Patch 3.2 is Sending Us Back Into Heroics
Posted by Bastosa on Friday, June 26, 2009 - 61 Comments Tags: badges, bastosa, emblems, heroics, heroism, loot, triumph, valor
Like you guys and gals, I have been poring over all the exciting info coming out of the PTR right now. New gear, dungeons, and battlegrounds are so much fun and what keep this game exciting.
But I can't help feel that the most significant change in this patch is something we found out about a while ago, and will change the way we play this game more than you might realize.
The change I am referring to is the changes that Blizzard is making to the emblem system. In case you missed the blue post, here is the section I am referring to.
So what does this mean for our daily play style? Simply that we now have lots of reason to run heroics. Currently there is virtually no reason for me to step into a heroic. I don't need heroism emblems, gear, or rep. I, like many others, have progressed past this. But now things are different.
With every boss dropping Conquest Badges the first few weeks of 3.2 are going to be full of heroic runs. This will let us get all the T8 tier gear, runed orbs, and deadly gear that we could possibly want in a very short period of time. Eventually we will all get all the conquest gear we can handle, but for a short time heroics will be very important.
What is even more exciting is the details regarding daily quest rewards. Both the daily and heroic dailies will no give us Emblems of Triumph, which will purchase the next highest level of gear and, presumably, T9 tokens. To me this means I will be doing both of those dungeons every day that I can.
It will certainly be an adjustment, but I must say I am sort of looking forward to it. I have always been a big fan of 5-mans, something about that groups size lends itself to a fun relaxed atmosphere. It is something I have missed.
With this news I know I have lots of heroic dungeons ahead of me, and more importantly heroic dungeons worth doing! How do you feel about this change? Looking forward to getting back in those 5-mans? Or would you just as well leave them behind?
But I can't help feel that the most significant change in this patch is something we found out about a while ago, and will change the way we play this game more than you might realize.
The change I am referring to is the changes that Blizzard is making to the emblem system. In case you missed the blue post, here is the section I am referring to.
- Emblem System Changes
- Both the 10 and 25-player instances of the Crusaders' Coliseum drop a new Emblem of Triumph.
- Any dungeons that previously dropped Emblems of Heroism or Valor, such as Naxxramas or Heroic Halls of Stone, will now drop Emblems of Conquest instead. Emblems of Conquest can still be converted to Valor or Heroism.
- The Heroic dungeon daily quest will now reward 2 Emblems of Triumph and the normal daily dungeon quest will reward 1 Emblem of Triumph.
- The existing achievements to collect 1, 25, 50, etc. Emblems of Heroism, Valor, and Conquest have been converted to Feats of Strength since Heroism and Valor Emblems are no longer attainable.
- New achievements have been added to collect various amounts of any combination of emblems.
So what does this mean for our daily play style? Simply that we now have lots of reason to run heroics. Currently there is virtually no reason for me to step into a heroic. I don't need heroism emblems, gear, or rep. I, like many others, have progressed past this. But now things are different.
With every boss dropping Conquest Badges the first few weeks of 3.2 are going to be full of heroic runs. This will let us get all the T8 tier gear, runed orbs, and deadly gear that we could possibly want in a very short period of time. Eventually we will all get all the conquest gear we can handle, but for a short time heroics will be very important.
What is even more exciting is the details regarding daily quest rewards. Both the daily and heroic dailies will no give us Emblems of Triumph, which will purchase the next highest level of gear and, presumably, T9 tokens. To me this means I will be doing both of those dungeons every day that I can.
It will certainly be an adjustment, but I must say I am sort of looking forward to it. I have always been a big fan of 5-mans, something about that groups size lends itself to a fun relaxed atmosphere. It is something I have missed.
With this news I know I have lots of heroic dungeons ahead of me, and more importantly heroic dungeons worth doing! How do you feel about this change? Looking forward to getting back in those 5-mans? Or would you just as well leave them behind?
Reader Comments (61)
I don't generally mind doing heroics again (with both of my 80's characters), but I do feel it's a bit forced. I have a beef with 2 issues:
1) People will only be in for the quests. The dungeon itself has nothing new and the challenges are secondary. It will become a grind instead of running an instance.
2) It will cut off all the current end-game content. Barely dinged 80's will be wearing ilvl245 epics in a week or two. My hard-earned epics will become worthless - both stats-wise and fame-wise. Naxxramas will become barren - not that I care about THAT ONE - and so will Ulduar.
Begs the question: is Blizzard going too casual?
Although there are many complaints I beg the question of how many achievement whores are out there? I am one that goes for all the achievements that I can. I see this patch bringing more to Naxxramus and other raids with people being geared. The reason I see this is cause of all the hype casual players have about finally hitting 80 and trying to get in to the guild that can put them into any raid. I know because it took me 6 months after WotLK came out to hit 80. Also the rest of the patch tells you why people need the pvp gear. It is for all the people that will need 3s and 5s teams to actually have ratings for titles. 2s teams will only get you arena points. So I say that the upgrade is a plus and that all those that complain must not have enough of a life to get out of the game to understand the casual players fun.
I'm agree with you B on the five-man runs. They are way more laid back and less frenetic. But, I on the other hand still crave heroic gear drops, so I'll take both that and medals for now.
Thanks for the update
Noobs in T8 ...FTW?
Is blizzard kidding, this is one of the biggest fails I've seen in a long time. I'm all with Nick on this, noobs running around in T8 with no effort at all. And 5-man HC's will be a joke to farm for persons with t8 ->
Personally I don't want to be backed up in the Icecrown Citadel raid by an idiot who only dinged 80 two days ago with no/wrong enchants/gems.
