Entries in Isle of Quel'Danas (3)

The Next Expansion: Sacking A Town

Run Ma, It's A Hurricane! Run Ma, It's A Hurricane! The Next Expansion is an ever growing series of articles that focuses on WoW's upcoming third expansion.  The column covers news, speculation and even gameplay mechanics that PL's writers would like to see implemented. The little quip about Southshore vs. Tarren Mill in yesterday's post was no accident.  We've discussed the topic at length in the past and it continues to instill a sense of nostalgia whenever it is brought up.  Unless you were trying to level during those days it was pure fun.  Even most of the lowbies didn't mind, as they got to be a part of the battle (even if it was a small part) and a glimpse of the future.  Occasionally the skirmishes became so large, and the resurrection timers so long, that one of the towns (often Tarren Mill due to level differences of the hubs) would be decimated.  Crushed, destroyed, void of anything but the corpses of the fallen and the invaders who laid them to rest. I've been waiting for a Blizzard sanctioned event since.  No, I don't count Wintergrasp.  What I want is the mix of PvP and PvE that the battles gone bye brought us.  If one side dominated the other than it had an adverse affect on one's ability to continue questing in the area.  Sure, the NPCs respawned quickly, but when the town was completely sacked they'd fall to another blade in a moment's notice.  Not to mention that it was damn near impossible to be questing between the two towns without being ganked. By binding a PvP/PvE area to the Honor system (sacking a town would give bonus honor to everyone involved) the system could be arbitrarily policed.  Upon the battle's completion the town would take time to recuperate.  With nothing to kill, and no honor to be gained the opposing faction would be forced to travel to some other land, giving the losers an opportunity to finish and turn in quests.  Or they could always prepare a counter-attack. Unfortunately some people would deem this as too hardcore, since your leveling could come to a crawl.  So I'll present another scenario along the same lines that wouldn't be PvP oriented, but pure PvE.  One that is a perfect application of Tabula Rasa's invading forces mechanic mixed into the speculated world event for WoW Cataclysm. With the Naga invading local shorelines the citizens of the areas beg for help, anybody's help.  Upon accepting your dispatch you are sent to various shores to clean up the invading forces, driving them back by the dozens.  Despite our best efforts the sea beasts overrun the shorelines, pushing further and further in.  As time progresses the bustling ports of Menethil Harbor, Southshore, Booty Bay and more are taken by the Naga.  With our shipping and supply lines in peril the capital cities have no choice but to attack the Naga's home.  It isn't until we breach their final defenses that the Naga swarm retreats back into the ocean to defend their Queen. Think of it as a reverse Isle of Quel'Danas event.  Instead of us opening up content by reclaiming the island, the invasion's progress (which would be an unstoppable force) would reveal new objectives.  We'd start off with simple quests to collect information and slaughter the early cannon fodder.  Then we would work our way up to Naga Officers (outdoor bosses), staging grounds (5-man dungeons somewhere on the shores) and naval combat (ship to ship battles against the Naga).  The aquatic tyranny would not end until we have breached the Maelstrom and located the Naga hideout.  The bosses and invading force would then return, leaving the land mostly intact. What do you think?  Would you rather the mix scenario or straight up PvE?  Any other ideas out there for a return of TM vs SS style combat?  At least these scenarios would finally make the Local Defense channel actually mean something.

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Fond Memories: The Gates (And Raids) of Ahn'Qiraj

