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RaidID Fix Coming In Patch 3.1

Incoming Change To Help With Badges!

I didn't have the heart to crop out the skull.

Blizzard Entertainment seems to be on a warpath with Wrath of the Lich King's first content patch.  The developer has promised players an insane amount of content including the addition of the largest instance to date, Ulduar, the Dual Spec mechanic, a built-in Gear Manager, and the Argent Tournament, just to name a few.  Not everything coming in v3.1 has been given the bullet point treatment however.

The bloggers on Project Lore have found a few under-the-radar type of additions that we have clung to like a dork to his unopened figures.  Heartbourne gave us the Hearthstone cooldown reduction and Dual Spec price.  The first change was likely made to stop "ghetto hearthing" - the art of abusing an instance for a free hearth.  Juggynaut got hooked on his Legendary mace and the modifications to the Dual Spec feature before hitting us with the removal of the Black and Plagued Proto-Drake meta-achievement rewards.  Myself, well, I covered the Argent Tournament and the patches upcoming gear additions.  Which no one cared about apparently, or just didn't want to spoil themselves.

Following in the footsteps of the Hearthstone's nerf and the additional of the Gear Manager, comes another quality of life change to World of Warcraft, the modification to the RaidID system. Blizzard announced their intentions to overhaul the archaic system a few weeks ago, but I don't think anyone, including Blizzard, expected it to be done for Patch 3.1's testing on the PTR.

The RaidID system is Blizzard's internal way of tracking which instance a toon should be connected to.  The main problem that arose with the system was the lockout period.  Should a player that has cleared a raid or heroic enter into the instance first, followed by the other members of the party or raid, the unsaved players can get linked to the cleared instance.  This would then blow their lockout period.  Needless to say, this small issue pissed people off. A lot.  Zarhym's promise of "a better interface to warn players" has come to light on the PTR, but not as elegant as he hoped.

BigRedKitty's screenshot shows us a dialogue box with a warning on it.  Basically, we have 15 seconds to get out of dodge if the instance is not what we expected, that is it.  The box does not appear to give you any details on the instance itself, so the "better interface" has yet to come to fruition by my standards.  Hopefully further upgrades to the system will be coming in the near future.

Many of you probably never experienced this issue, or don't even care about the "fix", but you should.  In my opinion, it is Blizzard's application of these little tweaks that helps make them one of the premiere developers in the industry.  The company should be applauded for their attention to detail and willingness to correct their mistakes, especially when the issue only effects a small amount of the populace under certain circumstances.  Even if Blizzard does it in an iterative fashion when a more drastic change is called for, at least the ball is rolling.  Right?

Reader Comments (12)

is this really even a fix?
we already knew that we got locked in, so why tell us its going to happen with a little pop up?
this is a pointless addition in my opinion, unless there is more to it that we don't know about yet or something like that

March 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDrygo

it is a fix, it's actually a really nice one. i've gotten locked in by idiots to a completely cleared instance cause they join the group and don't tell anyone their saved so instead of a fresh instance you end up saved. or it's accidently set by the raid leader to the opposite difficulty (normal if it's supposed to be heroic) and people get saved to the opposite instance as well, locking them out of one of their raids for an entire week.

March 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSilver

This is an amazing and definitely needed fix. Many times I have been saved to an instance that I did not participate in; I joined to clear an instance, not get saved to a pre-cleared one.

I, as well as many other raids, am looking forward to this addition. It was much-needed.

March 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBith

It is a fix, you aren't saved until the timer expires. However, it doesn't seem to give you any details on the state of the instance. For example, you may not realize that it has been cleared to the end boss and not the second boss like you were told.

Hopefully they continue to refine the system so we can get more information on it.

March 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenteriTZKooPA

@Drygo the problem was and especially in the quicker Vault and OS runs someone would run it first thing Tuesday morning then by Sunday said moron would "forget" they ran it get all excited about the prospect of getting the last 4 badges they need for that uber cloak they won't replace till 25 man EOE. They would see LFM 25 man OS pst for inv. Then they are like "inv me I got 4kdps". They use their band o Kirin Thor port to Dal sprint to the terrace and fly to Wymrest accord. They land and think i have to pee and take the dog for a walk, don't want to be sitting out by the stone where everyone can see me and ask me to click while I'm afk I'll just zone in. Then they pop into the instance and go grab a donut take the dog out. Meanwhile everyone has started making their way there. People get summoned some are just standing around and decide to go ahead and zone in themselves, finally someone decides to speak up and says, "Where are the trash mobs?". Then another speaks up that sarth is missing too. Then you have a bunch of bitching about how hey it says I'm saved and I haven't run it and the aid falls apart with a lot of pissed off people. It is my understanding that you are only locked to an instance once you have killed at least one boss in the instance. So with this if you get the popup you will be able to zone out while you inquire the raid leader whats up before getting bound to the instance.

March 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPauldy

the popup pops up before you are locked to it so you have 15 seconds to click to leave or to stray in it so if you leave you are not locked and can then proceed to bitch at the raid leader =] so yes it is a fix drygo and if u don't believe me look at the pic he took time to take.

March 2, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterdemonicduke

this is isnt related to the above subject but it is related to the new patch i thought about bloging about this a few times but i didnt think it was worth it but this has been eating alive i realy hope the WG buff known as tanacity gets changed a bit its not fair that we haveto be completly geared to beat a newbie with tanacity for those who dont what it is its a buff that horde usualy get because thier out numbered and it basicly super duper buff am aand you ende fighting a player who has 100k healph and can one shot you and dont even get me started on trying destroy siege vehicles i know some may have diffrent situation whear aliance i out numbered and they can tanacity and allways win but the one thing does change is that the buff gives an unfair advaantage so i ask you as a fellow player to take that in consideration just as you did rune strike made more of a tanking ability being a DK myself i did not like the nerfs but it was naccery i hope you see this of the same importance

March 2, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

and reducing the the hearth stone cooldown wasnt a nerf

March 2, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

QQ cocopuff, You must have horrible horde players. The mechanic should work itself out, apparently your beating people down with 90k health in order for them to get buffed up to 100k. I'm on a server with some bad hordies as well, we usually end up with about a 10% stat boost and it keeps WG swapping back and forth with enough regularity that it doesn't get locked down like Halaa did in outlands. The mechanic works perfectly on our server and has the battles pretty balanced. It's the only form of PvP I participate in any more. It's no fun being one of four people that 40 others get to just steam roll over.

March 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPauldy

well it doesnt b your logic maybe we should not even go to go just let them have it your talkling 10% iama talking 100% 200% 300% and more stat boost have try fighting those we dont even have a chance horde are greatly out numbered on my server so they get a huge boost we are being punished becasue not anough people like horde on my server all iam asking is give the other group a little somthing so we are not just sent to our doom avry 4 hours so we havee a hope of winning so it doesnt kneed to be 20 horde to 100 aliance for us to win and as long we are on teh subject are the alliance ever gointo get a BG they can win we used to have AV but not anymore horde have that to

March 2, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

and its not fun having 40k healph and geting one shoted either

March 2, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

At least it is a start. I expect Blizz to continue development on this one too. This seems to be a band-aid fix for the moment, with something more substantial likely in development.

March 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSlinkz

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