's something to worry about. And it would make a lot more sense with Goblin and Worgen "Death knights".

October 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDaemonbane

Since Saurfang and Muradin are on the airships going up to the top of ICC and they have a fight between the two of them, you won't have either in Arthas' chambers (as depending on your faction, Saurfang/Muradin dies)
I can see Tirion/Mograine wounding Arthas, but neither should get the final blow (and fraknly, I think Tirion's gone a bit insane, listen to his dialogue during all the Argent Tournament stuff both 5-man and especially the Raid.)
It sould be Jaina and/or Sylvanis (If they keep with the idea of phases based on Faction it will be 'or', otherwise I see a collaborative effort. Jaina using her frost magic to bind, Sylvanis firing fatal arrows)
Arthas should definately use his 'ARMAGEDDON!' move to incapacitate/wipe the raid for a cutscene of his fall.

October 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKyndranigar

Thrall, Sylvanas, Vol'jin, Cairne, Garrosh, Saurfang walk in with the players as they confront Arthas, at 90% Arthas summons undead minions, this is when a horde gunship blasts a hole in Icecrown Citadel, and drops in horde soldiers, at 75% Tirion and the Argent Crusade arrive in their shiniez and start to beat on the stronger and much larger wave of undead soldiers, at 50% Darion Mograine and the Knights of the ebon blade arrive, as they enter Arthas summons a MASSIVE army of just plain skeletons (massive army tho k) that slaughters every Crusade, Horde, and Ebon blade soldier (Aside from leaders) 40% Arthas does something that injures all the heroes of the Horde leaving only Darion and Tirion, the latter was stuned by the attack and is slain by Arthas, seeing Tirion fall, Darion grabs the Ashbringer and becomes human again, the bright light blinding Arthas, however, this great change causes darion to collapse and drop the Ashbringer, ending the effect, however, at 20% Saurfang jumps up and goes RAWRRRRRRRRRZAWWWR and slices through Arthas' breastplate in one might cleave, as Arthas focuses on Saurfang you see Sylvanas among the Rafters, at 1% Arthas casts his apocalypse spell, throwing all players against the wall and taking them to 1hp, as arthas turns to escape Sylvanas leaps from her hiding place fires an arrow from her bow catches the arrow in mid fckin air and stabs it through arthas' throat... that is the only way that fight can end, if it doesnt end that way, i never doing IC, at least not killing Arthas

October 6, 2009 | Unregistered Commentershnoo

@Daemonbane: As I recall, the mistake Blizzard felt they made with Illidan was not so much that he was killable. The problem was that he was killable as early as patch 2.1, only about 4 months after Burning Crusade was released (well, plus the time it would take to attune and stuff). That left the game at a bit of a loss afterward: Patch 2.2 didn't really add anything to the world (built-in voice chat was the main thing), 2.3 was mainly Zul'Aman, which was more of a side venture (the loot was inferior to Black Temple, for example), so it wasn't until 2.4 that new actual progression was added with the Sunwell stuff, 10 months after Black Temple.

By comparison, Wrath has seen new stuff added with every major patch: Ulduar in 3.1, Coliseum in 3.2 (though I believe most of the coding effort went toward Isle of Conquest), and in 3.3 we're getting Icecrown. Then I suppose we settle in and wait for Cataclysm some time in spring.

October 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterStaffan

It would be cool to fight Arthas and then you knock Ner'zhul from his body. Then you fight Ner'Zhul. A Death Knight-ish Boss, just with Shaman like attacks instead of the Paladin like ones.

October 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJinasou

How about something truly memorable. For example a scene where there is the liche king with a few of his champions left surrounded by the entirety off the argent crusade/ebon blade, alliance and horde and you (the chosen heroes of your factions) and the faction leaders have it out with the liche king and his last few mighty warriors to the death. For kicks you could probably get the nathreziem involved too. They would probably like to take a shot at arthas too. Alternatively of course the boss of cataclysm could make an appearance and the end of the scourge is actually the start of a whole new war.

October 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLayz

have you thought that they will make Lich King IMPOSIBLE to kill and he will stay in that instance forever? ^_^

October 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterUltimatealex

I think that he is going to die by a goblin sitting on a rocket

October 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMutax

I've actually come up with another way. What if in the conflict, somehow, Jaina (as it is likely the Alliance and Horde will all be there, regardless of which faction is in the instance) uses herself to protect one of the leaders (Thrall for example? Whoever steps forth to engage a beaten down Arthas?) and in the process is either injured or even killed. In seeing the one person who he never thought he'd see again dying, Arthas (the human within) could fight through the Lich King, throw his helm from his head, and offer to the Light his own life for hers. Then, after destroying Frostmourn himself, he takes up a holy sword (Ashbringer? Quel-dalar?) and stabs himself, thus freeing and redeeming his own soul, and making the Light (possibly the Naaru? Since they did take up that one paladin during that quest chain in Northrend) would resurrect Jaina (or heal her if she's just mortally wounded). Then, after a lot of talking, maybe a cinamatic, we finally get the end of the freakin struggle.

October 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAzurienatei

personally i think that there are 2 people that could kill arthas aka the lich king.

and those 2 people are, tirion fordering (sp?) and jaina. Jiana is such a big role in the whole story of this and tirion really wants to beat this shit out of this guy.

But there is also morgrain who swore at the end of the death knight starting area that he would kill arthas, so that could be possible.
If you people are up for it i think that a combined force of tirion, mograin, and jaina will acompany us in the struggle to kill him, like the illidain fight but WAY more epic.

there you go and live with it.

October 8, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterconvikt (my charceter)

"Take that a step further - what if, by chance, Arthas knew that taking up the Frostmourne would eventually kill the Lich King by giving him a human form, and he was willing to lose himself in the process? Would the end justify the means?"

~ Posted by Pixiestixy in: http://sandbox.projectlore.com/blog/is-arthas-capable-of-redemption/

October 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCarlos aka Kershocker

The raid freezes at 1%....The Ner'Zhul part of the Lich King says "What's that smell?" and then arthas takes a gun and shoots himself in the head. Ner'Zhul dies and Arthas survives...

Fight Club reference for people who suck and never saw it

October 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDarashar

epic fight scene of jaina, mograin, garrosh, varian, tirion, and sylvanas owning arthas would be ftw \\m//

October 9, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercaza

The end of the Arthas book is pretty clear on the fact that redemption is not an option for his thing.

I call it a "thing" because Arthas is NOT hiding in there somewhere. Neither is whatever remains of the original Ner'zhul. The two ceased to exist when Arthas donned the Lich King's armor.

We're going to have to kill this thing.

His death by Jaina's hand lends a definite Romeo & Juliet quality to the story; but, his death by Sylvanas' hand in an act of righteous retribution is, by all means, on par with death from a lover's hand.

Either way, I'm not going to being crying when I loot his battered corpse.

October 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKeahi

I think Arthas (the good one) is going to kill himself and ner'zhul at the same time with the use of frostmourn (after all the sword takes souls, then it's the only weapon that could destroy the lich king)

October 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSarrior

At blizcon*i think* they said that arthas will die and he will have a great death video..being aliiance im hopeing for a icebolt to the faace from jania/horde would be an arrow for slyvanas.but perhaps we can save all the souls of the people arthas has killed with the frost mourne?* question...after the litchking dies the undead and deathknights will die again..so..what ..happens..to.me?...uh oh

October 13, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterstesla

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