General Rajaxx Teasing Us To Join Him Aside The Gong
One of the coolest things of vanilla WoW was the release of the first Old God's lair, Ahn'Qiraj.  Blizzard made a huge deal of the event, going so far as to completely re-design an original zone (it was basically unused at release).  The developers added lore, additional factions for rep grinds, more lore, not one, but two raids, and the most epic questline/launching event in the game.  The line was completable by only the most dedicated of players, only with the support of the most skilled guilds.  And if you think your Achievements mean something, try being one of a handful of people (usually only one or two) on the server with the Scarab Lord title and the super-duper incredibly rare, don't even bother asking where they got it if you don't know, Black Scarab Battletank. It's quite hard to describe exactly how crazy The Gates of Ahn'Qiraj were, but I will try anyways.  The opening of the Isle of Quel'Danas was a nerfed version of The War Effort.  In it the Horde and the Alliance had to turn in separate supplies to their capital cities.  The requirements covered everything, various fish, cloths, herbs, food, metal bars, animal hides, etc.  If it was a collectible, often profession-based, several thousand of them were required for the war effort.  Tens of thousands of gold "wasted." Unlike the Isle's opening events, the event would not progress on a timer either.  If the denizens of the server didn't contribute, then the content didn't become available.  On Magtheridon (US) the largest Alliance and Horde guilds set up trading posts in the neutral auction house to quicken the pace.  To foster additional faction support, the guild I was a part of offered free BWL and MC (best available at the time) loot to those that sent us items to hand in.  It was a massive undertaking, far more than the Isle of Quel'Dans times four, and as far reaching as the infamous zombie invasion of Wrath of the Lich King. When my guild decided to patch up our problems by running some old world content I pointed them in the direction of Ahn'Qiraj.  They bit without a second thought.  Most of the guild members wanted to run it for the achievements, which was fine by me since SolidSamm didn't have any C'Thun gear (anymore) to be retroactively awarded, but I suggested it mainly for the memories.  The Gate opening was the first, and only, time that I woke up at 6:00 AM for a video game.  AQ40 was what made me a min-maxer, it's when I first tried to compete with other members.  The raid made me a hardcore player, rather than a member of a hardcore guild.  I finally began to pull my weight, rather than being pulled. To say I was excited to run across those sands again would be an understatement.  With only one other raid member (of 10-13) having been to AQ40 before, I felt like a tour guide.  Myself and my GM, who cleared most of AQ40 back in the day, touched upon the lore as we tore though AQ20, answering questions, elaborating on how hard this boss was, or how you could graveyard zerg General Rajaxx.  After downing Ossirian we headed off to AQ40 which, thanks to Naxxramas moving, is still the most difficult level 60 raid in the game. Off the bat we received not one, but two Red Crystals, both of which I lost.  I also noticed a few changes, namely the uselessness of said crystals, now that all mounts are usable in the Temple, and a severe reduction in the amount of trash.  Certainly didn't expect them to edit another old world instance. We continued on with Solidsamm pretending to be a capable tank as we progressed to the Twin Emperors largely unfazed.  Although we touched upon the boss strategies for every encounter, more to reminisce and inform rather than being worried, this was to be the only discussion that mattered.  And matter it did. To summarize the battle, the Twin Emps will heal each other if they are within 60 yards, so they must be tanked on opposite sides of the room.  Easy right?  Complicating things a little is the fact that one is immune to physical, and the other magical damage, so a caster tank must be employed.  Oh, and there are bugs in the room that become mutated and must be killed, but they are trivial at level 80 (not everyone was 80), as should the entire encounter.  It wasn't. It turns out that the guildies and PUGs we brought couldn't follow simple directions.  People ran around like headless chickens on every single transfer, which allowed the Emperors to constantly heal each other.  After struggling with the 100% mobs for a few minutes I gave up DPSing in protest.  A few wipes later and it was over, I sad my goodbye, thanks and ran for the hills.  Without the Achievement. I'll be going back to poke C'Thun's eye at some point, but perhaps ProjectLore needs to create an AQ40 video so my pampered guildmates can visually see how the tanking is supposed to occur to show the old content to new players.  We tried the IBM approach, piling on more raids members, but that only added to the headless chicken effect.  I don't regret the repair bill or the time spent.  It was a wonderful experience to express my useless knowledge, pretend to tank and just relax during a raid.  I believe the guildies who attended would agree. Has your guild ever ran old content for soothing purposes?  How about just to check out the old school content, to see what you missed?  I think we all could use some more fun runs in this serious business. Quote of the night:  "How did you guys ever do this with 40 people?"

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My Favorite Dailies Friend K'iru

Oh my favorite dailies friend of all time, other than my RL buddies whom I play with from time to time has to be K'iru. She is, or he is, the wonderful Naaru that appears after all of the Shatterd Sun Offensive objectives have been completed and the Isle of Quel'Danas has been taken back from the jerks trying to take over the island. So why is she / he my favorite friend? One word... err buff:  K'iru's Song of Victory. What does that do? Well let me tell you. It gives you a fantastic buff of 79 stamina nd 40 intellect while in Sunwell, Magister's Terrace and the entire Isle of Quel'Danas... for free... forever... for freakin' frackin' awesome. Woot! Can we just agree that this buff is quite nice when doing those 15 or so daily quests around the Isle? It's so nice. And to have that buff while in Sunwell and MgT is super awesome... well not that great since you can't stack fortitude or arcane brilliance with it, but still very nice. So has your sever unlocked K'iru yet? Was it one of the first or is it still trying? Let me know. I'm always curious how my server Frostmane is doing compaired to other servers. Just fun info for me. If you got it, run to the Isle, grind those dalies, and go buy some really over-priced bags to get ready for WotLK. See you on the Isle.

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