The High Inquisitor: Where Are All the Kids?

The High Inquisitor: Where Are All the Kids?

The High Inquisitor is a new regular column at Project Lore that seeks answers to the greatest mysteries of Azeroth. Each week, the inquisitor will attack a previously unanswered question and attempt to explain the unknown. But she won’t rest until all plausible explanations are explored. The best, most probable comment(s) will be highlighted with the next edition’s inquisition.
Hello, and welcome to another inquisition! Last time, we had even more participation from readers who wanted to give input on the magical mystery of bag space. And we weren't the only ones with the topic on the brain. Earlier this week, the official Warcraft twitter account asked the same question of readers, also paying tribute to a pretty hilarious artist's depiction of Warcraft bags. They even showed Project Lore some love when I replied that we also were looking into the question!
But, all that aside let's take a look at what a couple of our readers thought:
Quite a few comments seemed to support ViperhawkZ's idea: "It’s probably that the inside of the bags in part of another dimension, so we aren’t physically carrying the items but we can reach in and grab them."
Ellifain and a couple of others had another explanation: "To make high level bags, do you not have to use MAGICAL reagents to craft them? Thus making the bag magical too?"
Both are definite possibilities. And the best part: Make it like a Choose Your Own Adventure book. It's not written directly into the lore, so you can decide on your own explanations.
But, moving on, we have more to discuss. This week, I want to know: Where are all the children? Sure, all the little orphans come out for Children's Week and we get to make amends for kidnapping wolvar pups or killing off their murloc families by performing good deeds like talking to them, showing them around Azeroth and Outland and eating yummy sweets while they watch (wait, good deeds?). But where are they during the other 51 weeks of the year?
Logic would say, they're in the Orphanarium, of course. And I'll accept that as an answer for some of this child population. But not all of them. Why don't we ever see kids in low-level outposts, or in the original capital cities, where they would be somewhat safe (at least compared to anywhere else around Azeroth)? Where are the playgrounds, parks, training areas and schools? The only instance of those I can think of off the top of my head is the Argent Crusade gruntling "companion pet," which could be more along the lines of child slave labor than anything else.
I don't expect to see many kids in the high-level areas of the world, but even there one would expect to see some.
So, I'll throw out a couple of possible explanations to get the ideas rolling. Perhaps kids are all around, as would be expected, but they have learned to hide from pretty much everyone, given the state of warfare within their world.
Or, beyond hiding, maybe the children are protected by some kind of magical ward that makes them invisible to most everyone. This could explain why, even during Children's Week, we need a whistle to make them appear.
These answers, however, are not yet satisfactory enough. Why do you think children appear to be so absent from the World of Warcraft?
Reader Comments (1)
I say they are all well trained rogues, and can stealth anywhere and whenever they want. Maybe kitty druids too.