I was annoyed enough that I saw a hunter in VoA the other day in Valorous Gloves and legs but the rest was blue! Dps lower than the tank, naturally.
Gear is no longer a reliable meter of ability.
This would be better handled by being able to convert Badges of Justice>Emblems Of Heroism>Emblems Of Valor>Emblems Of Conquest at a 5:1 ratio each. My main has 170 from doing various old instances... That converts to:
170 BoJ
34 EoH
6 EoV
1 EoC (125 BoJ to get 1 EoC).
With no way to get the new Emblem except by doing the new raid. Currently I have no use whatsoever for my Badges, and all my Emblems Of Heroism go into buying gems for new gear.
Pretty sure with t8 gear most hybrids will be able to solo (or at most duo) the UK/VH Heroics. A pally in our guild cleared all Heroic 70 dungeons in t7s solo (inc MgT).
good - this new badge system will make it a hell of alot easier for your alts to get some gear.
bad - the majority of players in each server is terrible. they now have access to high-end gear just by doing some easy shit. sure it will take them time but still, they can get it...which is pretty lame.
But eh, you can also spot the bad ones. Skill is still a factor. If someone has the gear but can;t do more then 3k, then you can tell those are the crappy noobs.
WoW is slowly fading...the easier it is to attain gear, the more players will get bored and leave all together. But then again, blizz does have a new MMO planned for next year....probably just giving WoW it's last breathes. Icecrown Citadel will probably have 10 badges from heroics, 5 from heroic daily, 3 from reg daily, have badges hidden around the world(like an easter egg hunt), and trivia questions in which you get right they will hand you a badge...maybe 2!!!
this is great news for me , seeing as im a resto druid who wishes to be a boomy D: and my pally is almost 80 X3 not to mention i love heroics >w< so much easier than farming raids once a week and getting nothing from it
It's five pieces of set gear. Last time I checked there are still twelve other gear slots that aren't effected by this change.
No one will stop going on raids because they have five set items.
I quit WoW two months ago and this new badge system might make me want to go back.
Blizzard is making the right choice with this because they wanted the casuals to see more endgame, and this is also good for people coming back into the game.
Also dont judge the people with crapy gear because if they know how to play there class they will be excellent in dps.
To agree with GQ:
You cant even buy all 5 pieces with your EoC. Only the Helmet and Chest are available. That makes 15 gear slots that arent effected. If you take someone with only 2 pieces of T8 and the rest of their gear is horrible, thats your fault.
I like that they're doing this.
It's gunna be more like TBC when you could farm heroics for better gear than some raids.
I think this is the best move Blizzard has made in a long time. They progress us futher into content, then they go BAM! Come back to the previous content! They give us a reason to go back, to go forward. I love this. It's going to be great. What's even better is we go for the Conquest Emblems, but once we're done, we want to continue for the Emblems of Triumph. Blizzard just covered the bases here.
Great job Blizzard.
It's nice that we can all get T8 gears after this patch comes out, I just feel bad for all of those that first went through Ulduar and had to learn all the fights before they got themselves geared...
pfff al the time grinding the emblems with raids that took so mutch time and with 1 patch all that time was useles?????
ofcourse i can do the newer raids but my guild would spend more time to boost the lowergeared people in the guild with heroic's.
Just looks like another reason for the Recount addicts to up the bar on their DPS 'wants'; all of which I will maintain with my dying breath as being totally unquantifiable...
Blizzard wants more people to get access to the better gear, but those who live by Recount, et al are doing all they can to redress any progress Blizzard allows...
... go figure...
Upshot of all this...? I'll wait 'til the next expansion before soloing the BC ones & getting the experience that way.
*BC ones - Heroics.
@ dps (& all the other dps-meter hard-liners) ...
Tell me where on the character sheet stat's it quantifies your DPS capability...? Yes; actually QUOTES that your character is able to maintain over 2000dps (for example) on EVERY single encounter they have...?
Origingal WoW - no badges. Still awesome.
BC - a single type of badge. Cool improvement.
WotLK - up to 4 different badges so far. Annoying.
I dont think they need to be doing all these big patch updates so often. Yes, the people that play all the time may get bored, but oh well. We all pay the same monthly fee, no matter if we play 10 days or all 30. Seems kind of discouraging. Then I'll finally start getting triumph badges and those will be outdated. WotLK hasn't even been out a year yet and so many changes. Its fun, let us all have time to play it as it was originally intended.
-end rant-
Everyone please quit, this game is TERRIBLE. Too Easy. Crap graphics. Crap gameplay. BrokeN pvp. Broken Game. BROKEN. Crap. Jesus, this game SUCKS. It's is ment for 8 year olds and people who love to whine all damn day.
Not to mention the community in this game IS IN FACT the worst community in any online multiplayer game.
@ iquitwow
if you feel like that perhaaps this game really isnt for you go try runescape
guys who havent been in the test realms or ptr or whatever...if u know what happend to star wars galaxies this is gonna be exactly the same..this patch will completely screw up the game..the content is good but the changed everything to fast..and everything on the same patch...start playing cs instead...
You can get 2 pieces of T8 without ever stepping into a raid. LOL, WoW sure has changed...
the only porblem is running into a rai with 2 t8 and a bunch of herioc gearand then later having a comobo of t7 and t8 gear not being able to complete the set till ulduar its jsut a big tease but like those of you QQ about the game getting to easy and all the time you wasted on raids i will ahve to get over it
i think this is a stupid thing for blizzard to do, you are screwing over all of the people that put time into the game to get there tier 8 gear. now your going let peole who just turned level 80 tier 8 gear in less than 2 weeks. plus no one is going to want to run naxx, voa, and os because everyone is going to have all of the gear anyways.... blizzard is shooting them selfes in the foot here.