Entries in ensidia (6)
Project Lore Audio Podcast 2: Dave Edition
In our second edition of the currently unnamed experimental Project Lore audio podcast, Pixiestixy, Itzkoopa, and Amatera discussed a range of topics, such as the Ensidia ban, world first Arthas kill, auction house anywhere, and other WoW and MMO topics. Grab the mp3 or Subscribe with RSS!
The Curious Case of High-End Raiding Guilds
[caption id="attachment_4468" align="alignright" width="186" caption="Ensidia"]
Exodus Suspended, Oh My!
In our many attempts at trying to figure out a way to defeat Yogg zero watcher, we found a way to use bugged game mechanics to make phase 3 easier in zero watcher then one watcher. The bug is when someone is left inside the brain room of Yogg-Saron, they can still get aggro on the adds that spawn in phase 3. That means if you have someone getting healing aggro in the brain room, they will get aggro on the adds, which cause them to evade in place and allows for all of your raids dps to be focused on Yogg. We discovered this mechanic on a wipe, and decided to see if we could actually get it to work. The first attempt after that wipe, we realized it worked, and went with it and killed it on that attempt. We also filed a formal bug report on Blizzard's website.Blizzard's EULA clearly states that using an exploit to gain an unfair advantage is against the rules. Exodus doesn't deny that they exploited, or complain about the temporary ban, at least not directly. Nope, Exodus cries foul of favoritism by Blizzard amongst the hardcore raiding guilds. The team alleges that Ensidia and Nihilum have used "clever game mechanics" before, even citing a few Ulduar examples, but haven't been meet by the same backlash from other hardcore guilds, or, and more importantly, Blizzard. At the moment the team is riding out a 72 hour ban and it makes me wonder who at Blizzard makes these decisions. It's obvious that the issues are handled case by case, so does that mean there is a higher up who oversees the GMs? Or is it at the discretion of a server's lead GM? Any readers have that much insight? The guild mud slinging really brings me back though. In the vanilla days of World of Warcraft, whenever a new first kill was announced on Magtheridon (US) everyone would respond that "Feared killed Onyxia first." The quip was due to a long standing debate between who killed the dastardly dragon first, Horde or Alliance. I don't see it anymore so it must have died during The Burning Crusade's heyday, as that is when the old guild disappeared. Slap on the wrist and name calling aside, claiming that you have the right to exploit because the fight is unbeatable is an incredibly lame justification. In case you are wondering, the exploit has already been hotfixed. What's more interesting to you, the temp ban or the possibility of unequal treatment?
Algalon Goes Down!
When Ulduar first hit I made a post asking when we all thought Algalon the Observer (the true final boss of Ulduar) would go down. Well it appears that Ensidia has answered my questions, well, at least for 10 mans.
The super guild announced on their web site that one of their 10-man teams had finally downed him (and also buried a note that another had completed world first Alone In The Darkness).
While I know it will be quite a while before I get to wear the Starcaller title, it is very exciting to hear their impressions of the fight. They of course comment on the added challenge of the one hour timer, but they also claim it is “not quite as hard as Blizzard made it out to be.” I’m taking that with a grain of salt because I imagine their idea of difficult is quite a bit different than mine!
For those that are interested they also provide a link for the loot they obtained as well as some screenshots of the quest chain. They promise video is on the way in short order.
It is encouraging to me to see it took them as long as it did, because in Ensidia time, this took a while! After all they certainly didn’t waste anytime getting world first Yogg, or any other world first for that matter!
So now the only question is how long until we see Algalon-25 go down? Or how about some of the Algalon hard modes? It pretty clear Blizzard intends to keep us all busy for a while.
If you want to keep track of the world first Algalon-25 progress for yourself I recommend you keep an eye on Ensidia’s site… I have a feeling that the news will break there!How Long Until Algalon Goes Down?
Despite the fact that Ulduar is much more difficult that the previous tier of content, there are many guilds that are tearing through it! I mentioned in my last post that Ensidia had downed Yogg-Saron and since then many more have followed. While Yogg is technically the last boss in Ulduar, there is one more challenge lying in there for the truly dedicated raider.
Algalon is the special hard mode only boss that you can only face after defeating the he Assembly of Iron, Hodir, Thorim, Freya, and Mimiron hard modes.
With the news that guilds have started to actually see this fight, and then the following blue post that you can only attempt this boss for one hour PER WEEK, it begs the question. How long until we see this guy go down?
While I was fairly sure we would see him downed by one of the “professional” raiding guilds this week, now I am not so sure. Remember after all, this guy “feeds on your tears” and is not supposed to be easy by any stretch of the imagination. Additionally one hour seems like a ridiculously short window, I imagine it will take some top guilds weeks to learn the fight alone.
Part of me always figured that part of the reason the top guilds could down bosses so fast is because the sheer number of hours they are able to put into an encounter. Now there is a limitation.
Furthermore, what does this mean for the rest of us?? I know my guild spent over 10 hours on Mimiron alone this week (phase 4 is absolutely insane). I am really having a hard time imagining us downing this guy who, presumably is harder, in that short of a window.
I really cannot wait to see how this all shakes out, and will be incredibly impressed with whoever manages world first. This is an interesting move for Blizzard, can’t say I’m sure how I feel about it yet.
What I Expected and Didn't Expect In Patch 3.1
Almost 48 hours since the release of Patch 3.1 and there are still many, many issues to be ironed out. Players across the greater Internet are reporting numerous snags that are consistent with all of Blizzard's content patches. Dead or laggy servers, extended extended maintenance, busted spells, broken talents, castrated add-ons, un-updated add-ons interfering with general WoW play, disconnected instance servers, the works. As Ivnication stated in the Secrets of Ulduar post, even if Blizzard had a perfect patch, it'd be unlikely that we would have been able to raid efficiently on Wednesday, let alone Tuesday, due to the massive amount of changes.
As it stands now, I have let the issue go by the wayside. Better to shrug it off than pull my hair out while screaming about my paying customer status. During the intermittent server problems I spent most of my time leveling my priest's professions and, preparing her for her incoming second spec. Since I wasn't doing anything of consequence, I allowed my eyes and mind to roam and came across a collection of unexpected things. First and foremost, Magtheridon was playable by late Tuesday evening. Being an original server, I expected it to be utterly destroyed by its high population, so I was taken aback by its playability.
I did my best to keep up on the patch notes and all the upcoming stuff in Wrath's first content patch, but a lot of small tweaks managed to slip by me. It takes enough time to digest the class changes, let alone all of the other stuff listed in the patch notes. It wasn't until I was a few hours into the patch that I began noticing just how many things I missed.
There are a ton of new icons for various spells and talents including Devouring Plague, Cleanse Spirit, Riptide and many others. Even the Essence of Wintergrasp icon has been overhauled with new art.
Along with the addition of maps for the dungeons, Blizzard overhauled the minimap. Our personal guide is far more detailed and allow us to zoom out further than before. A fantastic surprise addition for me.
You no longer need to be near a Lexicon of Power to apply a Glyph. Does that change make the Lexicons completely useless, or do Inscriptors need them for something specific? I haven't rolled one yet so I am not certain. Speaking of Glyphs, how did the old Supply and Demand scale work on your servers? Prices on Magtheridon are up over 200%.
- New music courtesy of Ulduar and the Argent Tournament!
"Flint and Tinder is no longer necessary for creating a campfire. You're just that resourceful!" (emphasis added). That bit from the patch notes just made me laugh, even though I see the bold as a possible slight against the hardcore RPers. Apparently we are all Survivorman. Now I can make my first campfire.